Animated HD Raindbow Nike Theme

Theme by RADZ

Heres a bit of fun some HD animated trainers theme and icons made by me RADZ.
Download Here


9 thoughts on “Animated HD Raindbow Nike Theme

  1. faxtron:

    Nice theme ! I liked because is diferent and original for some reason those shoes remember me the shoes from the movie back to the future 2

    Woah! Yeah, that’s true… you’re right, mate!
    Good old 80’s, as always! 8)

  2. faxtron:

    Nice theme ! I liked because is diferent and original for some reason those shoes remember me the shoes from the movie back to the future 2

    Thanx Mr Fraxton 🙂

  3. Nice theme ! I liked because is diferent and original for some reason those shoes remember me the shoes from the movie back to the future 2 🙂


    Lol! Veeery nice theme, mate!
    I really like how the colors flow on the shoes.
    Good job!

    Thanx m8 it was just a fun theme 🙂 came out not bad though always the way lol.

  5. D-Jay Menace:

    Them icons a class mate wish i could do that any tips?

    Thanx m8 🙂 for the icons all you do is get a image or texture anything realy then just mask it on to the icon just search youtube im sure you will find something. If you cant pm me and i will make a quick tutorial.

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