The Order 1886 Concept Art

Theme by Faxtron

Theme requested by Nightwing1987
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18 thoughts on “The Order 1886 Concept Art

  1. F-Rott:

    Hoe do you get it to slide up, then zoom, then move up, etc? I’ve been looking for how to do that in the tutorials…I must have missed it…

    This script is not released yet I have a few new scripts that I will release soon including this one. The last script I release was constant zoom and the download for those files are in the theme description of Mariah Carey. I will create if I have time a thread in the forum for all the new scripts I have soon.

  2. Hoe do you get it to slide up, then zoom, then move up, etc? I’ve been looking for how to do that in the tutorials…I must have missed it…

  3. “And the city will be consumed by horde of… NIGHTMARE CREATUUURES! BWAAAHAHAHAHA!”

    Oh maaan… lots of memories! 😀

  4. id recommend doom2 and up, doom3 was actually the prequil to doom1, witch is why doom4 is getting rebooted completely because john carmak is going crazy trying to perfect it,

    some people didn’t really grasp the idea that it was a prequil and actually thought doom ‘3’ was actually doom3, it wasnt, it was the story of how Flyn Taggert got to the point of run and gun killin from the gate in doom1,

    but doom3 started on mars, and at the end of doom3 he was ‘the only survivor’ so that would END mars city. and lead right into a PS4 version of HELL ON EARTH.
    in which case is not going to be a story telling version for the younger generation. its definitely going to be slightly different..

    but if your going to play id start at doom2,
    just for the simple fact that its more fun to play. then if your interested checkout doom64 and final doom.

  5. @F-Rott – I do that all the time when I’m making themes and such (viewing website source). I look at websites from different regions too.

    @doom – I was playing Doom 1 on my computer at work. LOL. The controls are so clunky, but the fun is still there 🙂

  6. by the way i did find a way to use my sony 3d ‘audio’ headset with doom, but not 64, FINAL DOOM PS1, final doom is the equivalent of the 64 gen, only sonys ver. and obviously ps3 plays ps1 format but NOT ps2 format, why? i dont know.. since final doom is ps1 format played through ps3 the virtual soround headset works, boy let me tell you, it works too well with the ambience, and what the ps1 port lacked in character grafix compared to the 64 port, it made up for in spades in everything else, the ambient sounds in the ps1 game gave me goose bumps, using the pulse1 sony headset set it off.. it was exactly how it was intended to sound if you where in the studio during development, it is almost a quantum experience.

    look i know what your thinking, im obviously a huge fan of doom and im all like bLaH bLaH bLaH bLaH bLaH bLaH bLaH bLaH bLaH

    but gAd dAYmn!!!! i didn’t expect that submersion……… IN A PS1 GAME!!?? WTF!!??

    LOL 😛

  7. @uLtRaMa6nEt1c: Bloodborne does share a striking amount of similarities with Nightmare Creatures, that’s for sure. I really like the way Hidetaka Miyazaki makes games, so I’m excited about Bloodborne. Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls were outstanding, so I’m willing to give him a chance.
    I’m also very excited for No Man’s Sky! I viewed the source of their website and took the custom modified Geo Sans Light font from there!

  8. +1 Faxtron. Nightmare Creatures, oops I mean Bloodbourne looks good, but it looks repetitive. I’m looking forward to The Order 1886.
    I like unusual left-field games a lot and Wild looks awesome. There are quite a few of these games I’m interested in – Rime, Tearaway (I don’t have a PSVita), Ab.Zu, a few others. I’m most excited for No Man’s Sky 😀

  9. ironically flyn aka doom guy’s face, the particular face he makes on my gravatar, looks like my father, not the other faces tho, flyn makes that face when he picks up the more powerful wepons, or sphere powerups,

  10. @F-Rott Uff Bloodborne I want that game too. Is nice to know that you create a theme for that game. Well I will be waiting for that theme, thanks for making it.

    Another game I’m waiting is Wild. Man this game looks very cool too. If I have time I will try to create a dynamic theme for this game.

  11. @OPTIMUS: YEAH! I heard about themes on PS4! Maybe not System Update 2.0, but they’re going to happen eventually!

    @doom: Yeah, it was a Father’s Day gift! It looks just like me! Creepy! LOL!

    @Faxtron: No problem, Faxtron! I’m looking forward to The Order, and this just fits what I’ve seen so far! I just got a little burned out…I made a Bloodborne Slideshow theme and uploaded it yesterday, so that’ll pop up sometime.

  12. @F-Rott & Doom

    => Doom: The Order 1886 is a veeery good and exclusive game coming for PS4: it’s not wrong to say this is the first game which will show what the console is really able to do (especially in terms of graphics) 😉

    => F-Rott: Hey mate! Glad to see you again! 😀 Uh… You changed the gravatar?
    Did you know the themes are coming back on PS4?

  13. F-Rott:

    This looks outstanding! +1!

    It’s good to know that you still here with us in this site. Thanks a lot for your veredict on the theme.

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