Red Dead Theme

Theme by OPTIMUS

5 HD/SD wallpapers directly from Rockstar’s official site. Totally hand-drawn icons, made with pieces of raw wood (Far West style :P) nailed together.

Red Dead Redemption is coming!
Download Here

20 thoughts on “Red Dead Theme

  1. Yeah, and let me tell you that… this game is really BEAUTIFUL!!! Everything’s perfect: the atmosphere, the reproduction of places, guns, equipments, vehicles, horses… everything!
    And the music… WOW (who said Ennio Morricone?)!
    Maybe the controls are a little bit complicated, but the rest is very well done.
    It seems a “spaghetti western” movie for real! 😀

  2. Ehm… do you refer to the hint you gave me, when I tried to guess what could be your new theme (saying that it could be one on my ex-girlfriend)??? 😛
    Sorry, but talk jumping from a theme to another made me lose the thread… 😀 In addition, yesterday and today were two terrible days, because I had a car accident: an idiot has come down on me with his f*cking truck, destroying my car 🙁
    Since this morning I’m running between mechanic and car-body repairer, so I logged in just now and maybe I missed something…
    At least I did just in time to buy Red Dead Redemption 😀

  3. you were close (guessing the theme). i might wait until i actually play red dead before finishing the theme, i’ll have it soon anyway. i think bad company 2 has been forgotten 🙁

  4. Yep, you hit the point, bro! I mean: I don’t have my PS3 connected because I was never interested, but there’s a lot of people who might buy a game and then… cannot play it the right way due to these problems and the only solution to solve them is to have a connection to download a patch??? No, thanks!
    Sometimes I really regret the good old days of PS1… 🙁

    However, what you’re saying reassures me a bit: I bought my PS3 at day 1 (60GB Fat, of course) and I almost never had problems, so I hope not to have with this game too…

  5. yeah optimus i know what you mean about the patches. They’ve gotten too dependent on them, some people don’t even have an internet connection, what are they supposed to do?

    On a good note though. I played several hours last night without a single freeze. And I had a blast. This is definitely Rockstar’s best game IMO. And the best Sandbox game IMO too. There’s just such a variety of stuff to do, very entertaining to say the least.

  6. @Elijah: Yeah, they could release a patch… but I’m tired about this stuff!
    It seems the NEW VIDEOGAMES TREND, now: they make an “incomplete” game, then release a damn patch hoping to correct all the problems, but not everyone keep the PS3 connected (like me)…! 🙁

    @Yogosan: lol! Maybe you should give up: there’s too much competition with this theme… 😛
    I’m really curious to see your new themes (and hear the sound you told me about) 😀

  7. i’v hit a brick wall with this theme, i’m gonna have to make my own wallpapers for sure. my gta ballad of gay tony theme is nearly done must just make some backgrounds also.

  8. well GTA 4 use to freeze my ps3 every once in awhile also. Damn, i didn’t even remember that till you mentioned that, lol. Well, I hope they release a patch or something. It is a pretty kick ass game though. I’ve only played for maybe 5 hrs, and I still don’t know half of all there is to do. I like it way better than GTA 4

  9. Thanks, Elijahblake!
    Really? Well, I’ve not bought it yet, because in my country it will be released Friday…
    Damn! I’ve been waiting for this game, but as usual these f*cking problems ruin everything!
    I did not expect such a thing from Rockstar, considering that the graphics engine of Red Dead is the same used in GTA IV…

  10. Nice theme.. Has anyone else had freezing issues with this game? It’s done it twice now in single player. I have to restart my ps3 and loose my progress. Very frustrating.

  11. WHAAAT?!? After all I’ve done for you, this is how you repay me??? Enough: I disown you as a friend!
    HAAHAHAHA! I’m kidding :P! I knew this moment would come, sooner or later… 😀

  12. Optimus, it saddens me to be the one telling you this but… i have cheated on your scrubs theme with my own :I

  13. 😀 Thanks a lot, guys! 😀
    Yep, it took longer than I expected: nailing all those pieces of wood was a hard work… 😛
    Hey, Yogosan, are you kidding me :P? I PERFECTLY know what you can do…! 😀
    And Dahl, your theme will not be forgotten: we downloaded it, by now… 😛

  14. that is an excellent idea and executoin. i’v definately got alot more work to do on mine

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