An easter egg for OPTIMUS

Theme by Duco

Hey m8, here’s your easter egg you wanted haha! 😛 I made the theme really colourful to match the easter style. There are 4 HD wallpapers, one of them is your easter egg xD

Bon appetit

Have a great easter everybody!
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36 thoughts on “An easter egg for OPTIMUS

  1. I made the background myself using a simple pattern. I also put optimus text and picture in it etc and all the other stuff. I didnt write it myself. Its a font, but I did edit it ^^. Do you like it?

  2. Looooooooooooooooooool!!! 😀

    Did you make it with your own hands?
    I mean… the background is well known, of course, but the stylish “OPTIMUS” written on it?

  3. Lol! You’re welcome, mate! 😀

    Yep, L.A.Noire… I’m eagerly waiting for this game: a little different genre (you know, no more Tommy Vercetti, C.J., or Nico Bellic trying to become the king of criminals…) but Rockstar never disappointed me so far.
    Yeah, from what I saw, looks like this game will be really good!

  4. Hey, yeah bioshock 3 is coming. But this time it takes place in some sky world. I really liked the underwater atmosphere with the old neon signs and stores and all that stuff, so I hope they wont ruin that with this new setting.

    You convinced me mate. Mortal Kombat is going to be added to my collection :p. Your right about the funny part, some fatalities and babalities (LOL) are just crazy haha. Kratos is a huge +. I got all God of War games, got a platinum trophy on GoW3 ^^.

    I might get L.A Noire aswell on may 20th. Its being produced by Rockstar so it`ll probably be a good game.

    Well thanks for convincing me I guess xD, have a good day 🙂

  5. Yep, I know Bioshock: unfortunately, I don’t like first person games… but I have to say that its atmosphere really intrigued me!
    I could even try it, sooner or later (and I seem to remember they’re preparing Bioshock 3, right?)

    Well, MK 1 and 2 made the history, and MK 3 was quite good as well… but after that, they’ve almost killed the series, trying to renovate the genre at any cost!

    Oh well… my “old school player” opinion is: GO BUY IT IMMEDIATELY! 😀
    It’s very funny and well made, and it shows how some characters became those we all learned to know.
    (And there’s Kratos!)
    (And there are tag team matches.)
    Also, it should last for long time, because it’s full of challenges and there are lots of things to unlock or buy in the krypt (included new Fatalities)

    My “todays player” opinion is: oh well, I already said everything… 😛

  6. Oh ok, I myself really enjoyed Bioshock 1 and 2. The atmosphere and story of those games is so amazing. The story takes place in an underwater city a guy created called Rapture. I really recommend you give it a try!

    Mortal Kombat, I didn`t play the other parts of the series. I gave the MK demo a try and I really liked it. I have been following the changes etc wich came with each part. They really messed up after MK2 I heard. Now MK(9) is back to the basics wich makes it a great game. Every game is cool once its oldschool. (Im still playing cod4 because all the other parts have way too much crap in it :p)

    I am doubting on if I should buy MK or not… on one hand I think its a really fun game and It isnt something you complete in a day, wich is a nice fact (oh and its fun to own my friends in versus xD), but on the other hand, I think it might be boring fast….Whats your opinion?

  7. Duco:

    Hey OPTIMUS, I`m curious….Whats your favorite PS3 game of all time? (or until now xD)

    Well… actually, all my VERY favourite games belong to past (you know, I’m an “old school” player, and my mind’s remained in the 80’s and the first half 90’s)… 😛
    Anyway, there are some games I really appreciated in this generation like The Saboteur, Uncharted, Gran Turismo, Elder Scrolls Oblivion, Metal Gear Solid…
    But at the moment, I’m totally addicted to the new Mortal Kombat game, because they’re back to the series’ origins.

  8. Yeah your right. I guess im impatient ^^. I need to do some tutorial digging before recklessly doing something… Thanks for the advice m8, your a really wise guy :p

  9. Well, obviously you cannot get a really good icon only by drawing a couple of shapes…
    First of all, you need to “imagine” how your icons must be (according to the theme you’re creating), so that you can completely focus on the final aspect you want they have.

    Example: for your Homefront theme, I wanted to make mimetic icons, ripped and soiled with blood. To do that, I drew several mimetic textures first, secondly I created the shapes from there, then I drew the blood on them using brushes (or even drawing pixel by pixel), and only in the end I created the various rips and I added all the effects like lighting and shadows.

    As you can see, a “single step” to make an icon is not enough… a little practice and patience are needed to obtain a good result.
    So, I suggest you to start by making simple things: this way, you’ll have all the time to experiment and practice, but at the same time you’ll find new ways to get what you imagined, and you’ll be able to develop new techniques and gradually improve your skills.
    As I told you, when I started making themes I was nothing: I didn’t even have a decent graphic program and I used “ready to use” icons…
    But when I found a good program, I learned to use it the best way and I started to experiment everything: so, I improved my skills more and more, day by day (try to take a look to my themes from the beginning, to get an idea of what I mean) and thanks to my imagination, I’m able to create good themes even if I don’t know the games or the arguments to which they’re related (like my Demon’s Souls, Scrubs or Homefront themes, just to make an example) and I’m also able to make themes like “Old Glories”, “Abstract Play”, “Bizarre Reflective Metal” (take a look to them too, if you want) or the recent “Shining Stars”…
    That’s why I always say that imagination is the only limit… 😛

    So, you just need to experiment, my friend: start slowly and you’ll see that everything will become easy! 😉

  10. Ugh I dont understand Real Paint.COM 🙁 all I can make is some shapes, but not the things like you can…

  11. @DUCO: You see? They’re already asking themes to you, mate!
    As I said in my comment #10 right here, imagination is the most powerful weapon… 😉

  12. no I was going to request a theme for Gianna Micheals if possible . Thats if u don’t get side tracked.

  13. Just ask someone by commenting…There are 3 people working on an MK theme including me though so I dont think you need 2 request for that game xD

  14. MORTAL KOMBAT sorry u got shout it. Good theme to do. All I remember from that game is Scorpions ” come here’ and that guy saying ” toastie “.

    How do I request a theme?

  15. Sure, but I`m working on a Mortal Kombat theme first. When I`m finished ill start on your theme m8

  16. dude, nice theme but can you make a dudley theme?I’m new to this lolz and i love street fighter 🙂

  17. Lol! Thanks, mate!
    Oh, well… Yogosan’s theme will surely be as close to the game as possible: I know him and his style enough to say that.
    Instead, I’m an “old school guy” and an “old school player” (my mind’s remained in the 80’s and first half of 90’s :P) so, you know, my theme will be more… retrò.
    I’m very interested in yours.

    Well, Paint.COM is more user friendly than Photoshop, but… you know, it doesn’t matter which program you use: imagination is the most powerful weapon which allows to do great things regardless of the means used.
    So, unleash your imagination, and let it guide your mind and ideas. 😉

  18. Hey! I`m sure Yogosan`s and your MK theme will be faaaar cooler than mine haha :p. I willl download the program you are using. Im currently using photoshop CS5 (im a complete noob though ^^) Ive already used paint.COM before but I didnt know you could create amazing things like your icons with it. And your right about the imagination, everybody should take some weed and then start making a theme xD let the colors be there! :p

    Well thanks for your tip mate. I`ma download it and go straight to youtube after to watch tutorials ^^

    Goodluck with your MK theme!!!

  19. Wooow! I think in the coming days, lots of MK themes will be out! Your theme, Yogosan’s one, and even I am working on a MK theme: there will only be spoiled for choice… 😀

    Well, none of that, mate… I simply use a free program (which has professional features, though) called RealWorld Paint.COM.
    It allows to make whatever you want: then, all you need is patience, dedication and, as I always say, the only limit is the imagination… 😉

  20. Thanks mate :p Yeah I tried to create that futuristic feel of portal. It seems it worked out pretty good xD I think Mortal Kombat will be a good game for a next theme. So thats the one ill be working on starting today. BTW I have a question : How do you create the amazing icons? Like the sub icon (system setting, etc). Do you use a drawing pen on a tablet thingy?

    Have a great day ^^

  21. Yep, I saw it… and it’s very good too!
    Even that guy told you that you’ve perfectly captured the essence of the game: so… are you kidding me, by chance??? 😛

    Go man, and make your themes! 😀

  22. OPTIMUS:

    Oh man… I already ate all the eggs!
    So… what’s your next theme, mate?

    Well I’ve got another portal 2 theme in the update of yesterday aswell :p…I’m not working on anything currently xD I’m not that good at making themes haha. I

  23. Loooool! It’s so damn nice! And I can even smell the Easter eggs!!!
    Very nice work! Thanks a looooooot, mate!!! 😀

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