Theme by +ULTIMUS- (uLtRaMa6nEt1c & OPTIMUS)
Thank you to OPTIMUS for the opportunity to collaborate with you. It was an honor and a pleasure. You’re a really good dude.
Background created by OPTIMUS and uLtRaMa6nEt1c.
Animations created by uLtRaMa6nEt1c.
Icons created by OPTIMUS.
*The motherboard, the outline of the PS4s, and the the lightbar on the controller have a pulsating glow effect.
*All the numbers/words along the top are animated to simulate computing.
*The ‘4’ in lower left corner continually becomes pixelated.
Multi-Dynamic version:…4_Real_MDT.p3t
The other theme has the PS4 standing up with camera and controller.
Thank you Faxtron for providing the preview video.
Download Here
Great job on the theme
your right about the buttons, if your playing a game where you hafta use those buttons constantly like a fighting game! your thumb will get sore so quick it will begin to suck and the other side of what you said about the d pad not being as responsive as it should be sucks, so i dont know about anyone else but i use the d pad when i play fighting games, so with that controller playing a fighting game would be like slamming your left thumb down hard trying to make the d pad work and your right thumb would be all jacked up by hitting those dome a$$ buttons on the right side, im thinking it would suck,
and thats just one more thing that makes sony sixaxis better, im not a fan boy, im a realist!! lol.
i dont think i ever played beat em up. whats that about ?
YES WAW was amazing, the first game i played after rsv2, ofcourse thats when i started losing my skills but, i LOVED waw, infact i might buy it again, that game was beautiful. the realist WW2 video game ever! after WAW i was hooked on zombies. zombies is the only reason i get the cod games anymore.
obviously im a big fan of doom so zombies is my thing.. lol. other then that i constantly find myself saying i wish they made this different, if i had a voice they would listen to, theres so mutch they could have done better, instead of focusing on flashy crap that loses its flavor after a month, its like faddish, if they would have focused more on making the game more tactical instead of incorporating 20 different airstrikes, you can run around with a 50 cal barrit and fire it while your standing!!?? not only that but you get a hit marker?? if you shoot a 50 cal at someone AND MISS by two feet the force from the bullet flying by would probably crush the side of that persons skull. pluss if your standing up while you fire that gun your going to fly backwards and your collar bone would probably get crushed!! you can shoot down aircraft carriers with stuff like that so how the hell would you be able to run around with one like its no big deal!? its crap like that.. LOTS of crap like that, thet makes games seem unrealistic, quick reload perk!? if you dont have that slight of hand perk your character reloads slower than grass grows, like oh whats this? a magazine!? wheres this go again? oh yeeah,, down here in this slot below the gun? now i remember!! it makes a click sound when its pushed up in there right? oh ok i see now.. awsome, ok what now? oh yeah i gotta pull this thingy back here and it makes another click sound? what du ya know!! im reloaded!! wow that was swell.. ok lets get back to the F***ING WAR WERE PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SHOOT MY F***ING FACE APPART AAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
I started losing interest in CoD after WaW and totally lost after BO1, every game after that was the same but I still buy them for campaign but campaign isn’t any good after MW2. Best campaign was CoD 3, best multiplayer was CoD 4 although WaW had better maps. I’ve been into Battlefield since then and it seems to be the new scene although you’ll always have CoD fanboys. If anyone has bad internet it’s the UK, I have 2MB internet and faster internet isn’t coming for another 2 years. The saddest thing is that PS3 is my first and last console unless I get PS4 for GT6. I’ve finally got enough money for a PC but i’ll miss Gran Turismo because as they say it’s the ultimate driving simulator.
its like when you get to a corner and the enemy is around the corner, he jumps out from around the corner and kills you before you get a chance to blink,
then it shows you the replay and it doesnt look like what actually happened at all, it looks like your opponent shot you 5 times, but it happened so fast you didnt even see it,
i know i dont have the best internet out there but alot of the time i know it cant be that bad.
its so bad i cant even play cod without having a stroke lol.
5 years ago i was going 97 & 14, now i go anywhere from 19 & 20 to 2 & 20
and it makes me clinch my teeth.
i know its just a game and getting mad is dumb
but there was a time that i had a skill that couldn’t be touched, i was #1 in free for all, i was on the #1 team on game battles NWA, ‘5 years ago’ and i was thee best with the tactical 500 shotgun, there was a comp and i beat everyone including my own team & all teams that wanted me, any team that wanted me i challenged them, i said if your team defeats me i will join you, and i would win.. i would defend my title drunk constantly, i was so fast it looked like i didnt even raise my gun,’looked like my character was shooting the ground’ some of my friends would call me a cheater and curse at me if we challenged eatchother, i was super brutal. i wanted to be on tv.. so i practiced constantly,
but the game its self started lagging? whats this? lag? whats lag? oh your skill doesn’t matter anymore, all the hard work and practice you put in @ 12 hrs a day doesn’t matter anymore.
now i suck… HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Well, actually I never had any real problem using any kind of controller: with every new console, I always got used to the controller’s shape, kind of buttons and/or sticks, triggers, etc… but since the days of PS1, I always found Sony’s controllers veeery comfortable.
Then came the first XBox and I got used to its controller too: at first, the analog sticks’ layout was very strange, and I have to say that even today it is not the most comfortable, in my opinion (nothing that cannot be overcome, anyway)
BUT what I never could stand about XBox controller is the D-pad and the buttons…
1) D-pad always been very crappy: too often it doesn’t respond to commands (for example, when I have to press down to recall my pawns in Dragon’s Dogma, I must do it more than once… and believe me, when you’re right in the midst of a violent battle against a giant monster or whatever, it’s not funny at all!), or many times it doesn’t detect a combination (did you ever try to play a beat’em up? LOL! :D)
2) Buttons are really too rounded, and they’re very “hard”: it’s as if there were no rubber layer under them… O_o
Lag is because of the servers, there’s two types of lag which are server side and client side. server side is where the server deter-mains where they will be and/or if you hit them. Client side is where both clients (yourself & the enemy) deter-main where you hit them and where they are but this is bad because it takes longer so once this has happened the person is gone and/or you don’t get a hit. Server side will work if optimized well but client side will always have it’s floors.
theres a controller for ps2 & xbox called the FPS master, see this was exactly what i was talking about earlier about the ps2 controllers, like how i was just talking about the analog styles, there are a couple of ps2 controllers out there that wher designed specificly to give you an advantage in sertain areas when it comes to FPS games,, the fps master controller was designed so you can program the buttons any way you like so you can make R1 work as X if you want, you can program all of the buttons anyway you want and save three different programed settings for switching to different games, it has N Led screen on the front so you can see what your doing while your programing it kinda like the screen on an old nextell cell phone.. the L & R buttons are designed like REAL gun triggers with trigger guards and all. and the way the buttons are on the controller your thumbs NEVER hafto move off of the analog sticks so your pretty mutch able to jump & shoot & spin in any direction at the same exact time AND it has the concave style on the sticks,
so with those little advantages all in one controller you should be like a digital ninja in there lol.
where some people rely on modded controllers to speed up thir rate of fire, those modded controllers are like $100
this FPS controller for ps2 tightens up your reflexes like a boss and its like $20 or less
ovcourse the analog sticks feel like ps2 analogs
and not like ps3 analogs but i gues you gotta weigh the pros and the cons.
i used to be really good at fps games back in the day when there was hardly any lag i was a monster, straight up, i usedto do 1 v 5 s
i used to find the littlist advantages and try to make them bigger advantages by practicing with those advantages non stop, i dont play nearly as mutch as i usedto and cod has a way different game engine than rsv2 + lag = damn.. lol.
but when i saw that fps master controller for ps2 i was like O MAN! i wonder what i could have done with that!!! lol
@doom > Yeah, they’re called FPS Freak. You lock them on the stick and it makes it taller so you have a larger range of motion for more accuracy and stuff.
i think the taller the analog stick is the more accurate you can be with your aim, i saw these cap things you can put on the sticks and they wher advertised for improved aiming, i never tryed it but thats what i hear, so its like you can fine tune your scope on someones head easyer, so if its easyer then you can be faster than usual theareticaly.
the concave analog style definitely improves your reflex speed when it comes to CQC run N gun stuff. theres an added comfort in knowing that your finger isnt going to slip off the analog so you can really hammer on them and it kinda feels like it boosts your reflexes a bit.
so the domes are for sniper stuff
and the concave is for smg stuff
and somewhere in the middle are the ak47’s
@doom > LOL, you’re nuts dude, LOL.
Sony is off to a great start at dominating this next generation.
All I can say is the PlayStation controller has remained largely unchanged since the Dualshock 1. Of course it’s been tweaked for the better with each iteration. That is a testament of it’s superiority.
@TheLoneWolf989 > You may be the first person I’ve ever heard/read that from.
It seems like the Dualshock 4 has the best of both worlds then with the dome and the depressed rim on the sticks. We will see soon π
The concave analog sticks are better in general but for precision I would go with the dome analog sticks.
the ps3 controller has a better design,
it feels better in your hands,
internal rechargeable long lasting battery life
my opinion is that thee ONLY thing the xbox controller has over the ps3 controller is the concave analog sticks, as i mentioned before that i have an xbox ‘style’ controller, im hooked on the concave
but other then that i think they are dookie.
i think ps4 is gonna rip xbox apart.
its gonna get to the point where xbox will have absolutely nothing over playstation to speak of and sony is just gonna be dominant over all with both software and hardware. maybe by a small percent but that small percent can kill sales, and start killing microsofts fan base. and that only makes sony stronger. at least thats what i think is gonna happen. i could be wrong. but i would be surprised if i am….
i have an ‘afterglow’ controller i got some time ago that is exactly like the xbox controller, triggers and concave analogs,
it took a little while to break it in but once broken in its beast,
my L2 trigger got killed so i had to patch it up with some spare parts from another controller,
i took the L2 piece from the inside of a junk controller and spliced the two wires together, the bourd for the trigger is jammed in there nice so it dont budge, i had to think of what i could use for n actual button so i took a square type of clothes pin and cut it into a button size piece,
then i used duct tape and i lighter to make a tight mold that holds the clothes pin button in place by melting layers of tape together by holding the flame on loose edges for a second till the tape would get gummy and i could use my finger to mash and kinda fuse and mold the tape into a durable exterior fab,, so i kill people with a clothes pin now, lol, also put a sony six axis D pad in it its like a better kind of plastic and it sits higher and its grippier too. my controller has a couple little mods,
also i ordered a ps2 controller usb adapter from japan for a couple bucks so i can use any of the ps2 controllers on my ps3, so like i can get the resident evil 4 chainsaw controller and use it to play cod zombie games, dubdubdub zzZzZzZZZz . it actually makes a chainsaw noise if you pull the cord, LOL people would be like whats that noise n id be like its my buzz saw beotch biiiizZzZZz LOL. the adapter just opens up the whole ps2 controller spectrum, so i can pick up ps2 steering wheels, Fps skill controllers, novelty controllers. ect. if my controller ever breaks i can get a ps2 jawn for like $10. it just doesn’t have sixaxis, the home button, and vibe function, so if you a broken ps3 controller but the home button still works you can use it like a clutch to get to your home stuff. i like it.
Not much to say.
Misplaced analog sticks, bulky and fat, and XYBA buttons? Like, quick time event “Press B”. Which one is B???? Y’know? π
I still don’t know why the Xbox controller is supposed to be the greatest controller even made…. O_o
@mrj QQQ – Yeah man, I could never get used to the XBox controller although I do like those triggers and the concave depression on the analog sticks. I can’t front on that. I’m even impressed with what the XBone can do, but PlayStation all the way for me. Games games games and I like those little indie games too. Sony is great with those π
@ uLtRa
The Elder Scrolls Online is the game that will make my PS4 purchase necessary for me. Not pleased that I HAVE TO be a plus member even thoug it is a good deal.
I have ALWAYS prefered the look and feel of PS3 over Xbox. HATE the Xbox stick it hurts my wrist everytime I play. Sony stick fits in my hands better, I’m glad that basic design hasn’t been changed.
@ DemiGod7Β
Guess I just stopped paying attention after I upgraded to PS3. Guess there is still hope then
@ Admin
On the fun fact – I did not know that.
Learned something from both of you today ….cheers
Honestly I was more excited about the PS3 games they showed at E3 than the PS4 games. I’ll be keeping my PS3 for a long while after I get PS4 π
@OPTIMUS – on a bare bones level I prefer the Dashboard because of the big tabs and pictures as opposed to a wave and small icons, but as I said, the XMB is better overall because I can customize it. I can make it do what want. I TOTALLY agree with you about the feeling when turning on my PS3.
@PS3 Themes, same with PS1. Last game for PS1 was Fifa 2005. Pretty funny that EA Sports has this tradition of making the final game for the console…
The PS2 has been very well supported after the PS3’s release. So hopefully it’ll be the same with the PS3.
Fun fact is that FIFA 14 which releases later this year will be the last game release for the PS2 ever!
@ OPTIMUS, no no, I don’t like Xbox 360’s UI either. That’s what I said, I prefer the PS3’s XMB. I’m used to customizing it, it’ll be a tough change…
@ mrj incorrect actually….PS2’s were stopped being manufactured this year. It’s more than the 10 year plan Sony has for every console. If we take the 10 year plan as a given, PS3 is going to be supported with games and updates until 2016.
I had mentioned to uLtRa b4 that the dashboard interface of PS4 is going to put us all out of a hobby. I just wonder how long Sony will keep up both systems, b4 phasing out PS3. PS2 was dumped pretty fast as I recall. With release of PS4 in mid to late November 2013 ( guesstamate based on Xbox One release ) for the holiday season I think we have 1.5 yrs left on this technology, sure it will live on past that like any other console , but updates ? who knows? For now , keep making inspiring themes , cause WE as the designers are having allot of fun, so I guess its up to us to keep it alive.
@uLtRaMa6nEt1c – DemiGod7 – Doom – TheLoneWolf989
=> uLtRaMa6nEt1c & DemiGod7: Well, guys, I honestly don’t really understand what you find so good in 360’s Dashboard… I mean, it’s just a sequence of tabs containing the various console functions that you can browse through to find and use the feature you need.
Basicly it’s the same principle of PS3, only thing is the Dashboard is made of tabs and the XMB is made of icons… but the big difference lies exactly in the fact that you can completely customize the XMB in any way you like, while the only thing you can do with the Dashboard is to put a background (which is not even clearly visible because the interface covers it entirely)…
Every time I turn on my 360 I think “Oh man, what a sadness: green everywhere and I cannot even see my favourite wallpaper because the lower side is faded to white and the upper side is covered by the Dashboard”.
Every time I turn on my PS3 I’m like “Holy cow! The latest theme I installed fits perfectly with my console!” or “Oh man, the theme made by Ultra / DemiGod / Faxtron / mrj QQQ / F-Rott / Mr.Foxx / anyone else is f***ing awesome!”
So, you see guys, when I use 360 I’m never really excited, but when I use PS3 I’m always surprised: every time is a colors explosion, a vast collection from which I can choose what I like more in that moment, an endless discovery, a new experience… and I feel like a child in a toy store. LOL! π
Well, obviously we all have different tastes and that’s just my opinion, of course π
As for the companies… well, as far as I know, themes have always been made by internal Sony developers: the only real external company I know is Disruptive Publishers, but they don’t have a voice for me, because they’re just a bunch of idiots who boast to be the most famous theme makers, but the truth is they actually create themes by using – if not even stealing – other people’s ideas (like happened to F-Rott)…
=> Doom: But it is thanks to all people like you that we are here creating themes.
So, thanks a lot again! π
=> TheLoneWolf989: Well, mate, I really hope so… π
Although they have changed the XMB to a UI I think they will let you customize it in some way (colours, transparency, etc.) but not to the extent that we have seen with the XMB on PS3.
Thanks you everyone for your comments π
@doom > Thank you and you’re welcome π
@mrj QQQ, OPTIMUS, DemiGod7 > I will miss the XMB also. I do prefer the look of the Dashboard, but I love to customize my stuff and being able to make themes makes the XMB better overall to me.
We make themes that we should get paid more for – WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO? T_T
This is a really fun diversion for me. I guess I’ll have more time to play games π
Truth is, people don’t like the XMB. It feels “Spartan”. It feels empty. The majority of people prefer the Xbox 360 dashboard….although, I love that I am able to customize it myself. So yeah, I don’t have nay problems with XMB.
But ask yourself:
There are companies that make themes for PS3 that you got to pay for, what will these companies do?
theres no need to thank me, its people like me that should thank all of you guys for the work you all put in to create these themes for everyone to enjoy, and you all do a tremendous job at it, i think all of the creators on this site make peoples playstation experience that mutch more awsome for everyone
i think i speak for the entire playstation network when i say thank you very mutch to all of you guys.
you all know who you are and we are all thankful for what you all do here,
@Doom & mrj QQQ
=> Doom: LOL! Thanks a lot, my friend! π
=> mrj QQQ: You can say that, mate!
I don’t really understand why Sony decided to abandon the XMB in favor of that insignificant windowed style interface… SIGH! π
@uLtRaMa6nEt1c thanks man!
Like I ‘m the only one that wants to design? uhhhhh OK *Mr. Makay South Park
I’ll miss the XMB too *Tear
@mr_foxx – You need a hacked PS3 for that.
hey guys great theme, but how can i change the network icon can i just add a different one to the Animatedtool folder?
a masterpiece.
@uLtRaMa6nEt1c, TheLoneWolf989, Jaydee1003 & Orphan117
=> uLtRaMa6nEt1c: “Hopefully that is remedied now”
Sure it is, mate… You can say that again! π
You know, funny thing is despite many people complained about the fact that in the original theme there were only concept designs of PS4, that theme still is in the Popular Now ranking for about 1 month… O_o
Well, my friend, now I really hope this new version will overtake the old one, especially because you’ve put a lot of work to create it!
=> TheLoneWolf989: I feel like Little Red Riding Hood… LOL! π
=> Jaydee1003: Thanks a lot, my friend! π
=> Orphan117: Thanks mate, glad you like it! π
Here’s a direct link to the MDT:β¦4_Real_MDT.p3t
That is awesome!!!!!
Thank you everyone for your comments π
@OPTIMUS – I’m really glad you like it. I know it’s not easy for you to make themes. I thought it sucked that you were dissatisfied with the way the original theme was released and received and that you felt your time was wasted. Hopefully that is remedied now.
As I said, It was an honor and a pleasure.
LOL, the fusion will be complete in time π
LOL @DemiGod7. That’s the second time you made me type that today π
@TheLoneWolf989 – Check your PMs
wow… this is sick!! +1 great job guys! π
I’m a wolf, just because you don’t see me here doesn’t mean i’m not around.
@Faxtron, uLtRaMa6nEt1c and everyone
=> Faxtron: Thanks a lot, my friend!
And thanks again for supporting us! π
=> uLtRaMa6nEt1c: Woooohoooo! Holy cow, mate, that’s f***ing great! I didn’t think it was something like that… you did a great job, THANKS! π
=> Everyone: Well, guys, this theme wouldn’t have been possible without my friends, so…
THANKS A LOT! It was my honor and my pleasure to collaborate with Ultra for this theme, as well as with Faxtron for other themes.
Again, thank you guys! π
@F-Rott, DemiGod7, mrj QQQ, Mr. Shizzy, TheLoneWolf989
=> F-Rott: Thanks a lot, Dennis! π
=> DemiGod7: Thanks a lot, mate!
LOL! Well, actually we ARE a huge and invincible robot… but the fusion is not complete yet: ULTRAFAXTIMUS is coming… π
=> mrj QQQ: Glad you like it, mate! Thanks! π
=> Mr. Shizzy: Thank you! π
=> TheLoneWolf989: Hey Wolf, glad to see you again!
And thanks a lot, I really appreciate! π
Perfect job here +1 thanks guys for sharing this piece of art with us π
We’re going to need to come up with a new word for the quality of this theme. +? As many times as I can reset my router and like this.
Amazing. You can tell a lot of work went into this!! Looks great!
ULTIMUS should be a final boss in a game like a fire-breathing dragon or a huge robot with lasers in its eyes. O_o
Should be an invincible boss, you need a full party of 4 people to take him down.
OH YA BABY! ……..Nice +1
Looks awesome! Great job, guys!