Pac-Man Ghost Swarm

Theme by Kelly

Updated v1.20

Classic Pac-Man animated ghost moving in all directions and hovering in the corners. All the fruits are also used as the main icons for each column along with recolored classic icons in the same format as the Pacman logo in yellow with red and blue offset versions behind them. The animation and all images are high quality and super sharp! This was my first and still fav dynamic theme! Let me know what you think!

Updated in this version:
-Reduced the speed of the ghosts movement a bit
-Made the ghosts a little bit smaller
-Extended the trail on the ghosts and added more “echos” into it
-Added a little more glow effect to the ghosts
-Added a glow effect behind the Pac-Man logo and the 4 ghosts in the corners
-All new sub icons, all modeled after the Pac-Man logo in yellow with the blue and red offset versions behind.
Download Here


152 thoughts on “Pac-Man Ghost Swarm

  1. FanTASTIC theme!!!! (Pac-Man Ghost Swarm) I still love this game & play it all the time. 🙂

  2. @faxtron
    It seems they never got it or rejected it, unsure! I emailed them asking about it and they said it definitely should have been posted because I sent it 2 weeks ago. We I resent it again on Monday, hopefully makes it this time!

  3. @LILRICAN/LISA: Yep, I read.
    And yep, I already knew Studio-Output: if I remember correctly, it has been founded in 2006 or so, in London.
    They work at 360 degrees, and are involved in creating special things for various clients and companies like BBC or BMW, just to make an example…
    Some time ago I read an interview with one of the founders, Dan Moore: from what I understood, looks like they’re all CG experts and other stuff like that.

    Anyway… they’d like to know how we manage to create dynamic/animated themes without a SDK, right?
    So, unfortunately we get back to what I told you last time: how do you think to explain them that we use unlicensed and/or illegal tools to create our themes?
    Well, I honestly don’t think they would accept this fact with a big smile stamped on their faces (especially considering that recently, if I’m not wrong, they also have some kind of partnership with Sony)…

    [BTW: your theme’s almost ready ;)]

  4. Imho, the best format remains PNG: when I create backgrounds for PS3 themes, I always draw images at a very high quality… but converting them to JPG is a real pain in the ass: even trying to maintain the best quality possible, colors are no more brilliant like before, and there’s always a consistent loss of details.
    Unfortunately, PS3 themes only support that format… damn jpeg! 😛

  5. Thats pretty doubtful, GIFs are limited to 256 colors and are really best as icons or animated icons. Full screen images in GIF just dont have the same quality as a JPG or most anything else

  6. @Vitalogy
    Not too sure what you mean by “unsticking”. If you are saying you like it so much, you are suck to it and dont want to change it, then thank you :-).

    I actually submitted a Galaga one almost 2 weeks ago, not sure why it hasnt posted or why my update to this one got posted first but hopefully will go up soon! Also working on another Pacman one that I am still trying decide on what I want it to do, just running into framerate limitations thats bugging me….

  7. This theme got sticked in my ps3 and I can’t seem to unstick it (in a good way) you’ll have to do better than this one now Kelly, that’s the only way I’ll change themes :p

  8. As fari know u have to do itthrough the forums. Or we can chat through psn? Your call. Lol

  9. you got a email or a account on here so i can fw you the email?


    I have a feeling they will really not be looking for just the themes everyone makes. This looks like people that are artists in most all forms and then bring their art together in a PS3 theme format? I dunno, let us know when they reply

  10. @lisa
    I have a feeling they will really not be looking for just the themes everyone makes. This looks like people that are artists in most all forms and then bring their art together in a PS3 theme format? I dunno, let us know when they reply 🙂

  11. @kelly we need to talk about this with everyone else. idk if you have aim or msn or ect so we can all discuss this.

  12. wow my brother just fw that to me right now as he isi the one who wrote the email. i will do just have to talk my friends about this. thanks dan!

    Dan Moore:

    Check your email Lisa!

  13. so i sent a email…. hopefully they will respond. now if they do they will ask for some kind of portfolio of everyone themes that wants in on this business arrangement.

  14. hey thank you kelly! i will write a letter to theme and hope they will reply.


    Looked into it some more, looks like the company that make them is called and is based in London. There is a PSN preview vid and details at But it does look like they get a bunch of artists to create the themes and credit each one by name and not just all in a batch under one company name. There is an email contact on their website also, send them a message and let us know what you find out!

  15. Looked into it some more, looks like the company that make them is called and is based in London. There is a PSN preview vid and details at But it does look like they get a bunch of artists to create the themes and credit each one by name and not just all in a batch under one company name. There is an email contact on their website also, send them a message and let us know what you find out! 🙂

  16. @Lisa

    Not sure if it helps but I have noticed on the PSN lately that there is a section of themes called “The Studio”. I dont know the details on this like is The Studio the name of a company or just the name they gave a section PSN themes. But in the description, it says its a bunch of high quality themes created by some of the best artists and graphic designers, etc…. May want to look into this and see if its a company you can work for or if there is some kind of submission process you have to go through or what.

  17. Hi all! Just letting you know, this is a new updated version of the Pacman theme! The changes are noted in the description.

  18. It might be kind of hard to sell them when there are so many free ones out there. Also, there is no guarantee that the themes will keep working after firmware updates. if they were too stop working after one, would you have to give refunds?

  19. i got it! we start our own mini website that sell these themes! everything will be unique as i we dont want to face a copyright claim. it will be kinda like deviart but for themes! that way we dont have to go thru sony. the creator can set his\she own prices max we will charge is 5. so yes this is the app store of themes. please kelly or opti tell me i have something here.

  20. Just uploaded v1.20 of this theme, hopefully it will go up soon! Made a number of tweaks with the movement and the glowing effects that I think makes it look a little better along with new matching icons that resemble the Pacman logo 🙂

    New video preview at

  21. I think the best way to go about it is to stick with the Android/iPhone platforms because they give out their SDK’s or whatever they call them. Anyone can create anything for their devices.

    Speaking of, is creating animated background and/or themes anything like making them here? (specifically Android)

  22. @LISA: Well… as the admin confirmed (and I already said) you need the SDK. But that’s not like a fruit you can grasp from a tree…
    You know, even with lots of determined people and even if you get a licence and/or you create a small company, everything’s so complicated (much more than it seems) that it wouldn’t be possible to make not even the first step in that world. It’s not only a matter of creating a company, or getting a licence: sure, small indipendent companies started from scratch somehow, but then they are indirectly supported by Sony anyway… very few of them succeed, and to achieve that goal they literally had to sweat blood. This is also a matter of money, lots of money, tons of money…
    It’s not like 20 years ago or so, when anyone could program a game or anything else in the garage and then present it to some company: now there’s so much bureaucracy, and the procedures to follow are studded with concessions, approvals, compromises and lots of other stuff like that. And all this without even having the certainty (or at least hope) of achieving the goal. That’s what we call, here in Italy, “the closed world”…
    Sure, the proverb says “nothing ventured, nothing gained”, but in this case, I don’t think it would be worthwhile…

  23. hey like i said kelly as long i have a group of people who are strong and determined i will invest in this business.


    Being there have been a small number of independent games that have been brought onto the PSN as “Mini’s” (as well as 360), maybe its not quite as hard as it use to be. I would think these independent companies would not have the massive capitol to get on the road like the bigger ones, yet they seem to get their foot in the door somehow

  24. Being there have been a small number of independent games that have been brought onto the PSN as “Mini’s” (as well as 360), maybe its not quite as hard as it use to be. I would think these independent companies would not have the massive capitol to get on the road like the bigger ones, yet they seem to get their foot in the door somehow

  25. sigh….your right….ok mr./miss admin how do i get one of these dev licences? because the company can be small like most app store business. well it would require alot of time and work to make the business to grow. im up for it as long i have people support but money will be tight as i have to do everything myself. but thank you mr./miss admin for telling me what i need to do you been a great help!

    PS3 Themes:

    Unfortunately I don’t think you know what is really required of you to be able to accomplish what you’re talking of.
    To start off with you’ll have to start a company and get a developer license, and if creating dynamic themes you’ll have to a get an official Sony SDK.
    So it’s a lot of time and money involved.

  26. @Lisa

    Unfortunately I don’t think you know what is really required of you to be able to accomplish what you’re talking of.

    To start off with you’ll have to start a company and get a developer license, and if creating dynamic themes you’ll have to a get an official Sony SDK.

    So it’s a lot of time and money involved.

  27. Sounds great but I cant imagine it would be that easy to get a hold of their programs to make these properly. If you are able to get it, that would be great! Unfortunately its currently impossible for us to make anything as good as the official ones because of the limitations with what we have figured out when it comes to making these. I would think it would be a GREAT idea for them to offer this ability so people can sell them over PSN, much like apps on android and iphones

  28. lol yes it’s me and not a bot. if you are interested that’s great! but remember this is sony so the themes have to be A+ quality can’t do updates once it’s on the psn. that goes for everyone who qualify wants to join. once i get a group of people who wants to join then i will write sony a letter to their marking department saying we would like to sell themes for you guys. and we see what will happens there.


    Are you the same lisa thats has been posting on this thread? You sound different, I hope not a bot! But if you are for real, I would be interested

    I am just about finished with a minor update with this one. Since this is my first and have made a couple more since, I have learned a bit more when it comes to After Effects to make things work out better in the end. If anyone has any suggestions on any tweaks or suggestions to do with this, let me know!

    Currently I have slowed the ghosts down a bit, made them a little smaller, and added a slight glow behind the logo

  30. @lisa
    Are you the same lisa thats has been posting on this thread? You sound different, I hope not a bot! But if you are for real, I would be interested 🙂

  31. @optimus
    Keep an ear out for experimental medications and treatments. An uncle of mine is dealing with some kind of cancer that had already put his liver beyond a point of no return. He found out about 5 years ago and was given about a year to live. Somehow he got involved with some experimental treatments and he is still alive and as strong as he ever had been. He has even been featured on some medical show about people that overcame medical odds. Its all pretty impressive!

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