32 thoughts on “The Evil Within Concept Art SlideShow (Tint)”
@OPTIMUS – I know what you meant, but I want dynamic
=> ULTRA – You’re right. But I meant the tools to make static themes: they were officially released…
=> DOOM – Well, that’s more or less what they did with dynamic themes, since they were supposed to be made only by developers: then, the tools have been leaked and half world started making dynamic themes
Anyway, guess we just have to wait and see…
my biggest worry is, what if they find a way to make the creation of themes by outside partys
illegal? if they already know that its just a matter of time before the tools are exposed, what would be the next step? could they licence the creation of themes to ONLY there staff,
i mean, all the bullshit they did with the ps4 console to begin with, mp3, divx, external hd- non compatibility.
taking steps to prevent piracy is one of sonys obvious goals..
what if they make it to where a form of piracy is invoked upon creation by using the tools they created?
is DAT possible?
or am i thinking too mutch?
sometimes i do..
@OPTIMUS – They didn’t officially release those dynamic tools though. I think that was supposed to be their money maker. And I’m assuming PS4 themes will be dynamic from the jump. We’ll get our hands on it in time though
@DOOM – Well, you’re right in a sense.
Anyway, there’s also to consider that if Sony didn’t want “people to intrude on their profits”, then they would never allowed users to make their own themes on PS3 by releasing the official tools years ago… don’t you think?
on another note, im curious as to what will be different, i think something will be done with the notifications instead of the option to apply grafics to the notifications looking stretched out like silly puddy there will probably be a way to stretch it properly making it look GREAT. theres probably better options for icons and probably even possible animations like fade, slight animation movement, something… or even a interactive background using the sixaxis.. what do you think?
but im thinking that, now this is just a thought,
if i was a corporate guy, i wouldn’t want people
like optimus ultramagnetic faxtron drewpysp or any of the rest of the creators to intrude on my profits.
could sony go out of the way to make it more difficult for a creator to make one for free, for the public, so it would be easyer to just buy one.
is that possible?
think about it, its a ps4.. im sure it ‘cant’ be like ps3 themes. im sure sony WANTS the themes to be better, they want it so people STILL buy them, so they will ENHANCE them which is the whole reason why there is the update, to make money,
they must make ps4 themes better then ps3 themes. next gen tech, productivity, and reputation calls for an upgrade..
@OPTIMUS – I assume there will be something new. Also with more power we hopefully get more frames to work with too, so every theme is in 1080p.
I wonder if the themes will be dynamic and if the same language will be used to create them.
I was wondering the same!
You know, maybe the whole compiling language will be different, unless Sony found a way to also make the old themes compatible:
=> in the first case, the theme’s file could be “p4t”, which implies there will be new tools to make themes;
=> in the second case, we could simply keep on using the current tools (which is what I hope)
The point is that PS4’s UI is quite different, although there still are icons like PS3’s XMB… we’ll see O_o
@doom – you crazy, lol and thank you.
@OPTIMUS – AWESOME. One of my hobbies won’t die I wonder if the themes will be dynamic and if the same language will be used to create them.
ok, ultra, i see,
i completely understand ultra, technically thats just
fucking retarded . how is that even a possibility?
is there a glory hole next to the +1 on that fuckin theme?
is that REAL? or is peter frampton gonna climb through my television set and fire pink elefents
out of his ass hole?
@Doom: Yeah, looks like this game is going to be a good horror… Shinji Mikami is back, guys!
Yes OPTIMUS and that is the reason for me to take time to create a theme for this game. As I know this game will be bringing back the survival horror style and for me that are good news. I’m waiting for a game like this long time ago.
and i cant believe this theme isnt getting MORE attention, there should be conversations happening about the game here.
this is a site for gamers, correct?
I don’t know, man. That crap Black Ops 2 theme is at the top and my Transformers theme is still up there. That BlOps 2 theme isn’t even the right color, and supposedly everyone hates Bayformers. I don’t even like that theme that much. I thought my GotG and TMNT themes would be up there. Faxtron’s latest batch should be up there. We’re doing different and new sh*t with these themes, but… idk. I still got a few more themes left in me. Masters Of The Universe MDT coming soon-ish
@Doom: Yeah, looks like this game is going to be a good horror… Shinji Mikami is back, guys!
@Faxtron: +1 again! Great job, my friend!
and i cant believe this theme isnt getting MORE attention, there should be conversations happening about the game here.
this is a site for gamers, correct?
i heard this game is so scary that its actually dangerous* for kids to play it…. im interested..
In the theme description are something wrong lol…. this theme have only 7HD images not 15HD images.
@OPTIMUS – I know what you meant, but I want dynamic
=> ULTRA – You’re right. But I meant the tools to make static themes: they were officially released…
=> DOOM – Well, that’s more or less what they did with dynamic themes, since they were supposed to be made only by developers: then, the tools have been leaked and half world started making dynamic themes
Anyway, guess we just have to wait and see…
my biggest worry is, what if they find a way to make the creation of themes by outside partys
illegal? if they already know that its just a matter of time before the tools are exposed, what would be the next step? could they licence the creation of themes to ONLY there staff,
i mean, all the bullshit they did with the ps4 console to begin with, mp3, divx, external hd- non compatibility.
taking steps to prevent piracy is one of sonys obvious goals..
what if they make it to where a form of piracy is invoked upon creation by using the tools they created?
is DAT possible?
or am i thinking too mutch?
sometimes i do..
@OPTIMUS – They didn’t officially release those dynamic tools though. I think that was supposed to be their money maker. And I’m assuming PS4 themes will be dynamic from the jump. We’ll get our hands on it in time though
@DOOM – Well, you’re right in a sense.
Anyway, there’s also to consider that if Sony didn’t want “people to intrude on their profits”, then they would never allowed users to make their own themes on PS3 by releasing the official tools years ago… don’t you think?
on another note, im curious as to what will be different, i think something will be done with the notifications instead of the option to apply grafics to the notifications looking stretched out like silly puddy there will probably be a way to stretch it properly making it look GREAT. theres probably better options for icons and probably even possible animations like fade, slight animation movement, something… or even a interactive background using the sixaxis.. what do you think?
but im thinking that, now this is just a thought,
if i was a corporate guy, i wouldn’t want people
like optimus ultramagnetic faxtron drewpysp or any of the rest of the creators to intrude on my profits.
could sony go out of the way to make it more difficult for a creator to make one for free, for the public, so it would be easyer to just buy one.
is that possible?
think about it, its a ps4.. im sure it ‘cant’ be like ps3 themes. im sure sony WANTS the themes to be better, they want it so people STILL buy them, so they will ENHANCE them which is the whole reason why there is the update, to make money,
they must make ps4 themes better then ps3 themes. next gen tech, productivity, and reputation calls for an upgrade..
@OPTIMUS – I assume there will be something new. Also with more power we hopefully get more frames to work with too, so every theme is in 1080p.
I was wondering the same!
You know, maybe the whole compiling language will be different, unless Sony found a way to also make the old themes compatible:
=> in the first case, the theme’s file could be “p4t”, which implies there will be new tools to make themes;
=> in the second case, we could simply keep on using the current tools (which is what I hope)
The point is that PS4’s UI is quite different, although there still are icons like PS3’s XMB… we’ll see O_o
@doom – you crazy, lol and thank you.
I wonder if the themes will be dynamic and if the same language will be used to create them.
@OPTIMUS – AWESOME. One of my hobbies won’t die
ok, ultra, i see,
i completely understand ultra, technically thats just
fucking retarded . how is that even a possibility?
is there a glory hole next to the +1 on that fuckin theme?
is that REAL? or is peter frampton gonna climb through my television set and fire pink elefents
out of his ass hole?
how many new things have been created here?
ahh fade tint aswell,, lol, christ,
ill have some words to say when it happens.
yeah, ive been noticing that you guys are doing new things,, EPIC,
the preview title, and the multi slide, i saw that,
now you guys gotta find more wallpapers LOL
you motherf***in ULTRAMAGNETIC
for christ sakes…
it happens ultra, you put alot of heart into your work, and your work is masterful, i dont think anyone can deny that,
@EVERYONE: AWESOME news, guys! Sony is going to release PS4 firmware update 2.0 in autumn and… you know what?
Just one word: T H E M E S !!!
@doom – You’re right. I had to get sensitive real quick, LOL
i believe you have more than a few more ultra..
why u talkin crazy? your talent is monsterous,
dont think about the little things, rise above.
holy shit love it
Yes OPTIMUS and that is the reason for me to take time to create a theme for this game. As I know this game will be bringing back the survival horror style and for me that are good news. I’m waiting for a game like this long time ago.
I don’t know, man. That crap Black Ops 2 theme is at the top and my Transformers theme is still up there. That BlOps 2 theme isn’t even the right color, and supposedly everyone hates Bayformers. I don’t even like that theme that much. I thought my GotG and TMNT themes would be up there. Faxtron’s latest batch should be up there. We’re doing different and new sh*t with these themes, but… idk. I still got a few more themes left in me. Masters Of The Universe MDT coming soon-ish
@Doom: Yeah, looks like this game is going to be a good horror… Shinji Mikami is back, guys!
@Faxtron: +1 again! Great job, my friend!
and i cant believe this theme isnt getting MORE attention, there should be conversations happening about the game here.
this is a site for gamers, correct?
i heard this game is so scary that its actually dangerous* for kids to play it…. im interested..
In the theme description are something wrong lol…. this theme have only 7HD images not 15HD images.
I will check that email now
You got my email. You know what you gotta do