PS3 AmazinHitz Vol.1

Theme by sKaRfAcE_72
805-ps3amazinhitzvol1.jpgThis is the first theme I made so I hope you guys enjoy it…I’m probably gonna make some more, but give me your feedback on this one.
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2 thoughts on “PS3 AmazinHitz Vol.1

  1. Yeah, sorry I forgot to give the details…but this theme relates to some really good PS3 hits; some out already, some due to come out soon. But the games include:
    Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
    Assassins Creed
    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
    Devil May Cry 4
    Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune

    but like I said I’ll be making some more soon that include other games…

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