Theme by GlowBall
Another Twisted Metal theme but this time using the new way of having the animation (video clip) in the bottom right quarter of the screen. Background and animation taken from the Twisted Metal trailer. Icons and border created by myself.
For those who are interested a tutorial of how to create this type of theme is coming soon
no video preview this time though
Download Here
The background only loads for a second for me as well.
The background keeps crashing on me as well
It dls as 47kb, uhmm… idk y Ive never had this prob, it says corrupted data in my themes list? reverse this curse any1?
sorry but it does not work for me
it loads the background for a second then it crashes (not the ps3, the wallpaper itself)
Can anyone help?
Been a few weeks mate
any news on the tutorial?
I have to work this Christmas so I’ll have loads of time to kill
Excellent theme btw
I cant wait for the tutorial lol i really want to know how to do tht
@ Faxtron
Glad u like this theme man
Nice theme glowball its like my “Metal slug animated” created inside a border or canvas…I like it
Thanks !