Unofficial MK 2011 Custom Dynamic Theme

Theme by Bastart

My first Custom Dynamic Theme based on the PoP Dynamic Theme.

* Custom bloody icons with MK logo color.
* Dragon logo with red smoke circle.
* Custom Background with fatality shadows
and grey smoke.

Download Here

30 thoughts on “Unofficial MK 2011 Custom Dynamic Theme

  1. Wade Wolson:

    So… Any help on the resizing of the wallpaper on this theme?

    I had the same problem….
    Set your screen size to “Just Scan” if it’s available on your HD TV? than the background should display correct after doing so.

  2. @optimus, lol, yeah. i went through a bunch of them to find the right size and style.. had to go through a bunch of pages of wallpapers and styles that didnt fit or feel right but i found 1 that fits like its perfect, your backgrounds inspired me to look on ‘google images’ at ‘space’ wallpapers! there wher some realy cool ones on there too! but the cadigory icons kept on reminding me of spectrums.

  3. doom:

    my girlfriend said she will help me transfer the material! over the next couple of days things will be a little hectic for me, im gonna do it some time this week.

    Really? Oh, glad to hear that!
    Ok, then I’ll be waiting!

    Lol! In this case, I think your name should be “Sparkplug” or “Spike”, if you know what I mean… 😛

    Do you mean the wallpaper representing the triangular prism that splits the ray of light into rainbow colors?
    Uhm… yeah, you’re right!!! 😀

  4. hey optimus, i found a ‘pink floyd dark side of the moon’ wallpaper that pulls your shining stars theme together perfectly!

  5. my girlfriend said she will help me transfer the material! over the next couple of days things will be a little hectic for me, im gonna do it some time this week.

  6. LegionsoftheBrave:

    I already have a boner for your theme OPTIMUS.

    Lol! Thanks, mate! (but I think it would be better to keep that for a beautiful girl… :D)

    The work on your theme’s going well, but I think it will take a little more than I expected: you know, I’m drawing lots of things with my own hands (as always) but in this case, it requires more time than usual…
    Also, as I said, the theme I’m making is to celebrate the series return to the good old days: which means it’ll be a bit less “modern” and more “old school style”…
    So, hope you’ll like it.

  7. Bastart:

    thanks for all the comments
    I know the dynamic themes files have not many optionsto make it ‘REALLY’ dynamic, but nevertheless it’s fun to make some spinnin’ and movin’ parts!
    The logo looks looks weird because it was pastedover the original logo of the PoP Theme.
    Optimus is one of the best, together with Yogosan!how can you do wrong, when your the leader of the Autobots

    Thank you!
    Well… you know, my human friend, even a leader can make mistakes…
    But what drives me making themes, is the passion for them: the same passion I saw in this theme even if it has inevitably the same effects and it’s not “really” dynamic… that’s why I like it more than others!
    So, keep up your good work, mate! 😉

  8. doom:

    but when optimus makes a theme its originality 100%, he hand crafts his icons to be perfect, he takes the time to make sure everything fits right, he crafts and tweeks his own wallpapers, not to mention his undisputed knowledge of the oldschool. i think theres a level you reach on this site where your not just a theme maker on a web site anymore… he’s n artist. so to all you kids out there making the new popular themes… keep in mind that optimus may make a non dynamic that could kill your intentions of making that next dynamic you wher planning on creating… and hopefully inspire you to create something better!

    Hey, mate! You look an ambassador… 😛

    By the way: what about your material?

  9. thanks for all the comments 🙂

    I know the dynamic themes files have not many options
    to make it ‘REALLY’ dynamic, but nevertheless it’s fun to make some spinnin’ and movin’ parts!

    The logo looks looks weird because it was pasted
    over the original logo of the PoP Theme.

    Optimus is one of the best, together with Yogosan!
    how can you do wrong, when your the leader of the Autobots 🙂

  10. I really like this theme but is there any way the make the wallpaper smaller? At the bottom, my wallpaper says “Mortal Komba”, lol.

  11. but when optimus makes a theme its originality 100%, he hand crafts his icons to be perfect, he takes the time to make sure everything fits right, he crafts and tweeks his own wallpapers, not to mention his undisputed knowledge of the oldschool. i think theres a level you reach on this site where your not just a theme maker on a web site anymore… he’s n artist. so to all you kids out there making the new popular themes… keep in mind that optimus may make a non dynamic that could kill your intentions of making that next dynamic you wher planning on creating… and hopefully inspire you to create something better!

  12. oh s***!!!, optimus is about to make an old glory style theme again!!! see thats the thing about these dynamics, they may move around a bit and grab your attention for a moment, but they seem thrown together like you gotta use spare parts from a chop shop, dont get me wrong.. ill say it again! i like this theme!

  13. @BASTART: Well, honestly I don’t like so much this “dynamic stuff” from which we’re literally submerged lately, because the editor is too limited for my tastes, and all themes are too similar…
    But this time I have to say that I like this theme because, despite the effects are inevitably the same, you’ve been able to put together the various elements in a fairly good way.
    You did a good work, bro! 😀

    @DOOM: Lol! Thanks, mate: I really appreciate your… faith! 😀

    Well, as I said to someone else, Yogosan’s MK theme will surely be as close to the game as possible (I know well both him and his style, to say this…)
    Instead, my theme will be something like a tribute to the series (which is finally back to the origins): it means it’ll be a little… retrò 😉 and I’m working really hard on my hand-made icons.
    Considering you liked my “Old Glories” theme, I suppose you know what I mean…

  14. “@ them35… if you look closely at the wall you can see shadows of people being killed, its faint and a little hard to notice but they are indeed there..” yes the mk symbol seems a little bit off, my personal opinion on the symbol being a bit off is it kinda adds a 3d aspect to it witch is part of what makes this theme awsome, however if i was to say that this theme actually had a flaw witch it doesn’t… id say to add more bloody icons in place of the orangey red colored message box, movie files, music files. ect… but im satisfyed the way it is, i think its great and im still using it!!! “but OPTIMUS is still the man!!!!” lol. where you at optimus?

  15. nice. I LOVE MK and this theme got it. the moving koin, the custom background, awesome. but with good news comes bad news. as Legionsofthebrave said, maybe blood style could change.and you said you had fatality shadows and I didn’t see any but I probably just missed them. for a first theme , 5 out of 5

  16. good ‘dynamic’ theme, you say this is your first dynamic? this is the best ive seen outta all the new trendy dynamics, gotta say, im impressed.. keep em coming!

  17. The dynamic part is awesome but the dragon is a little off, the only real complaint that i have are the icons, only the settings have custom icons and the other menus have the default ones, to make the theme perfect just make all of the icons custom and of a different style, maybe blood style? but overall is not a bad theme it just needs those issues to be fixed.

  18. It’s understandable why the rate is low. My only problem with it is that the text was left default and though there was an added effect to the icons, it would have been cooler (for me at least) if the column icons matched the category icons. The browser pointer could’ve had a little work done as well. Overall, I give this theme a 3/5. Thanks for uploading this D-Theme.

  19. Now this is bad @$$!! Great job! Everything works together to make one of the best MK themes I’ve seen so far. The game is so great I know we’ll be seeing more MK themes in the near future. The bar has been set.

  20. Awesome! Dude this is perfect in every way! The logo,the icons , ans background . You should be proud man :]

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