Theme by Kelly
Classic Pac-Man animated ghost moving in all directions and hovering in the corners. All the fruits are also used as the main icons for each column along with recolored classic icons in the same format as the Pacman logo in yellow with red and blue offset versions behind them. The animation and all images are high quality and super sharp! This was my first and still fav dynamic theme! Let me know what you think!
Updated in this version:
-Reduced the speed of the ghosts movement a bit
-Made the ghosts a little bit smaller
-Extended the trail on the ghosts and added more “echos” into it
-Added a little more glow effect to the ghosts
-Added a glow effect behind the Pac-Man logo and the 4 ghosts in the corners
-All new sub icons, all modeled after the Pac-Man logo in yellow with the blue and red offset versions behind.
Download Here
do you like making themes? are you a professional theme maker on this site? do you want to make themes for sony? if so contact me to inquire for a idk if i can say job as we are just looking for the best of the best to start this little business i thought of. any creator is accepted dynamic or static must have high reviews and lots of experience.
That’s a bad thing, Lisa, you should take care for real!
(bad girl… lol! Just kidding, of course :P)
I’m sorry for that
Faxtron, my friend… Well, actually I don’t know what’s the name (or maybe I don’t remember, like many other things :P) and honestly I stopped thinking about it, lol!
Only thing I know for sure is that often I have real blackouts, or my hands start trembling, or I completely forget some things, or sometimes I’m not able to talk, and stuff like that…
Yeah, maybe it could be what you said, I don’t know.
Also, what I call “the cure”, is not a real treatment: it’s just a series of medicines against memory loss and other ones that help me when my limbs are trembling. Plus, I always try to keep my brain trained, in order not to forget things (I even have notes and post-it pasted everywhere, loooool!!! :P)…
Well, I just call it that way for convenience, that’s all. But I have to say that this helps me a lot, especially making themes and coming here to talk with all of you, guys!
@OPTIMUS Well I’m curious now to know the name of your condition… As I know the most common cause of irreversible, degenerative process of the brain cells, loss of memmory and dementia,even death eventually is Alzheimer’s disease. Unfortunately current treatments only help with the symptoms of the disease. There are no available treatments or a cure that stop or reverse the progression of the disease. Are you suffer from Alzheimer’s disease ? Forgive me for make you this question but I’m curious to know what is your condition ? BTW : I hope you be the first man to get a 100% cure for your condition. I pray all days for that for real my friend. As I said the other day this world need more people like you my friend.
@opti well opti im diabetic and i don’t even take care of my self i ended up the the hospital twice now because i don’t do what i’m suppose to do. but hey it is what it is….
lol….still…..i feel sad now. i know you just have to keep moving…..i will pray for you.
@LILRICAN: Lol, yeah… he’s the man…
Well, I’m suffering from an irreversible degenerative process of the brain cells: practically, my brain is shutting down day by day.

The cure is slowing down the process a little, but aside that, there’s nothing else to do: you know, nature cannot be beaten…
Anyway, yeah, my will is strong I suppose… hey, don’t forget I’m a robot, after all
@opti well he is the man…..but i mean with tech so advance now there must be something to delay it at least…..
at least your will is strong
@LISA: Well, actually even God could do anything…

But hey, it’s ok! I’m doing a cure that is slowing down the process a little, and I’m not dying tomorrow!
And I still have lots of themes to finish and upload here…
@KELLYJAYE: Lol, I never played SSX in all my life…
But Lisa asked for this theme and… given that Faxtron and OPTIMUS are quite picky like robots (hey, wait… I AM a robot! :P) we decided working together, joining our abilities in animation and drawing, to create this theme the best way possible…
check your inbox…lol
there must be something to fix you i mean over here we have the best doctors in the world.
lol ok….
btw remember my idea i told you about….
think pretty colors like a strobe light show. lol
Dying?? booo!
This must be some theme you guys are working on! Never thought of SSX being so great to need an awesome theme but I guess your just a superfan!
My Galaga theme should go online anytime Im guessing, dying to get reaction if its anything like Pacman did
@LISA: Ehm… yep, I’m dying
And… nope, no previews or rough draft allowed: even if I told you my idea, Faxtron and I are working undercover
and it should be a surprise (I hope) 
As for the icons… same thing: I can just tell you that I’m making simple but particular icons at the same time. They will be in a simple shape, but made in a particular way (let’s say I’m using a specific texture that I drew time ago to test a new technique I wanted to use for another theme that I never finished)
Just today, Faxtron gave me an effect he made for the theme, so I started modifying the background and the other effects I already made in order to integrate this new one…
Stay tuned!
@opti Ricardo are you dying? i saw a post that you said something like that……
lol im sure i will like it would like to see the rough draft though. btw as for the icons what are you aiming for? ice particles,snow flakes,ect?
@LISA: Loooool! Hey Lisa, restrain your enthusiasm!
Even if I explained you in detail my idea on how I imagined to realize the theme, and even if I drew all elements from scratch, then it doesn’t mean you will like it…
As I said, I wanted to make it rich but simple at the same time: I’m fully confident in Faxtron’s abilities and I’m sure he will do a great animation work, but you know, it’s not guaranteed that you automatically will like my style, or my “artistic direction”, as well as the icons (on which I’m working right now) or anything else…
Over years, people liked my works because I always tried to “interpret” as best as possible all I wanted to depict in the themes, but everything’s relative
lol no my bad. i meant 16bit.. i was thinking 8bit because of super mario bros lol.. anyways if you can, i would love to see a super mario bros theme although i prefer super mario world but it doesn’t really matter lol whichever you want to do
Hi Jaydee, Mario is a little newer than I was going for but I will need to do a mario one at some point I guess :-). One thing though, Super Mario “World” was 16bit on SNES, are you referring to the Super Mario “Bros” on NES?
Hey kelly i got a request if you can.. Can you make a super mario world theme?? Not the new ones, the 8bit pixels classic.
Thanx Adam, those are some of the best times to be reminded of!
awesome reminds me of when i was 3 or 4
thank you ^^
lol just wait and see. if u like my idea then maybe u can join my little project i have going on in secret.
Havent played SSX since the very first one and a little of Tricky, curious to see what ya got!
Kelly that Galaga theme looks awesome, definitely you are my new hero
Lol nice. Wait till u see the ssx theme that I gave the idea to fax and opti lol
Just submitted my new Galaga theme! It hasnt posted yet but I did submit a video preview at if anyone is interested. There is SO much more I wanted to do like have them enter and spin around in huge numbers like the game, but with the limited frame rate, I couldnt do it in a way that looked right :-(. Maybe once someone figures out how to increase that, Ill make a new version!
Themes are fun to make now!!!
Nope only headset. I wished i could.
so i guess the ssx theme is going well? lol
@FAXTRON: No problem, my friend!

As I told you in my email, feel free to add all the effects or anything else you want to enrich the theme
I drew the backgrounds and the various elements, and I created that lens flare effect with a different angle in each background/frame in order to make it slightly turn during the animation, so… my mission is complete
Everything’s up to you, now
@OPTIMUS I get your email with all the files to start with the SSX theme, thanks. BTW I have some ideas to make it more real
The elements are perfect. I only have one sugestion but I will send you a message by email with that idea.
@LISA: Ok, then: since Vita means “life” here in Italy… stop playing with your life, girl! Lol!
It’s a very simple theme I made 1 year ago, when the code name still was NGP, but it could be nice: you just need to type “Next Generation Portable” in the search bar…
Assuming you mean the Vita and that I think it has bluetooth, can you connect a bluetooth keyboard to it? Or maybe USB with an adapter?
typing on here is a pain……
nope lol
lol kelly girl power!
hmm, not sure what icon that is. But if its good, ill take credit for it
hey congratulations on the #1 spot! told ya it was the best. lol, i was talking about the secondary video icon, the ‘divix file’ icon, cant wait for your next theme,,
Yay! This is #1 for “popular now” and #10 for the week!
My Galaga one is looking good, just trying to get a better understanding of how to make object follow a path in After Effects
Website NEVER have looked properly on a game system or cell phone. Thats the fault of the system makers for providing such out dated crappy browsers (why do they keep doing this???) They are just starting to get things right though, My Android phone tends to come through most of the time.
lol who wants to add me on vita? lol btw this site looks bad on vita lol
@LISA: Well, if I remember correctly, you just need to go to the forum. In the lower right corner there’s the “Top Posters” list: by clicking on names, the “profile window” should appear and from there it should be possible to send PMs.
(By the way… did you find my PS Vita theme I told you about yesterday?)
@KELLYJAYE: GALAGAAAAA!!! Oh man, I’m going crazy already!
Lol at me. It never occured to me to manually change the frame rate (frames per second) settings. Thanks!
I’m currently working on a Moe’s Bar (simpsons) theme, a PS3-Themes theme, and a Skyrim. Btw, Galaga was my favorite arcade game of all time! Untill Golden Tee came out that is. Thanks for the settings, let ya know how it works out.
Cool! Im gonna try them there settings.
I just made a new quick theme for a friend and Everything worked out a lot better this time. My settings for making in HD with After Effects…
Comp size: 1280×720
length 0:00:03:01
Convert to a .MOV
And dont drop any frames when importing into Photoshop
Working on my third theme now….Galaga!!
@ Kelly
True only 15 for the 1080 rez. What i meant was (didnt explain it very well) that I tried making an animation with 30 frames. I was eventually going to reduce to 15 to fit the criteria but I didnt even get that far since i couldnt do anything in AA with 30 frames. So doing an ani with only 34 frames sounds tough (w/o the reduction method). Your PM theme came out really well so you obviously dont need any help from me. lol! Just keep doing what your doing.
I believe 1080 only gives you like 15 frames to work with which is super crappy! the 34 frames is for 720 which I think is totally fine when compared to 1080
I thought I saw for 1080, you were limited to like 15 frames or something, I didnt even bother trying for that! And 720 is what gives you the 34 frames which I think I can work with ok.
Wow, im really glad you like! I had been waiting for them to make official Pacman themes, avatars, etc… would probably be the only ones i would actually pay money for it it was any good. So now I can finally make what I want
The ghosts in the corners, i just applied a basic 3D effect with Illustrator. I had more stuff in the middle but it started to seem to busy and hard to see the ions so I took it out. And yes, I did modify the speech bubble to look like the maze, glad you noticed!
I learned about that last minute so it was kinda rushed but came out ok for now I think. Im not sure what the “Yellow Movie Clip” thing is you mentioned though.
lol opti how do i pm you? i can’t find it lol