Saints Row: The Third Animated

Theme by GlowBall

Saints Row: The Third Animated UPDATE – For all firmwares including 4.0 🙂

Another Saints Row 3 theme created by myself (show how much I love the game series). This time it’s evolved once again to an animated style theme with a border. Icons created by me.

Enjoy 🙂
Download Here


22 thoughts on “Saints Row: The Third Animated

  1. Player you are awesome, it works fine now….,

    the picture of the girl now seems to be more grainy, not HD, not sure why that is, but happy to have the theme back thanks so much….

    Maybe the grainy was always there I just didn’t notice it before not sure, but love the theme, thanks for the link, and thanks for fixing it for us player… Awesome Theme

  2. Sorry for those who haven’t used megaupload wait for the timer to finish then click regular download if you don’t want to pay for premium.

  3. Was one of my Fav.. themes, but it doesn’t work now…

    can you just put the file on in the mean-time so we can test it out, instead of waiting 7 days until this thing get’s approved… Please!

    -and just post the link right here

    I’m missing my fav theme ever since 4.00 fw messed it all up… 🙁

  4. @ Faxtron

    Dunno whats happened here I updated the theme and it worked but when I download it from here it seems to be a larger p3t than the 4.0 version.

    Anyway I have updated again lol but sorry pal

  5. hey dude i’m watching your work and it’s awesome!plz can you make me a dynamic christmas theme?i would appreciate it…thanks a lot.greetings.

  6. Dude, OMG!!!! This THEME Is AWESOME… wow…

    I don’t even play Saint’s Row/More of a GTA Fan, but might get it now though, man I love this theme…. Really nice job player… Has a really nice look and feel, plays nice and smooth- it looks so awesome…

    -you will not regret it-

    Awesome job Player..

  7. GlowBall would you please make a youtube video of how you make a these dynamic themes? I like how you have the still image and then a little window playing an animated clip. It’s really cool.


    I tried drop shadow but the light is from behind I’ll look at something else maybe a billboard. Playing the game first though 🙂

  9. Could you do a shadow or something around the animated window it seems a little flat to me. Great themes otherwise keep’em coming.

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