Gaming The Swapper February 26, 2015 Theme by The-Marker Enjoy | More themes here: | PSN ID: The-Marker21 Download Here
Rafael_bernardo11: I do not want you to do a theme with the ps4 wallpaper for ps3 know that dynamic theme blue ps4 you can make a move that would bequeath the ps3 I don’t know how to make a dynimic theme, but i can try to do it, the another themes too. Thanks for you request ^_^
der if not make a theme resident evil revelations 2 a the order of a 1886 God of War Ascension and a assassins creed Unyte for PS3
I do not want you to do a theme with the ps4 wallpaper for ps3 know that dynamic theme blue ps4 you can make a move that would bequeath the ps3
Rafael_bernardo11: hi maker 21 I wanted ta asking u to do a theme in ps4 interface style is to Hi :F A Knack theme for PS4 you say?
ok maker good work friend
I don’t know how to make a dynimic theme, but i can try to do it, the another themes too.
Thanks for you request ^_^
I am new at making themes and i am making one for my friend how would i uplode it to this website
der if not make a theme resident evil revelations 2 a the order of a 1886 God of War Ascension and a assassins creed Unyte for PS3
I do not want you to do a theme with the ps4 wallpaper for ps3 know that dynamic theme blue ps4 you can make a move that would bequeath the ps3
Hi :F
A Knack theme for PS4 you say?
type this image
hi maker 21 I wanted ta asking u to do a theme in ps4 interface style is to