Theme by Dennis “F-Rott” Ferrand
Super Street Fighter IV Theme
9 Backgrounds
5 Sounds
9 Backgrounds
5 Sounds
Here’s another Theme I held back from releasing a long time ago because OPTIMUS released a very good batch at the time, and I felt uploading mine would be overkill.
I actually took the default sounds you get in the official theme and ran them through Audacity to bring them down in volume.
Download Here
@ OPTIMUS: Thanks man!
@frostvoid: I really don’t care about ratings. I make themes for myself and whoever else wants to download them. It’s just a fun hobby. I think I’ve got a good handle on how to make themes from a technical standpoint anyway.
dee jay themes plz nuff sed
I am baffled your SSFIV PS3 theme got an average of 3/5 stars considering it’s actually a cool SSFIV PS3 theme. I am using it right now. I would give it 5 stars but it won’t let me rate you on my PS3 which is odd – I was able to rate others using my PS3 before.
You know, I think that you’d have to upload this theme anyway, although at that time there was mine already, because it’s a very nice work, Dennis!