The Evil Within HD

Theme by HollowBattousai

Requested on my facebook page by TJ ToeJam Guy Greene, This theme comes with 7 backgrounds. Ultra Slideshow version coming soon!
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11 thoughts on “The Evil Within HD

  1. @Faxtron – You’re right. When the game is developed with consoles as the priority the PC version can suffer. In many cases modders can/will fix that, which makes my original statement true most of the time.
    I think we’ll see more ports to PC this generation because of platform parity, which may not make PC gamers happy.
    With cross-platform play on Street Fighter 5 I wonder if the PC version will suffer.

  2. uLtRaMa6nEt1c:

    @Faxtron – Every game is better on PC
    I like consoles though. It’s just simpler and more convenient for me.

    No that is not true in my opinion. Some games are better on consoles. An example of this right now is Assassin’s Creed Unity that have a shit port on PC. Like this example I have many more. The power of the plataform is not equal to quality. The PC is a better plataform for other things but not all the multiplataform games are better on PC, thats is a myth. In fact there are many cases that the release have better ports on consoles than in PC. I buy my games sometimes on PC and in other ocassions in consoles for that reason. I think the PC is the best plataform but not necessarily for that reason. If not the capabilities we have with it : retrocompatibility, emulators, multimedia, game prices, etc. Of curse is an open plataform that we can use for whatever we want even to make updates on the hardware without limitations. But in games the developers are doing bad sometimes with the ports for PC and that is a reality. Even sometimes the game is “castrated” on purpose to avoid controversy in the gamer comunity that have new consoles (PS4-Xbox One) BTW : Ironically an clear example of this is this game The Evil Whitin it was not until some modders released a mod to play the game full screen and whit 60 fps than the developers officially release the update to play the game without limitations. Why this game was not be released without those limitations on PC at the begining ? That is the question. That’s was the reason I play this game three times. One with the limitations Betesda leave and other two : One with unofficial mods and the last one with the official update to finally play the game as its really is.

  3. In my opinion the best version of this game is on PC by far with full screen support and 60 fps. The version on consoles is bad, really bad with many bug, frames falls, etc. The game is really good. I finished this game three times on PC.

  4. Since my backlog is so huge I’ll pick it up on PS4 in March. I’m tryna decide if I’ll keep the same name on PS4. I don’t wanna lose my platinum trophies though. First world problems, lol.
    @ThugKnight – I would love a 20th Anniversiary PS4, but I ain’t paying no $1000+. You can definitely get double or more for it though. Good luck 🙂

  5. I my self have not played it, TJ ToeJam Guy Greene on my Facebook page requested it. From the videos I saw on YouTube I might pick it up on ps4 latter. I also have a big backlog of games on ps3 that I have to finish so once that’s done I’ll pick up this game.

  6. Yes Ultra this game on PS4 I think it looks better on PS3 though it’s darker from when I seen the comparison video and it’s horror flick the PS4 version was too detailed but then I heard from other people posting that the graphics pull from the Ps3 version. I have the PS3 version oh and I did not get the PS4 from Ebay for $300.00 like I wanted so now I’m goin for somethin bigger that I’ll just put away or might resell when I get it I bought someone’s pre order of the 20th anniversary PS4 I paid $1,500 and I hope I get it. Oh by the way I did get my money back for that original PS4 that I paid $300.00 for.

  7. I wanna get this too. Is it on PS4? My backlog is crazy too. I just platinum’d CoD: Ghosts. I’ma platinum Advanced Warfare then Lego Marvel. I’m really behind with games, lol.

  8. Hollow how is that game I have it brand new still sitting on my shelf I saw alot of videos on Youtube and got it during the first week of Halloween I love the 3d cover I’m still back logged with my other PS3 games.

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