Theme by rtyall
Thought I’d have a crack at one. 7 images in both HD and SD.
Stole some of the sounds from the old KDE borealis sound theme, thanks to whoever made those. It was either that or vuvuzelas EVERYWHERE!
Download Here
Stole some of the sounds from the old KDE borealis sound theme, thanks to whoever made those. It was either that or vuvuzelas EVERYWHERE!
Download Here
Thanks for the theme. Sorry for my bad english, i’m brazillian
Nice Site.
it isnt this background its the awesome faced guys wearing suits, help me
Very nice theme.
this is the back round of a gang with no boss so who is your person 2 stand up for you geohot no because he uses xbox and now i would like to say its fair where that sony have taken hakers away its just for people who carnt do enny thing unlike sweat cod 24/7 so sony have saved you ok .
GOD MY EYES ARE BLEEDING.. thanks for that.
WOW, I got this theme off of /RS/ and i love it!