Theme by Mr Blakz
This is My first attempt at a PS3 theme in HD which is dedicated to one of the best Games ever! I know it is Xbox exclusive but at least with the PS3 I can create my theme ideas!
The Wallpaper was a Screenshot taken by me during a Forge match. I was looking for a great landscape setting and an awesome pose! Here is the result! Enjoy guys!
Well, I also own all systems and I don’t have problems to install “alternative themes” on my PS3…
I’m just saying that on a PS3 site it’s supposed to see mainly themes for PS3 games, so I think a debut with a PS3 dedicated theme would be much better. Then, it is obvious that everyone is free to do as he wants…
Hey, F-Rott, don’t worry about your theme: as you know, me and Yogosan (as well as someone else) do not care about ratings, but when a theme is good, we vote anyway…
By the way, speaking of Yogosan: is there someone who knows where the hell he’s gone???
Actually, most of my “real life” friends own both systems, so we’ve all been playing the heck out of Reach, and we’d all pop Halo themes on our PS3’s. I’m actually making a Halo Reach Theme with all the different Helmet variations right now. Looks nice, but I don’t expect a lot of downloads or rating stars! LOL!
Nice work dude .. like the previous comments the 1st impression is the most important .. if you had made a PS3 exclusive theme may be you will be recieving more possitive comments ,,, but nice work.
No problem, bro… keep up your good work!
Oh, and… welcome aboard!
Thanks heaps for your honesty and comments guys!! I agree with you both and my next theme will DEF be a PS3 Game! Once again guys! Thank you Heaps!
Well, not bad to be your first theme, bro.
But, you know, this is a PS3 themes dedicated site, so… even if I’m open minded (and, as Frkgamer86 said, I can understand why you did it) I think that for your debut it would have been better if you had chosen a “different subject”, though.
Good work, anyway.
I think xbox fan boy’s are gonna shoot you for this lol. Good for a first theme and yes i know you can’t do this on the 360 so i totally understand why you did it. To be completely honest though i don’t see many people using this on their ps3, nevertheless this is something you wanted to do and you did it. Good job, the background is nice!