War for Cybertron: DECEPTICONS

Theme by OPTIMUS

3 HD/SD backgrounds with the first available images, hand made icons with the original Cybertronian alphabet (which I saw for the first time in a comic of 1987) splitted into Autobots and Decepticons language. Original Transformers Generation 1 TV series sounds (transformation, jingle, etc).
Only for fans, I think… πŸ˜›
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Have you entered the right Xml Id (icon_chatroom_text) and the right size (128×128) in the ICON MANAGER TOOL?
And: are you sure the icon you made IS 128×128?


im using the PS3 Theme Builder 3.0, its all good till I test it, it wont load the chat roomm text icon! anyone konws why is that? pleasee help!


I see…
Fortunately, my grandpa died in his sleep of a heart attack, but… some years later, my grandma (even if she wasn’t sick) became increasingly nostalgic, letting herself go day by day and then had a slow agony…
Oh, sorry if I speak about this, but… well, I don’t know what disease had your grandpa, but it’s just to say that I hope at least he didn’t suffer too much.


well it’s okay i guess, he had been sick for a long time so it was probably for the best, but still…


Oh God! I’m really sorry, Dahl!
I lost my grandpa when I was only six years old and I was really bad, so… I give you my deepest condolences.


will take a little longer than planned, my greandpa died today, so i have’nt made anything on it πŸ™


Good! How’s your theme? Are you working hard on it? We are very demanding… πŸ˜‰


yeah of course πŸ™‚


Mmmm… maybe he’s plotting something else…
No, wait: WE are plotting against him…! O_O

Don’t worry, Dahl: we are all here. Have you followed the procedure I explained?


i think he blocked me πŸ™‚ just before i was to prove i didnt vote down his (madthemez) themes. what a fool


ya i can, but its so funny the stuff he says


dammit, forgot about the mouse n stuff like that, uploading tomorrow


Damn! He’s worse than a tick! I wondering: is it possible there’s no way to block him permanently?


TO DAHL: if you have PS3 Theme Builder 3.0, in the main bar click TOOLS==>LAUNCH ICON MANAGER. A new window will appear: on the left, there’s the “main menu icons” column and on the right there’s the “submenu icons” column. In the left column, click on GAMES to display the sub icons to the right and under the “submenu icons” column click on the ADD NEW ICON button: the window EDIT ICON will appear. In this window, there’s the “icon name” space in which you’ll insert the name you want (in this case, Saved data minis) and below there’s the… Read more »


yes i assumed he would be done now but he’s not, he doesnt like being wrong πŸ™‚


did’nt mean i had uploaded it yet hehe just wanted to tell you guys, stil missing about the game icons, gonna upload i tonight! btw, how do you pu in minis icon?


Well, then I’ll start to call you Spider126… πŸ˜›
Dahl’s right, Yogosan: just ignore him.
He speaks ill of you and your themes? Ignore him!
He throws shit on you? Ignore him (but first, open your umbrella… :D)!
He sends you f*cked messages? Block them all and ignore him!
The way I see it, he doesn’t deserve even to be nominated!

Be patient, Dahl: sometimes happens that a theme is loaded a little later…


I’ve just been awake for 48 hours for appearently no reason at all lol!
And my theme still is’nt done…


its ok, it turns out he (100% convinced) rated down his themes on ps3theme site. i sent him about 7 pics on psn showing that i havnt even voted on any of is themes…..crazy


ignore him :O


actually, according to some people who are never wrong, despite evidence. i am spider126 who sabotaged his scores…. you wouldnt believe the lengths he’s gone to dig up dirt on us. its frightening. he keeps sending me stupid messages, over and over and over. i ask what he wants, i give him an answer, more shit, i back up my actions ask him is he done….more shit. its mind bending. i dont really know what his problem is with me. he is mainly trying to say my themes are shit, which is fine, but he keeps going and going and… Read more »


Oh yeah, a global conspiracy! Sooner or later will turn out that one of us is an alien who is conditioning the minds of people through the creation of “subliminal themes”… πŸ˜€ Unreal, you say? Yes, I agree: it seems to me that the whole thing is becoming an X-File! πŸ˜› I’m still laughing for everything you told me about him (please stop me, or I’ll die! :D) What I really cannot understand is: why this… schizophrenic has chosen right us? I mean, there are a lot of theme makers, so why us?!? You know, Yogosan, if things go on… Read more »


wait another 6 months and he might have more news. i hope it was worth the time digging this bottomless pit. he is totally convinced we (me, optimus, and the mods) are plotting againt him πŸ™‚
unreal, i know


WHAAAT?!? Madthemez has spied on us for 6 months??? This is an April Fool’s joke, right? Holy shit! I’ve always had a strange premonition with this business (that’s why I tried to tone down that time) but I never imagined he could get to do everything you’re saying me! Indeed, that time you were angry (after his comment about Heavy Rain) and you attacked everyone (except me and Khaloood, I hope… :P) I had the distinct feeling that he had not understood well the “context of that affair”… Anyway, I cannot understand why he’s so obsessed with this site and… Read more »


just look at how sad i am, πŸ™ “i’v got hurt feelins, i got hurt feelins” as flight of the concords would say.


hitmen to send us mean messages to hurt or feelings, for sure. he already got me πŸ™


oh shit :O he probably got hitmen after us right now lol πŸ˜›


if this was south park, myself and OPTIMUS would turn out to be be ‘crab people’ for sure!


he has a hidden agena with everyone, everything, i never contacted him after the whole madthemez incident. he has been hard at work undercover. well there are no conspiracies, he’s a nut


anyway, great to see that you’re keeping things custom optimus, those homerow icons are really great.


you should see how he contradicts himself in every aspect of his argument, as if he doesnt understand english (even though he’s english )


i just can’t believe how serious he takes themes. i thought we”got along”, it would be the same if i turned and startied saying slanderous shit about you Dahl or OPTIMUS, he’s just fucked up, it explains everything really


he’s very paranoid


it’s your business now, he probably thinks you are my partner in crime πŸ˜€


Wow…. Even though it’s non of my buisness, thats just fuck’d up!


Hey Montage. well guys, it turns out montage mik has been keeping tabs on me AND you optimus for six months! revealing facts about yours and my themes, that I and most likely you would never have heard of! example: optimus, your mj theme has been in the top 20 for 6 months. my gow3 theme (which i only uploaded here) is the “worst gow3 theme on another site”. a site i’v never heard of. he says i obsess about being the best, even though i have stated before that m0dus is the best and people like draicus and….even montage… Read more »


Haha yeah but seriously optimus chick this outcomment image!!
hehe im not gonna put sounds on, cause no sounds would be worthy of my super awesome theme lol πŸ˜›


-look out optimus, its the power rangers megazord
-oh no, yo mean ANOTHER power rangers show is starting NOOOOOOOOOOOO


Looool! We could be story tellers… πŸ˜›
Hey, Dahl! I forgot to tell you something. If you want to add sounds in your themes, I recommend you these two little programs: Audacity and MFAudio.

AUDACITY= you can open/import, manipulate and export/save audio files in Mp3 and Wave format.

MFAUDIO= you can convert the audio files obtained with Audacity from Wave to VAG format, which is the one used for the themes.
Both programs are free and do not even need installation!


“Megatron come over here!!”
“Turn into the mighty nike shoe and kick teir asses!”



-“B…Bum…Bumblebee… c-come here…!”
-“OPTIMUS! OPTIMUS, are you ok?”
-“His… PURPLENESS was… was too s-strong even for… me!”
-“C’mon, OPTIMUS! It’s just a scratch: Wheeljack will put you back on track!”
-“N…no! Here: take… the… Matrix… Aaaahhhh…” KLANNNNG
πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


Noooo, I will get the best of you with my evil PURPLENESS and cool guns! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


You, traitor! I, OPTIMUS Prime will defeat you once and for all, DAHLTRON!
Autobots: transform and attack!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


Nice one again optimus! πŸ™‚
Like this one better cause i like purple better. πŸ˜›
And the decepticons just looks cooler πŸ™‚