The Saboteur

Theme by Dennis “F-Rott” Ferrand

The Saboteur Theme
5 Backgrounds
5 Custom Sounds straight from the game
Full Custom Icon Set

Got the idea to make the icons tiny from OPTIMUS when using his recent Super Street Fighter IV Themes on my PS3, so THANKS for the inspiration, OPTIMUS!
Download Here

10 thoughts on “The Saboteur

  1. Suppose I could the Airbender theme. I’m currently updating my old PlayStation One Medal of Honor 1 theme. I just crapped it out originally, and I’ve always regretted it. I’ve put A LOT more work into this redub and it shows already.

    Think I’ll do Medal of Honor Underground afterwards…

  2. great work f-rott

    hey dude, was wondering if you were interested in making a theme for the movie LAST AIRBENDER. I grabbed a bunch of wallpapers from the official site. what’s your psn ID.

  3. Don’t mention it, F-Rott!
    Yep, I think it’s better to make small (but visible :P) icons to not cover the backgrounds: for example, in my Reflective Metal theme, the symbols inside the circles are 32×32 pixels and the icons of my Street Fighter IV theme have the same size (if I remember correctly… :P)

    WHOOOOHOOOO!!! I loved that game! 5 stars!

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