PS3 Transformers Dynamic Theme

Theme by Faxtron

My first Dynamic Theme created from scratch for transformers. I will give this theme as a gift to OPTIMUS. I know it’s simple but works lol. I’m still learning how to do it from scratch but soon I will release others more elaborated. I’m working in others ideas following this new method πŸ™‚

I will leave also for the community of PS3-Themes the script.js and the XML I created for doing this, for those who want to make another theme using this effect or simply want to study the files to take an idea. This effect is cool for images from space, sky, etc. With a little imagination any interested will be able to create a new theme with this. Like always for free !

Edit your dds image at desire and copy those files to the folder you have the raf tools and then compile the raf like always you do with the new js, xml, bg.dae and DDS image.

Enjoy πŸ™‚
Download Here


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: And I’ll be waiting! πŸ˜‰


Im just waitng for the hard drive to be sorted out once thats done i will be free to do themes.


@cannonfodder: (by the way… nice name, mate: it reminds me of the good old days spent on Atari-ST, Amiga and all the home computers/consoles of that period! :D) An adult theme? Well, you know, I’ve never been a fan of those themes… πŸ˜› Don’t get me wrong, I’m absolutely not judging you… it’s just that I consider them as an easy way to get tons of votes very quickly, and I honestly think there’s no need of imagination to make those themes. But I always respected everybody’s works, so… that’s just my opinion, of course! Anyway, back to your computer…… Read more »


Well it will probably be Adult one. Wont be as explicit as some of the ones on here but, god knows i got enough images to adult and space ones and yes they will be seperate themes.

I got a pentium 4 pc given to me from work old as hell but may need one or 2 upgrades like memory and hard drive.
It only has a 40gb hard drive thats half of the one I am using now on my ps3 !!


@cannonfodder: Hey, mate… first of all, welcome to the family! πŸ˜€ Well, you know, in my opinion you don’t need a super computer to start making themes. Unless you want to create dynamic/animated themes, you can use simple graphic programs: think that I always made my themes using free programs, and my computer is almost old like me… πŸ˜› The program I always used is RealWorld Paint COM: it’s free and user friendly, but it has lots of professional features to work with. What you really need is the passion and lots of imagination because, as I always said to… Read more »


Well as soon as I get my pc up and and running I might start making themes.

Nothing like Optimus or faxtron, but I will try. What kind of spec on a pc would need.


@doom & FAXTRON: Thanks a lot, guys! πŸ˜€ Oooh maaan… I miss Yogosan so much too! He’s been the very first one here who started appreciating my works and within very few time we became friends… indeed, he’s been exactly the first friend I had here! After a while it was as if we had formed a team: we shared many things/interests, we faced some troubles like simple idiots, we fought against haters or even psychopathic guys who were obsessed by us, and we soon became a point of reference along with other theme makers… aaah, very good times! But… Read more »


doom: i see it in another way, how can i be having a conversation with the past!? you may not be able to do themes anymore but we are all still here and i dont think we are about to go anywhere. Hey man, I change my opinion following something that OPTIMUS said to me in the forum. I decided to continue but not like always with a few changes and those changes include no making more request themes to anyone. About why I said that “I will not be making more themes for now” was because I was working… Read more »


i see it in another way, how can i be having a conversation with the past!? you may not be able to do themes anymore but we are all still here and i dont think we are about to go anywhere.


doom: everyone misses your work optimus… your a LEGEND.. i honestly think that the work you put in here has inspired most if not all, i still think you are the best. to this day.. people have been raising the bar alot lately with awsome talent and insane awsome skill, and i mean no offence to anyone. but in my opinion your craftmanship and determination is unbeatable.. Yes man, I agree OPTIMUS was one of my inspirations too, to animate myself to begin in this of create PS3 themes to this site. Yes man, this site have a few users… Read more »


@doom: Thank you very much for your kind words, my friend! But I missed the train. I mean… let’s face the reality: I’m a wreck, by now, and my conditions do not allow me to work like before. After the paralysis I can barely move, some days I don’t remember my name… and to write something in order to communicate with all of you, I even have to write slowly and calmly the text I need, and then copy and paste it in the comments πŸ™ But maybe you’re right… I’m unbeatable (just because I don’t want to give up)… Read more »


everyone misses your work optimus… your a LEGEND..
i honestly think that the work you put in here has inspired most if not all,
i still think you are the best. to this day..
people have been raising the bar alot lately with awsome talent and insane awsome skill, and i mean no offence to anyone.
but in my opinion your craftmanship and determination is unbeatable..




Great shout out to Optimus, i miss his work!

Thank you very much, mate: it means alot to me! πŸ˜€


Good Job wif this Theme Man Ilke The Film…….=]


Great shout out to Optimus, i miss his work! I really apprecite all the great pieces you guys slave so hard to make! Sorry for not participating/commenting sooner, i’ve been a fan of you guys for awhile! \m/Γ’_Γ³\m/


& doom Thanks πŸ™‚


GlowBall: @-.- Faxtron There is a solution to every problem fella but from a users point of view there are no prior warnings about bricks etc man. For example the user gets a brick hasn’t had any fun and now no longer enjoys PS3 themes and is probably annoyed with you also fella. That is exactly why I make tutorials and test my scripts over and over man for the users not for me cus all my dynamic backgrounds have to be 100% stable before I release them. Also raf_debug.p3t won’t work on the latest firmware either fella. I am… Read more »


thats really cool man! can’t wait to see where this will go πŸ™‚


i like it! its pretty boss. nothin beats a prime… lol +1 planet.


@-.- Faxtron There is a solution to every problem fella but from a users point of view there are no prior warnings about bricks etc man. For example the user gets a brick hasn’t had any fun and now no longer enjoys PS3 themes and is probably annoyed with you also fella. That is exactly why I make tutorials and test my scripts over and over man for the users not for me cus all my dynamic backgrounds have to be 100% stable before I release them. Also raf_debug.p3t won’t work on the latest firmware either fella. I am very… Read more »


I can recomend you a good, very good theme maker that’s accept request right now and is “AUDIODEVIANT” that guy is new here but create themes like a pro πŸ™‚ That guy will do a perfect work for your theme πŸ™‚


I’m sorry lisa at the momment I can’t take that request from you I’m very busy with a few projects at the same time and of that jobs is for release some new themes that i have in my list to do.


hey fax i want a doa5 theme or mdt. lol


GlowBall: A good start to your dynamic creations fella My advice to you would be to get stuck in but don’t give information or help in the wrong manner. I would never recommend to use raf_pack.exe on .sxml because it won’t stop for errors and will lead to semi bricks man. Everything in .sxml is useable and editable in the original .xml fella anyways I look forward to seeing what you can create with this man Thanks man for commenting and thanks for the advice man and the tip but why you have to get a semi brick if don’t… Read more »


A good start to your dynamic creations fella πŸ™‚

My advice to you would be to get stuck in but don’t give information or help in the wrong manner.

I would never recommend to use raf_pack.exe on .sxml because it won’t stop for errors and will lead to semi bricks man.

Everything in .sxml is useable and editable in the original .xml fella anyways I look forward to seeing what you can create with this man πŸ™‚


Another awesome theme bro, 5*x10000etc.


: Well, what can I say…?
You know, it’s pretty sad for me seeing my home planet that I had to leave eons ago and that I’ll never see again… but I’m really glad to tell you that once again you did an outstanding job! +1!

Thank you veeery much, my human friend! πŸ˜€


Thanks man, I will be waiting for that info. for that amazing 3D effect. I will upload the borderlands 2 theme today πŸ™‚


– UPLOAD THAT BORDERLANDS THEME!!! That theme looks awesome. You holdin’ out on us dude, lol
Later in the week I’ll PM you about that effect. Long story short: A lot of clone stamping, cutting with polygon lasso (I’m no good with pen tool, lol) in Photoshop, and a little bit of math in Flash.


@uLtRaMa6nEt1c I made that theme. If you like it, I will upload it for all of you here. Another thing…You know I like you awesome 3D tecnique. If you can and you have the time and PM me how to do it, because I have an image that I want to use for a theme in 3D like yours. I know that you don’t make request to anyone and I hate to say this if you don’t have the time to explain that, can you make me one with that image. You know don’t worry if can’t do it i… Read more »


I almost forgot…where’s that Boarderlands 2 theme from? I don’t recall seeing that here.


– Thanks again. I don’t know where you found the time to figure all this out, lol. I can’t wait to see what you and GlowBall do next.



men this is awesome

Thanks mate πŸ™‚


men this is awesome πŸ™‚


I will tell you one more thing to use a image for example with : 1920Γ—2604 change in the JS and the XML this :

In the XML : Change this : position=”15.5, 23.5, 20.5″

and in the JS change this :

comment image

Compile your theme and then if you have problems with the resolution make the “scale” fix of the sxml.


I forgot to mention that you only have to make the “scale” fix on images more bigger than 1920×1080.


@uLtRaMa6nEt1c You can use the bg.dae and the rest of the files I left in the download without problem. That bg.dae is the same used in my “Danny Trejo”and my “Zelda” theme. Only you have to do something after compiling and is to ajust the resolution in the “smxl” that file is in the “tmp” folder. Open that file after compiling your theme yo ajust the image in “scale” and play with those values (x,y,z) only change the “X and Y” not the Z value. Then go to “possition and adjust the “Z” value acording to your image. Ok then… Read more »


– Thanks for the info. What’s the difference in your DAE file from the one we use to make dynamic/animated themes?

I would love to have the style you used with Danny Trejo as a vertical slideshow.


Thanks to all for your comments πŸ™‚ I don’t know why the link to the files is down, but don’t worry here is the new link : BTW : If anyone play a little with the “script”.js will be able to move or change the direction of the model/actor/object as desire, or even using this and is for me the most important part, will be able to use images in themes with bigger resolutions than 1920 x 1080, like in this example video of a theme I created that use an image resolution of 1920×2604. This theme is… Read more »


@uLtRaMa6nEt1c Thanks man ; Well let see how I can try to explain what is a .dae or (digital asset exchange). This archive is the “model” of our object and without this file you can’t use an “actor/object” which we integrate in the scene. In this theme the our scene have only two elements, one is the actor that is in this case the wallpaper (texture used at the same time) and the second one is a camera. In a dynamic theme the objects in the scene needs a model that is created using a 3D sofware and that model… Read more »


+1. This reminds me of the one in the PS Store. Thanks for the new style.
What exactly does the bg.dae do?


That’s a really nice theme, especially for Transformers fans +1


nice its up … +1