Theme by PS3Worldz
I created this theme after getting my 25th Platinum-Trophy. It´s a theme for all people who like the trophies on PS3
Icons by zembor0
Sounds by Microsoft (Windows Vista Sounds)
If you are interested in my Platinum-Trophies you can watch this video:
Download Here
thanks man i appriciate it
Don’t worry, mate, it will come: as you can read in the Latest News space in the upper left corner, “approval times for uploaded themes are longer than normal”
Lol! That means you will also have to wait a little more for your MGS Rising theme…

Anyway, you’ll be happy to know that icons are done, and now I’m working hard on a background I had to create from scratch with my own hands
URG… when will my first theme upload… i uploaded it a 10 days ago
Whaaat…? O_o
Sorry, mate, but I agree with PS3Worldz… how could we make a theme like that?
that´s not possible.
*internal temperature in ºfahrenheit..PLEASE.
Will somebody (if possible) make a Dynamic Theme that displays the intenal temperature of the PS3?
Yeah, it’s that!
Well, looks like they’ve only put minis and psp definitions together (and I wonder why… O_o)
Good, it means I don’t need to change anything
Thanks, mate!
Huh…? What are you talking about, mate?
@OPTIMUS there is an icon for the minis/psp icon so i guess it worked, ifyou wanted to know which one its like a black and red one with a little white ( wheel)
Oh, i’ll check it out and tell you
Question: Can you download the updated version now… or do I have to upload it a second time, because it´s not updated yet?
No… I was talking about the fact that I’d need to know if the Minis icon of my/your theme is visible and at the right place.
That’s because looks like the Minis icon has been changed somehow with the latest firmware, but I’m not using the PS3 lately (so it’s not updated) and I just want to be sure there are no problems with the icon’s displaying…
Yeah! Aren’t you happy???
should get the video on this site too, i’m sure the mods would be happy to have it on here
ya definitely make a video. you don’t have to give me credit. i’m really glad that worked. i would have uploaded ages ago but i having been theming as much at the moment. fantastic stuff!
The one about updating your ps3? I have updated mine
and I never paid attention to that :\
31 comments… WTF?
Great! Now you can make your themes complete!
Really glad to know that!
(Hey, mate! Have you checked what I asked you right above…?)
@Yogosan….. IT WORKED!!! Thanks to much! Do you mind if i make a youtube video out of it?
I’ll give you all the credits and i will give the file link under your name 
Well, I’m working on a MGS Rising theme for Jamesr631 at the moment, but it will take a while to be completed for 2 reasons:
1) there are no good images, so… I’m creating a whole background from scratch (damn you, Kojima! :P)
2) because of my health problems you already know, I’m forced to work only when I feel good…
Hey, mate! I’d need to know something, if you don’t mind…
I know that with the latest firmware (3.66, if I’m not wrong) the Minis icon has been changed, but my PS3’s not updated yet (because I’m not using it lately) so… if you updated your PS3, that’s what I’d need to know: is the Minis icon visible and at the right place?
Thanks in advance!
im waiting for ur new themes when ru going to upload them
@PS3Worldz very nice man 25 platinums is really very good , i only got 4 platinums i tryed to get more but i couldnt i guess this my limit, but i’ll try to get the 5th when DARK SOULS comes out
u know i have three frinds who got more trophies
#1:74platinums , #2: 62 platinums #3:43 platinums
@YOGOSAN: Well, I’ve never needed that Beta file… so I don’t know what it contains.
But when you install a program, many of its operating files are integrated into the system registry: that means their informations are stored as they are…
I think if you had the complete Beta file pack, it would be better; but it costs nothing to try, anyway…
Hey, im major trophy whore, im up to 1500 trophys with 8 soon to be 9 plats. im looking for sombody for a partner for trophys. PSN:Heatblast224
and if it doest work first time maybe try re-installing it from scratch, even when i had the individual 4.0 files, it was still a balls to get working properly
i’d love to be able to test it for you but i’m afraid if i mess up my theme builder now it will be fucked for good!
@thenextprodigy, i’m not a programming genius. but if i send you all the files in my theme builder programme and you copy them into your theme builder programme, might that work? i cant remember which ones are 4.0 files, but pasting them in there could still work. i presume any files i have that you dont will be the 4.0 files, so maybe you should just copy them. just make sure you paste the icon definition file in too, thats up to date with all the latest icons you need. i really hope this works.
It doesn’t have a download button :&
i have 2 platium trophy and i need 1 trophy on black ops sacrifial lamb,
Lol this might be a little irrelevant but has anyone had the 4.0 beta files i am still in dying need to complete an unfinished theme
Link to my channel^^
@OPTIMUS: I uploaded an updated version yesterday… without this mistake
Well, I’m not a trophy hunting fan (remember? I’m an old school player…) but I have to say this theme is a really nice idea for all those who like to “catch” the hardest trophies in the games…
Btw, I confirm: the HD background is not visible because its size is over 2MB.
You’ve done the same mistake I did with my “PS3 Themes” theme…
(Damn you, Sony! Why don’t you allow to make themes with PNG format backgrounds?!? Unlike the JPEG, they give the maximum image quality with the smallest file size…)
As for your video… well, I clicked on your name, but it says your channel is no more available because the account has been closed… O_o
So, where should I go?
Sorry to bother you guys, but you could really help me: I bet with a friend that my video will get 50 thumbs up. I´m going to get 50 (!!!) € if this video gets 50 thumbs up until September 30, 2011.
Please help me! PLEASE!
if you guys can plz help me on blazeblue CS =P
i can help you with both of those games
Yeah it can be pretty tough but i conquer it, i would not be able to call myself a true fan if i dint get all of them
i’m on around 13/14 platinums, but i have 1 simple trophy to get on black ops and 2 easy ones in dead nation
hey im a fellow trophy hunter im a lvl 10 and i have 5 platnum trophies… if you want i can help you get thouse co-op trophies
I Saw The Trophy Video, The Sims 3 Is By Far I Think The Most Entertaining Way To Get A Platinum
Even Though Im Only At 31% With The Game I Am Always Glued To The Game And My Overweight, Slowly Dying Sim 
I will help I have the same problem, But I cant guarantee we have the same games.
i cant finish the challenge tower in mk9 lol
Currently i have 8 Platinum’s but MK9 is gona give my 9th, is kind of hard to find Trophy Whores out there O_____________O
Its that i cant find fellow trophy hunters, there are some co-op trophies but nobody is willing to help me
Strange… it has a HD and SD background and the file sizes are below 1,5 MB.
I will upload a new version of it, I think I know whats wrong with it.
Stay tuned for the new version
Don´t worry, everybody started with 1 Platinum
I Only Have One :,( But Im In The Process Of Getting 4 More
If u have a non HD teleision and the theme is only aviable on HD u cant see the backgroud or the theme backround is to big (over 1,5 Mb or higher)
No background
Is this theme working on your PS3? I couldn´t test it because I got YLOD… ordered a new Playstation yesterday