Raiden mortal kombat


Animated electricity on hands , glowing eyes , purple aura around the moon …. Enjoy
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14 thoughts on “Raiden mortal kombat

  1. audiodeviant:

    im sure sum1 dislikes my themes because they are childish.. and not because they dont them , i think there is some little girls on this site , sum1 makes a better theme then they can, and they dont like it >> why is there a dislike button anyway i put alot of work into these themes i cound’nt care less if you dont like it dont download it its free for fk sake….

    people just like bitch n troll moan even wen they get something free is see it on that dust 514 game

  2. screw what people like or dislike…just keep doin u pimpin. G’s up…hoe’s down

    BTW-10 plus playa

  3. audiodeviant:

    im sure sum1 dislikes my themes because they are childish.. and not because they dont them , i think there is some little girls on this site , sum1 makes a better theme then they can, and they dont like it >> why is there a dislike button anyway i put alot of work into these themes i cound’nt care less if you dont like it dont download it its free for fk sake….

    LOL dude chill.. the dislike buttons there to help artists make improvements on their themes but people are misusing it and just trolling.. dont pay attention to the dislike button, its the likes that count and some people might be critics and will comment on why they disliked it . in my opinion every1 that dislikes should comment why and if they don’t then they’re just trolling you or plain haters but who cares just ignore that sh*t and keep doing what you do best..

  4. Agree with uLtRaMa6nEt1c. Don’t worry man there will always be an occasional hater around here on this site. The best thing is that most people know is good. BTW +1

  5. haha audiodeviant, looks like you got a hater. Don’t sweat it man. There’s always an a$$hole. I’m sure most users appreciate the work and the time you put into your themes, myself included.

  6. im sure sum1 dislikes my themes because they are childish.. and not because they dont them , i think there is some little girls on this site , sum1 makes a better theme then they can, and they dont like it >> why is there a dislike button anyway i put alot of work into these themes i cound’nt care less if you dont like it dont download it its free for fk sake….

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