Touhou Project Customed Theme ~ S.S. Type Phantasm

Theme by Senya Saigyouji

Yep. It’s me again. This is, what? The eighth time I’ve updated the same theme? Anyway, I fixed the pointers, so whoever that actually uses the Internet Browser function in their PS3 can finally use the mouse.
Download Here

27 thoughts on “Touhou Project Customed Theme ~ S.S. Type Phantasm

  1. Really like this theme, the screens taken are just gorgeous and the Touhoumon(?) icons are a very cute.

    Thanks for taking the time to make these.

  2. @Senya Saigyouji: Well, maybe it’s not 50 years… let’s say 48, loool! 😀

    You know, the problem is that today’s Italians are a bunch of wimps: they complain about everything, but in the end they bow their heads and get in line like sheep.
    50 years ago, if something didn’t go the right way, everyone stopped (paralyzing the whole country) until politicians realized that the catastrophe was coming and tried to sort things out… that’s what we still call “austerity”.
    But today, as I said, everyone complains, but nobody does anything, and politicians keep on blathering and filling their pockets. They’re only killing this country: Italy has become the laughing stock of Europe (if not the whole world) and I’m ashamed to be italian…
    United States always been a great country, a country that always managed to get up, no matter what the problem was. Instead, Italy keeps on limping and will never be able to walk towards a good future…

    As for the video games’ cost: yeah, something like that.
    I mean… if you buy a game like, for example, Skyrim (which is a great brand) you will pay 70€ or more, but if you’re going to buy the most insignificant game on earth, made by an unknown developer (and which maybe is even a complete flop), well… you will spend the same money. O_O
    So, yes, it’s outrageous! And yes, you must have a great job if you want to keep on having fun with your favorite hobbies.
    Fortunately, very long ago I was a race car driver so I’ve been able to make enough money before leaving that world due to an incident. But now, because of my health problems, I started running out of money… 🙁 so, I really think this generation console will be the last one for me: costs are getting higher, and I don’t think I’ll be able to buy the next Playstation and X-Box.

  3. Damn. I meant to spell “enjoyment” for the last sentence, but I got too excited. Why isn’t there an edit button? >_<


    F-fifty years of procrastination? You're not exaggerating right? I'm surprised there hasn't been something like the French Revolution (Holy crap, I'm using something that I learned in History Class!) in Italy!! I guess some histories really do repeat themselves.
    You know, the incompetence and self-centered desires of figure heads causing an outrage from the civilians and them eventually rebelling.
    The politicians shouldn't…lose their heads with all their power!! 😀
    (*Beheaded for terrible pun concerning what happened to the absolute monarchy that was the reason behind the Revolution, King Louis the XVI, and how he was put to death.*)
    ^ At least bother to try to get the background info. on that joke. I spent a lot of time re-wording it!!

    Anyway, by “less important” games, you mean shovelware? Them?? Costing as much as a typical new-release Call of Duty release??? Outrageous!! You must have a great job to keep yourself standing in a economy like that huh?

  4. Oh dear, I love how a mention of a controller’s cost has somehow branched into yet another political debate on whether or not those highly-trained, monkey-suit wearing primates in the government are doing anything to maintain this godforsaken country. (If this comment somehow gets removed because of the previous statements due to “offences”, let me just say that it’s a violation of the “freedom of speech” part promised in the Declaration[?])

    Please. Everyone. Stop.
    As amusing as it’ll be to continue, I’m trying to prevent Word War III in this comment section. I’m just another victim in their corruption-tainted ways trying to upload a PS3 Theme for the enjoying of others.

  5. so now yall wanna talk about government and politics now eh??? well here let me say it like this: even a 3rd grader with drool on his chin and a helmet on his head can see that the government is a bunch of communist lies. they can afford to give themselves tax breaks and onuses, they can afford fancy steak dinners in the fanciest resturaunts, hell they can afford mansions and yachts but they cant afford to pull this country out of the hole? i got 2 words to say to that but ima let my hand do the talkin for me .!..

  6. @Senya Saigyouji: LOL! Don’t worry, I totally agree with you about that!

    Yep, everything in Italy is becoming so damn expensive every month…
    My country is the most ill-treated in europe (and in a bit of time even in the world) because for 50 years, politicians have never done anything to change this situation. The worst thing is that while in America there are only two parties, here in Italy there are now hundreds, and if you consider that each party is composed of at least a dozen idiots, well, I leave to you the conclusions…
    They only keep on eating us and our money like cannibals: uh, you cannot even imagine how f***ing hard is to live in this damn country, thanks to a bunch of idiots who only add taxes on taxes on everything, and then increase them every time they decide it’s not enough to fill their bottomless pockets.
    So, back to what you were saying about a controller’s price: a Dualshock, for example, due to taxes here costs 50€ (which is almost twice its cost in the United States or anywhere else), and even the less important video game has a price around 70-80€, not to mention the consoles (when PS3 was marketed here in Italy, its price was 600€ and lots of people decided to buy it in other countries)…

    Ok, then… Sayonara, for now 🙁 and thank you so much for sharing your themes: hope to see you again very soon! 😀

  7. @ OPTIMUS

    So costs are actually higher in Italy than in the U.S.?! And here I thought the government were greedy, corrupt, bloodsucking vampires hell-bent on getting more tax dollars to play around with.
    …Uh, I have little idea on the economy, so disregard what I just wrote.

    Anyway, I appreciate the abstract idea, but I prefer more direct, crystal-clear things. I know themes aren’t restricted to just video games, that’s for sure. Thanks for responding to these comments, and I hope to see you again next time!!

  8. @Senya Saigyouji: Yep, prices are pretty different in Italy… in the sense that here everything costs a lot more than United States, or any other country LOL!
    Politicians are literally sucking our blood 😀

    Well, you could also make something abstract…
    Try to take a look at my “Abstract Play”, “Bizarre Reflective Metal”, or “Shining Stars” themes, just to make an example (or even “Extraterrestrial Intelligence”, which was one of my very first themes here) to get an idea of what I mean.
    You know, themes do not have to be inevitably based on video games: sure, it is assumed that most of them are supposed to depict the video games made for the console to which they belong, but there’s not only that kind of themes.
    Abstract art is very good (well, I actually find it’s wonderful, because you can create everything you want and you can really unleash your imagination by making stuff like that) and it’s a good alternative way to make themes.
    Take my latest TECH-BLACK theme, for example. When I started to design it in my mind, I wanted to create something very special: funny thing is that the original project was completely different from the final theme I uploaded, because my health prevents me from drawing as I’d like (unfortunately, I’m no longer the same OPTIMUS that everyone knew 🙁 )… so, I decided to simplify it as much as possible (so that it wouldn’t take me ages to complete it) and while I was drawing it, I opted for something abstract and came out that stuff. It doesn’t belong to a specific category and it’s veeery simple, but despite this everyone liked it and even asked for different color versions, and it is still in the “Most Likes” chart.
    So, you see, abstract stuff can be a good “weapon” 😉

    Well, I have to say it saddens me to know you’re not going to make other themes… anyway, I don’t want to force you doing something you don’t feel, of course 🙂

  9. @ OPTIMUS
    I’ll be on a hiatus from creating any more themes, but that doesn’t mean I’ll be gone for good!! I’m going to do A LOT of experimenting with that software you mentioned, I promise you that. Polish my skills before my next release if you will.

    This is kind of a personal problem, but I’m limited to only a few games…or anything new in general due to insufficient funds, so I can’t really try different things due to financial issues.

    This is understandable right? I see Dualshock 3’s costing as much as $50 games themselves!! (Although costs might be a bit different currency-wise in your country of Italy.)

  10. @Senya Saigyouji: Well, consider that there are not only Touhou themes.
    I mean… ok, you wanted to share your “personal passion” with us by making Touhou series themes [and you got a good success (and, LOL! don’t be surprised about me, given that I always liked to see different and original things 😀 )] but… you could make other themes anyway, based on manga, anime, OAV and other stuff like that, or even other games you like: there’s a vast world of things out there, from which you can easily take inspiration to create new themes.
    As I always said to all the newcomers who asked me advices, or anybody else who started making themes… “imagination is the only limit!”

    Also, I think you don’t have to worry if you’re still not good at drawing and/or using graphics programs: you just need to try and experiment…
    As I told you in your other theme, you can try to use a free program called Real World Paint: it’s very user friendly, but despite this it has lots of professional features very easy to master, which allow you to create great things… 😉

  11. @ OPTIMUS
    Glad to hear you like them. ^^

    I mentioned I’m not making any more themes for a while because like I said, I saw no other Touhou themes to my liking, so I decided to share my own personal creation(s) with teh interwebz for fun. It’s also an experiment to see what little fame they can get, and boy, I didn’t expect them to attract seasoned theme makers such as yourself. I also just got lucky finding the already transparent icons to use because I’m still too green to do so myself in a photo editing software and such.

    So yeah, sayonara for now~!!

  12. @Senya Saigyouji: Hmm… that’s weird: as I said, p3textractor unpacks any theme file according to how the various elements have been put to build the theme itself. So, for example, if you’ve put a wallpaper as background #5, it will be inevitably listed as background #5, after decompiling the theme. Same for the others… O.o

    Ah well, never mind, it looks like the arcane mystery has been revealed somehow, after all… 😉
    What really matters is that the backgrounds I mentioned are very beautiful [and yeah, with background #7 (which was #8) – man, what a headache… 😛 – you did a great job by adding Suwako to the picture] and I REALLY like them! 😀

    By the way… What do you mean you’re not going to make other themes for a while??? 🙁

  13. Oh! I see now!! The extractor software you used must have changed numbering.

    #1 was #7 with Shikieiki Yamaxanadu and the budding tree.
    The scenery was excellent.

    #4 was #5 with squishy wizard (it’s a trope) Patchouli Knowledge at the left, vampire who’s immune to sunlight Remilia Scarlet center, pad-wearing, knife-throwing Sakuya at the right, and Hong Meiling chasing after Flandre Scarlet *coughoverratedcough* in the background to keep her from being exposed to sunlight.
    The Scarlet Devil Mansion’s residence in one efficient picture,

    #7 was #8 with Sanae Kochiya, the miko of the Moriya Shrine. You can see the owner, Kanako Yasaka perched on top of the shrine, with her rival, Suwako Moriya (they fought and Kanako currently owns her shrine) at the left. She wasn’t originally there, and the left side looked kind of bland, so I added her to the picture. I hope I did a good job.
    This one looked great also.

    #11 was #6 Ah yes, Eientei’s two main owners with my favorite exiled moon princess straight from a certain ancient Japanese folktale, Kaguya Houraisan at the left and her bodyguard, Eirin Yagokoro at the right. If you look closely, you can see constellation patterns on her dress, being from the moon and all.
    Not including my favorite character would be a sin.

    ( ゚∀゚)o彡゜えーりん!えーりん! 

    And finally, # 16 was…I forgot, lol with Aya SHAMEimaru. She’s one of my PSN friend’s favorite character, so I included her just for him.
    She has the word “Shame” in her last name because…well, you see, in a series where 98% of the girls wears dresses, and Aya having wind manipulation powers, and being one out of the two people who own a camera…

    Guess what she can do. She’s called the “Perverted Tengu” by fandom for a reason…

  14. @Senya Saigyouji: Oh man, I’m starting to doubt that we’re talking about the same theme… 😛
    BUT most likely, this is due to my cybernetic brain that is getting worse and is loosing its primary functions day after day… looooool! 😀

    Ok… when I downloaded your theme, I extracted its content so that I could save the backgrounds that I like most on my computer. The program I use, extracts everything by following the same order in which the backgrounds have been put during the theme’s building.
    So, according to the numbering I got, these are my favourite backgrounds I’m talking about:
    (consider that I obviously don’t know teams and girls names 😉 …)

    #1 – The girl who’s looking up, through the branches of the flowering tree.
    #4 – The 3 girls around the table (the girl on the left is reading a book while drinking tea; the one in the center is looking at the cake that has just been brought from the third girl on the right; and behind them there are 2 other girls who are running in a field of flowers).
    #7 – The green-haired priestess on the right, with a clasp shaped like a frog face and the temple behind her.
    #11 – The two girls seen from above where the one on the right has white hair in a long braid, wears a dark blue/red dress and is holding a bow and arrow.
    #16 – The girl at sunset with black wings on her back, holding a camera in the right hand and a leaf shaped fan in the left hand.

    Now, following the numbering (from 1 to 16) that I got by extracting the backgrounds… the “infamous fanservice hot springs scene” [loool!] you’re talking about is #6
    (well, I have to say I like it too… :D)

  15. @ OPTIMUS

    lol, let me rephrase that: Otherwise, I’ll need a description of the scene that you liked if you don’t mind. 😉

    For your convenience, backgrounds—
    1 was the Border Team: Reimu Hakurei and Yukari Yakumo.
    4 was the Ghost Team: Yuyuko Saigyouji and Youmu Konpaku. (Theme preview above.)
    7 was Shikieiki Yamaxanadu and a tree with budding purple flowers.
    11 was Fujiwara no Mokou lying down with glowing orange feathers in the air.
    and 16 was the infamous fanservice hot springs scene. 😀

    ↑ Are those descriptions correct?

  16. @Senya Saigyouji: Lol, that’s exactly what I said (1, 4, 7, 11 and 16): I know that PS3 displays randomly, but I followed the numbering of the backgrounds just as they have been put in the theme… 😀

    Well, don’t know exactly, but… there’s something in there. Must be the special atmosphere that I feel while watching them…
    I mean… They may look ordinary scenes, yet there’s something magic.
    Ah well, never mind: I usually see things that others cannot see 😉

  17. @ OPTIMUS

    …Oh, I’m assuming you meant backgrounds 1, 4, 7, 11, and 16 as if in the numbered order I placed them in while making the theme since the PS3 displays different backgrounds at random. Otherwise, I’ll need a description on what exactly you liked if you don’t mind. 😉

    @ Dark-LaharI

    www, I couldn’t find any Cirno pictures fitting enough from the Promotional Videos. Although I prefer Kaguya (yeah, that’s the first time you’ve read that huh?) over Mokou, I just had to include one to please the Mokou fanboys.

  18. @Senya Saigyouji: Ehm… there’s no nudity in the background 16: it is the one with the sunset and the girl holding a camera in the right hand and a leaf shaped fan in the left hand. O_o
    The background you’re talking about is number 6, with the girls who are swimming in the natural pool… 😉

  19. To whom this may concern,

    I finished and am currently uploading an updated version of this theme where the default external devices icons are replaced and new XMB sound effects are added, straight from the eight game: Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night

    It might not be much, but nevertheless, enjoy~

    Copying/pasting this into the other theme by me, because I like being repetitive.

  20. @ OPTIMUS

    I’m glad you enjoyed it~

    I was planning to use background 16 as the theme preview for obvious reasons *wink wink* to…gather more views, 😉 but due to the “No Nudity” rule stated in the upload rules, I decided to scrap the idea. Better safe than banned.

  21. @Senya Saigyouji: I totally agree with Hollow… +1 for me!

    Also, I particularly like backgrounds # 1 – 4 – 7 – 11 – 16 😀

  22. @HollowBattousai

    Thank you!! In your opinion, were they of at least acceptable quality? Is there anything you see that could have improved?

    @ Light

    Neither actually. Since there isn’t a PS3 theme with that legendary achievement of a fan-made anime anywhere on this site, I’d thought I’d give a stab at it and upload my creation for whomever’s interested. I’ll be on a theme creating hiatus for now if you need me.

  23. ☢CAUTION!!☢ Please refrain from asking stupid questions and making a complete fool of yourself that alternatively could have been answered simply by searching it up on the almighty Google, or by reading the theme description. ☢CAUTION!!☢

    Please read the theme description before asking a completely legitimate and good question about “Wut animu iz dis???” It’ll solve your question in two swift sentences.

    Sarcasm modo aside, this will be my last theme for a while. I saw no Touhou themes to my liking, so I decided to share my own personal creations with teh interwebz. It’s been fun.

    Sayonara for now~!!

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