Touhou Project Customed Theme ~ S.S. Type Eiyashou

Theme by Senya Saigyouji

Yep. It’s me again. This is, what? The eighth time I’ve updated the same theme? Anyway, I fixed the pointers, so whoever that actually uses the Internet Browser function in their PS3 can finally use the mouse.
Download Here

40 thoughts on “Touhou Project Customed Theme ~ S.S. Type Eiyashou

  1. To whom this may concern,

    I finished and am currently uploading an updated version of this theme where the default external devices icons are replaced and new XMB sound effects are added, straight from the eight game: Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night

    It might not be much, but nevertheless, enjoy~

    Copying/pasting this into the other theme by me, because I like being repetitive.

  2. @Senya Saigyouji: Yep, that’s true! Indeed, I was used to put sounds in my themes, but looks like not everyone appreciates them… 🙁

    Anyway: long ago I found that if a sound is too loud, the best compromise is to set its background main frequency at -100, or at least lower the sound to -12dB

  3. Nothing is more rewarding than the sound of a satisfied user~

    @ Whom this may concern

    I successfully acquired the sound effects I wanted, but they’re blaringly loud, even if my TV’s at volume 1. I’m going to fumble around on my audio editing software to see if I can lower it. (Actually, I already did. I just need to upload the finished version when i get home.)

    ……Yyyeah, that sort of makes this comment pointless and stupid.

  4. @Senya Saigyouji & Genesis Thems

    => Genesis Thems: Thank you very much, my friend! 😀
    Like Senya said, I’m really touched too…
    It’s always a pleasure when someone appreciates your works: and that means a lot for me, especially since the day I’m no more the same OPTIMUS that everybody knew 🙁

    => Senya Saigyouji: The recommended format is WAV because, if I remember correctly, is the only one that can be converted to VAG by MFAudio.

    As for the technical stuff… better if they are:

    – 44KHz (44100)
    – 16 bit
    – mono
    – kbps are not very relevant, because usually they can automatically vary during the conversion (aside the fact they’re related to the source file) and, in any case, they do not affect much on the final file.

    Also, if you wanna modify a sound before converting it, I suggest you to use a little and free program called Audacity: it allows you to edit a sound in any way you want thanks to its many professional features… 😉

  5. @Senya Saigyouji

    Go into the forum/ click ‘PS3Themes’ (under General Discussion)/ look for ‘Sound Tutorial (New)’

    With the 5 sounds template I told you about below, you should have the info you need. 😀

  6. @ GT


    Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I’m very touched.

    As a person who has cherished the English language, even though I’m of Asian ethnicity, I see words as more than just a form communication, or for verbally abusing each other with crude insults, much like how most people have been corrupted into doing, more so than they draw breath.

    Although they were short, your praises hit where I LIVE. They offered more praise than I’ve ever received in my short 16-year lifespan.

    ……Whoa, I got carried away there. That sort of melodramatic monologue usually falls upon deaf ears or is reserved for biographies, not for the modern Pandora’s Box otherwise know as teh interwebz, on a comment section for a PS3 theme no less.

    Anyway, GT my friend, are you one of the many photo uploaders on Danbooru by any chance? I’ve lurked around there for a while, and I more often than not see that a photo’s been uploaded or commented on by someone named “GT”, especially on Touhou-related things. I’d just though I’d ask~

    @ Whom this may concern

    What is the recommended format concerning the sound effects? I read that WAV is more preferred over MP3. Also, what sample rate, kbps, stereo or mono, and such other technobabbles must I know?
    ~ Yours Truly

    @ GT
    P.S. Although it’s not much in terms of icon modifications, Type Phantasm of my second theme has finished uploading today!! If you’re a fan of Fantasy Kaleidoscope, I’d recommend getting it. I hope I got some of the main shots that would satisfy your preferences. ^^

    *Shameless advertising over and congratulations! You’ve captured my “Monologue Sign: Walls of Text” Spell Card if you’ve successfully sat through and read all of THAT. ↑*

    + ⑨,000 points.

  7. @ OPTIMUS & Senya Saigyouji

    I just thought I should throw this out there.

    You two people are genuinley amazing in my eye.
    You push the boundries of creativity to the limit.

    I adore all the themes either one of you makes, because I know that it will be good.

    Your themes are as slick and smooth and silk,

    And Senya,
    Yours are as wonderful as an open fireplace on an cold winter night.

    I truly think that you should have contracts, and I hope to see more themes in the future. – GT

  8. @Senya Saigyouji

    Yeah. The sound effects are basically the way I outlined it below.

    You can also extract the sounds (.vag files) from the theme using the extractor from the top of this site. Listen to them with a free program called MFAudio to compare sound and name. If you use the PS3 Theme Builder I think MFAudio is in its Program Files folder.

  9. @Senya Saigyouji: Exactly what my friend uLtRa said!
    You just need to keep in mind that sounds must not exceed a certain amount of KB for each one: better if you stay around 25KB for each sound… 😉

  10. @ uLtRaMa6nEt1c

    Thank you so much for the response!! I haven’t heard any other different sound effects other than the default “Clicks”, so I really have no other way of knowing which sounds are affected, but it all boils down a “Yes”, “No”, and “Shuffling through the XMB” sound effect, correct?

    Sorry for my incompetence. m(_ _)m

  11. @Senya Saigyouji: There are 5 sounds you can use/create:
    1. optionmenu (accessing infobar on right side)
    2. decide (accessing sub-menus and typing)
    3. cursor (shuffling thru XMB)
    4. cancel (backing out of sub-menus or choosing ‘no’)
    5. system ok (when you choose ‘yes’)

  12. @Senya Saigyouji: Oh, got it! There were only squares in brackets, so I couldn’t read anything. LOL!

    Uh… I don’t seem your “bullet hell” (Danmaku) is so intense, but I knew you only few days ago, after all… 😛

    Well, actually I meant that I’m not interested in being on PSN, or playing online and stuff like that. You know, I’m a veeery old “Transformer”… I started playing videogames eons ago (they were stuff you cannot even imagine, I guess) when internet still didn’t exist: so, I grew up as a lone player because I’ve always been used to live those “adventures” all alone. So, what I meant is that when I play a video game, it’s just me and the game itself: no strangers entering and leaving my world, no people blathering in my ears, none of that…
    But it doesn’t mean I’m not willing to know new things: well, maybe you’ll not be able to convert me to the ZUNism (yep, I seem to remember that ZUN was the only developer of the Touhou series) or make sure that I like this kind of games (although I played tons of Danmaku, during the good old days, I have to say I never been really attracted by that genre) but I’m always ready to learn and know new things, so… yeah, you can share your “knowledge” with me 😉

    As for the sounds… what do you wanna know exactly???

  13. @ OPTIMUS (www, [lol in Japan, NOT a weeaboo.] is this really necessary? We’re the only ones actually commenting frequently.)

    As you wish.

    Oh don’t worry. My friend has managed to put up with the constant danmaku of my very own infamous Spell Card; Monologue Sign: Walls of Text during these past two years. I’m also pretty sure he still has some spare 1ups before ditching the game. (Listening to me ramble on.)

    I’ll see what I can do for the icons, and possibly add some Touhou sound effects!!

    By the way, by any chance do you happen to know all of the Sound FX’s affected, and would you kindly list them in a comment if it’s not too much to ask, preeetty please~~~? ♥

    P.S. You’re not interested in this series? Okay. I won’t force you to convert to ZUNism. X3
    But let it be known that this is the franchise with TEH STR⑨NGEST fanbase on the internet!! And I usually don’t exaggerate.

  14. @Senya Saigyouji: No problem. I never modified someone else’s theme according to my needs: that’s because, in my opinion (and based on my “artistic vision”) every theme somehow reflects the personality, the “tastes” and even the imagination of the person who made it… it wouldn’t make sense to me doing something like that 😉

    Lol! Be careful: your friend might decide to delete your name from his list 😛
    Well, I never been on PSN, since I’m a “lone player” and I’m not interested in that stuff… but you can share everything you want with me (or anybody else) here, anyway 😀

    [Ehm… looks like the stuff you’ve put in brackets has not been recognized by the site (or it maybe depends on my system) O_o]

    Ok then, no problem for the default icons: well, maybe you could just recolor them so that they fit better to the background, since the white is not that good, but it’s just an idea… I’ll be waiting for your theme! 😀

  15. @OPTIMUS

    Thank you for your anticipation for my next theme, but unfortunately, I didn’t modify the icons whatsoever in it. I thought they were fitting enough…
    Well, except the default external devices icons. m(_ _)m

    If you’d like, I can send you a link to the download where I got the icons, and you can modify them to your heart’s content.
    …If you’re interested in this series of course. In that case, I can share all the lore I know with you!!

    I have a PSN friend who I have bombarded with useless lore about this series even since we met two years ago via messaging on PSN, and I think he’s starting to get sick of it.
    _ , , _ ∩
    ( ゚∀゚)彡 えーりん!えーりん!

    This time, all of my efforts were focused on finding the highest resolution pictures of certain parts from this VERY well-animated fanime based on this series that the teh interwebz had to offer to use as the background photos for Type Phantasm since this one’s was rather limited. (Holy run-on sentences Batman!!)

    Anyway, don’t get your hopes up for those new 8-bit icons you liked so much, and thanks for reading~

  16. @Senya Saigyouji and DOOM

    => Doom: Hey Doom! Glad to hear you again, after the “Christmas survival”… 😉
    How are you, my friend?

    => Senya Saigyouji: LOL! Don’t worry, the comments section is no more for comments only for ages now… we always talk about everything here 😛
    Hey, I’ll be waiting for your next theme!
    And my friend Doom too, I guess: he also likes the “pixel style” 😉

  17. @doom
    I agree.

    …I think we’ve gotten a bit side-tracked with this “Classic vs Modern Gaming” topic. The comment section isn’t the best place for a formal discussion. Carry on everyone~

    Still waiting for Type Phantasm to finish uploading…

  18. hi everyone! …hey what anime is this!?.. J/k lol
    cool looking theme it makes me wanna try the game, i was playing secret of mana a little while ago, zelda a link to the past, secret of evermore, illusion of time.

    i realise that back then they didnt have the technology that there is today, but there is a difference that the younger gen wont know,
    back then they put so mutch creativity into games
    the story lines wher epic, video games had more emotion back in the day.. today they are putting out incomplete games that are a remasterd photocopy of the last game in the franchise. BACK then they planed on coming out with 1 game that is the best game ever and will make everyone happy. lol. today its all about getting you to spend your money. thats the difference,, there where no map packs, you payed for the complete price and you got the FULL game, lol.
    now games come out BUGGY like not all the way finished.. lol. gaming is like a junky fix now. i got what you need.. map packs $20.. lol

  19. @Senya Saigyouji: Doo itashimashite!
    Yep, I noticed what you’re saying, that’s why I thought it was intentional somehow…

    And I fully agree with you about the good old games: they were simple yet effective, and even if not realistic like today’s games, they allowed you to “dream” and imagine… that’s what makes those games so special, in my opinion.

    You say “I wished I could have experienced the golden ages of gaming”… well, there are tons of emulators out there: sure, it’s not the same thing (I mean, playing them on the original home computers/consoles to which they belong) but it’s an alternative way to discover a whole forgotten world and maybe find real treasures: try to take a look at my “Old Glories” theme, if you want, to get an idea of what I mean 😉

  20. @OPTIMUS

    Arigatou!! I appreciate the warm welcome. ^^

    I’m glad you enjoyed the icons!! Speaking of which, I chose to use the default icons for the external devices because:

    1. I found the 8-bit style icons by mere chance, so really none of the content in the theme was of my original design. Finding external device icons to use was a chore I couldn’t accomplish.

    2. I thought they were minor part of the theme personally.

    3. I was more focused on icon placement so that they somewhat had a meaning, say, everything below the “Settings” options corresponds to the order of the characters in the preview photo. Music and Pictures; I used a character that plays music/uses a camera, internet browser; a Mozilla Firefox logo parody featuring Ran, a, heh, fox from the games, and many more!!

    I wished I could have experienced the golden ages of gaming, back when simplicity and gameplay were the most important things, unlike today’s online gameplay and the “realistic” shades of gray and brown graphics common in the oversaturated amount of mediocre FPS’s in the market.

    Thanks for the feedback and thanks for reading~

  21. @Senya Saigyouji: Lol! Thanks!
    I recognized it because (aside the fact I’m an oldie 😛 ) I seem to remember that was the most long-lived series of the 90’s…

    Well, no real criticism, my friend.
    Maybe, the only thing is I don’t like the default icons that much (like download, or media servers, just to make an example)… they obviously don’t fit well to the rest of the theme (but it probably was intentional on your part, I don’t know)
    But I REALLY love all the other icons: their “pixel style” drives me crazy!
    And since I’m an oldie (and an “old school” player) everytime I see stuff like that, it reminds me of the good old days, and I’m always happy when someone makes these things.
    Anyway, no real criticism, as I said: this is just your first theme, after all… and as I always said to all the newcomers, you have all the time to improve and/or develop your personal style, of course 😉

    So… Well done!
    And again, welcome aboard! 😀

  22. @HollowBattousai
    Thank you for your kind words and the re-made theme!! I’ll check it out as soon as I can.

    Were the backgrounds that disoriented and badly resized?

    You’re absolutely correct on the fundamentals of these games. Thank you for not asking “What anime is this?” unlike the first two commenters. You too HollowBattousai. ^^

    Based on the rather hesitant first part of your comment, you’re not all that impressed? T_T Well, I made an attempt, that counts as something…right? I’m open to criticism.

  23. @Senya Saigyouji: Uh… nice theme, to be your first one! +1!
    And welcome aboard! 😀

    Hmm… Touhou…
    Is it that 2D vertical shooter game?
    I mean… the Touhou Project series started in 1995 on NEC PC-9801 where all characters are female… is that right?

    (By the way: to eliminate the white color behind the icons, you just need to activate the “Alpha Channel” when working on them with a graphic program 😉 )

  24. I’m sorry, I had limited icons to use.

    Icons with transparent backgrounds I meant so that there isn’t a, say, white background in the icons themselves; clashing with the actual theme’s background photo. It wouldn’t look natural.

    Don’t complain though, this is my first attempt at a PS3 theme! Forgive me!!
    I’ll make a Cirno-exclusive theme when I’m skilled enough in the near future, just for a
    very special friend.

    …Or not.

  25. (=__=)

    Perhaps I should put a
    ☢CAUTION!!☢ This ISN’T an anime!! ☢CAUTION!!☢
    in the description next time, yes? These GAMES are for the PC which happen to have a TON of fanart that makes these GAMES indistinguishable from an anime. I used the fanart no doubt.

    I added the Japanese spelling into the title, but it got removed when it was done uploading, so I made a request to change the title to “Touhou Project Customed Theme ~ Type Eiyashou”. This series are GAMES called “Touhou”.

    By the way, the first comment asked the same question. -.-

  26. thanks what anime or animes are they from. i would like to know it looks quite interesting

  27. The theme does not show on my ps3 lol i really want it too can i add you by the way i have an idea for a good theme and i want to share it with you 🙂

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