
Theme by Yogosan

Just a quick theme I put together (in about half an hour!) only one background, Based on the design of the Pandoras Box in God of War 3. Credit to….ME for the icons 🙂
Download Here

11 thoughts on “Pandora

  1. Thanks for the theme its awesome. Could you post the wallpaper you used I want to use as my computer background? Thanks

  2. thanks bastart! i had to use those icons one more time, with a cleaner look. i decide it was worth uploading since it took so little time. i have another long weekend so hopefully i’ll get alot more done. last week was also a long weekend and i got 3 themes done.

  3. Your best theme so far, in my opinion.
    Excellent job on the icons an a very clear and original wallpaper that goes great with the rest of the theme. Thanks a bunch for releasing this! 🙂

  4. Loooool!!! Well… no, but… I told you about the Pandora’s Box, right…? RIGHT??? 😀 😀 😀
    No way! This is an armed robbery and I want them all!!! 😛

  5. i dont see a mountain… do you….. DO YOU 😀 ok then, i shall give you half of my belongings 🙁
    @ f-rott, im so mean 🙂

  6. …and a microscopic credit to OPTIMUS who has had the “half idea”…? XD

  7. NO WAY! You make your own Icons instead of using someone else’s and either claim credit or don’t give credit? Weird!

    All joking aside, nice idea. Pandora’s Box is very visible in the new God of War. I like it!

  8. i did have a brainwave for a mod-nations theme. but i will try to finish what i’v started first

  9. sweet theme

    your the man when it comes to custom icons.

    Will you please do a mod nation racers theme.

    that’s a game i’m highly anticipating.

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