Theme by lnnlrocklnnl
PlayStation 2 Dynamic Theme
Version 1.0.1 Final Contains:
– Animated background
– Custom sounds from the PS2 BIOS
– Icons
Made for all nostalgic fans who still remember our beautiful ps2 console:,)
If you want another theme with an animated background, tell me in the comments!
Download Here
exelente tema para el ps3 !!!
Yes very excellent!!! May I please ask someone to create a Joe Bonamassa theme?
dude it would have been so cool if the start up sound was replaced with the PS2 theme. or at least if the PS2 start up sound played as soon as the theme loaded on the screen. possibility for final update???
@MEGATEAM im doing the same thing. its so easy!
Great Dynamic Theme!
GREETINGS FROM FRANCE! great great great
niou like
Is there any way this could get an updated version with a higher resolution or less compression?
some of you said thath ps3 themes dont work. but to get themes working you have to use PS3 internet browser and dowload them there i am even writing this messege from ps3 internet browser when you are done dowloading go theme settings themes and choose a theme for your PS3.
– Megateam
i downloaded 30+ themes including this 1 and none of them work
Is it possible u can do a ps1 start up theme with sound
Thanks Very Much
i really loved how the background moves and that there is a different sound
hey everyone this theme is so cool btw fell free to add me on psn-vusevibelover no caps no spaces anyway see you on the battlefeild peace
whats been up? where is everyone?
Hey Doom. it’s the Q
how you doing optimus?
Someone should make a theme of Molly Holly from WWE that would be cool
Hello I am the creator of this theme, my ps3 will be damaged (red lights -.-) so at the moment I can not create more themes :/ maybe in the future..
@PS3 Themes
I submited a Theme of Hokuto no Ken about a week or 2 ago and it’s not up… Make sure to upload it tomorrow at least, i will submit it again today.
Time for some new ones!
Why Lord just Why?
anyone home? where are the creators?
Great Dynamic Theme, is it possible to make it in HD?
@DOOM – Wow! What a philosophical retrospective… I agree: back in the 80s people thought that within twenty years, flying cars – for example – would have been in common use (man, I loved the Jetsons
) And what now…?
these things to me are like a window, like, back in the 80’s everyone had this basic idea that everything was going to be like the jetsons in the 2000’s, now that its 2018, i think its interesting to see the little things and what direction they can go, based on what we see today compared to the predictions of the past.
yeah, theres alot of conspiracy stuff attached to it, also, aside from that, on the weirdness scale, there are these artificial intelligence robots, two of them, they are the most advanced form of robotics on earth, so the internet is used in so many ways as its brain, it has the ability to learn wich is like quantum tech, and the face mimics emotion to better communicate with people,
Holy cow! That man doesn’t really have anything better to do in his life… oh well, I guess that’s just an example of what one can do when is billionaire
sup yall these are sick g
happy easter optimus,
well ‘musk’ started the space X program, these falcon rocket shuddles that have boosters that break away and return not to fall in an ocean, but to self land on landing pads, the boosters are re-usable’ making launches cheaper to do’. space X is working with exploring MARS, retrieving data and stuff, seeing if there are possibilitys of habitation,, the whole thing with the car is kinda funny, its a marketing move while launching the research stuff he decided to launch a roadster with it’ lol. so theres a roadster orbiting mars ‘forever’ lol. making elon musk the first man in history to launch a car into space.
@ADMIN, DOOM & everyone else still here – HAPPY EASTER!!!
@DOOM – Damn! I knew… I knew that day would have come! Quantum computers… soon, they’ll become sentient and nobody will stop them! Skynet is going to become reality… We’re all fu**ed up! LOL!

Huh??? Tesla sent a car on Mars? TO DO WHAT?!?
dont worry, your you, unless im not me, and a simulation of who doom was, but im not. lol. however there is a shit ton of weirdness going on, technology took a giant leap’ artificial intelligence is a thing’ theres a couple quantum computers around’ cellphones come in wristwatch form’ self driving cars’ tesla shot a car into orbit around mars’ “FALCON HEAVY”. check that shit out
@ADMIN: Hey, my friend! I’m really glad to see you’re still here to manage our favourite site!
Well, when I sent you the message, I wrote the new email address I’m using now: only thing is that 99% sure I forgot to put the new address in my profile and update it… Oops! So sorry!
I did receive your email and answered it, maybe you didn’t write the correct email because it was totally different from the one you use here?
@DOOM – Yep, it’s very strange. After the coma, everything’s so confused: I lost some years of my life, during wich I don’t know what happened, and the problems of memory loss have intensified… Sometimes I feel like I’m no longer myself
So, aside the fact I’m still alive, there are no real good news (for now, I hope)
well, it must be weird waking up after all this time, im glad your around man, no joke’ i told ultra i was thinking of using some resources to find out wtf happened, but we agreed that it was an invasion of privacy so i didnt, we just came to the thery that all hope was lost, whats up with the surgery? besides the coma’ is there any good news from it?
@DOOM: “i thought you where gone forever” – Heeey my friend! I’m so happy to hear you again!

Yep, it is almost true… I had to undergo to a surgery on my brain, but that caused me the coma. I’ve been in coma status for… I’m not sure… maybe 2 years (or more?)
Anyway, I’m the leader of the Autobots, right? And I’m still standing!
So… How’s the situation here??? When I’m back, I tried to contact the Admin (’cause I was having some problems logging in) but he never replied
i thought you where gone forever,
holy shit.
hello optimus,
welcome back,
@Tech Ninja – Hey, mate! Yep, I’ve been away for 2 or maybe 3 years (I don’t remember correctly) because of my health problems…
What about you? No more themes?
Optimus? Wow it has been a long time! (..uh then again I guess I can say the same thing for myself. lol…..)
And I’m one of those nostalgic fans (especially about the good old PS1)
I’ve been away for some years, so I’m REALLY glad to see there still are guys who make themes: thank you!
Nice job, mate.