Saints Row 3 Theme

Theme by GlowBall

Quick theme with just the 1 HD/SD background. I think the icons which I created myself work really well with the background image. Just a shame you cant change the colour of the ps3 font yet(I will look into it). I will create dynamic theme of Saints Row 3 as soon as I have finalized my Naughty Bear dynamic theme.
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12 thoughts on “Saints Row 3 Theme

  1. @ aml1909

    Thanks 🙂

    @ E-clipZe

    I done clouds with a bit of falling rain, but it looks cheap. I will wait for the game for more ideas. What I really want is to put 3D edge files in but it is hard to sucessfully change the anim_1 size manually with a hex editor 🙁

  2. @ GlowBall

    Maybe themes with things moving in a horizon, like clouds, or airplanes, falling stars. that kind of things =)

  3. Anyone with an idea of a dynamic version apart from the boring and lazy moving smoke. I’ve only come up with 1 and it involves falling rain (not heavy rain edit).

  4. Dahl:

    Optimus, I think the icons from you awesome purpleness theme might fit right in with some Saint’s Row, just saying!

    Lol! Yeah, you’re right my friend! 😀
    (Ugh, I almost forgot that “purple theme”… damn brain! :P)

    Uhm… who knows? Maybe, when there will be some good and suitable image, I could make a theme for this game (hoping my brain will help me… O_O)

  5. KH_Nerd:

    Hey optimus, how you been? I Just Had a quick question. Do you have an email? I would like to send you a few good KH pics that i found that you might like to work with in the theme, let me know and i’ll email them to you. Thanks again man.

    Hmm… well, sorry, mate, but I usually avoid giving my email address (you never know what can happen :P)…
    Anyway, you could upload the images on “turboimagehost com” site and give me the links here (or using the PM system in the forum), so that I can save them (assuming they’re not the same images I already found…) 😉

  6. Optimus, I think the icons from you awesome purpleness theme might fit right in with some Saint’s Row, just saying! 😉

  7. Hey optimus, how you been? I Just Had a quick question. Do you have an email? I would like to send you a few good KH pics that i found that you might like to work with in the theme, let me know and i’ll email them to you. Thanks again man.

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