Theme by OPTIMUS
A quick theme I made few days ago, just to keep me trained…
-3 HD/SD backgrounds
-Hand made icons
-No sounds
Download Here
#1 Resource for PS3 Themes
Theme by OPTIMUS
-3 HD/SD backgrounds
-Hand made icons
-No sounds
Download Here
+1 this is frigin awesome man! I love the aura uhhh…. belis? I dont have the slitist clue how to spell that. Well this theme is amazing! I love the arua beluis. Sick dude!
i like this theme alot! one of the most beautiful things about the world. amazing. natures light show. +1
Great theme as usual and I know it’s expensive for medical treatment as I found out a couple of years ago when I needed physiotherapy, I was going to have to wait 7 months for it or go private which was £300 a session so I had to go with the latter for 6 sessions which comes to a total of £1800.
==> Alright, I’m glad you are managing to get by mate! and yea, I guess it would be hard to get money through a donation site, if you don’t have a credit card etc. And your welcome, I’m always glad to help a friend out in anyway I can
@Truth_Wanted & mrj QQQ
=> Truth_Wanted: Oh man, don’t say that… You’re not a dick! No problem, mate!
And I really thank you!
But don’t worry about that… it’s never been my habit to ask for money, since I always tried to solve my problems by myself: I managed to handle it so far and that’s what I’ll keep doing, in one way or another.
(Also, from the day I lost my job, I no longer have neither a bank account, nor a credit card… so it would be quite hard for me getting money that way)
Again, thanks a lot!
=> mrj QQQ: A scam…? Why? O_o
I don’t make dynamic thems either hehehe
it always seemed ascam to me. That’s why I bid ya just to see.All friedly here….just bought Dragonborn,Heavy man.
I totally understand! no, no ,no save your money you really need it. I shouldn’t have asked you.. i kinda forgot about your health issues etc.. if anything I would help you with donations! I am keeping you in my prayers!!! I feel like a total dick asking you for money, and I know you’d give money to me if you were’nt in that situation. I really appreciate all you’ve done for me man, the hell with my ps3 funds. I wish you the best man, I really do. and don’t worry about me & my problems. If I can help you in any way just let me know. I would highly suggest you make a donation page *It’s free* on this website called all you gotta do is sign up and make a page with how much money you need for help with your medical bills etc… just put the amount, share your page with friends & family members etc, on facebook etc. and hopefully you’ll get the money you need! I would be more than happy to donate to you with the spare money I got left on my credit card. just gimme the link to ur donation page. God Bless! and I hope you are feeling much better.
@danscloud9, Truth_Wanted & AUDIODEVIANT
=> danscloud9: Thanks, mate!
=> AUDIODEVIANT: Ooh maaan… I’d always liked to see the Northern Lights and lots of other things around the world, but I never had the chance
=> Truth_Wanted: Man I’m so sorry!
Believe me when I say that I’d REALLY like to help you someway, but I really can’t at the moment…
You know, from the day I lost my job, I had to live off the money I had saved during my past career as a race driver. Then, about 1 year ago or so, I started having serious health problems which have upset my life: the cancer to my brain, the sudden loss of the main functions, the recent paralysis that forced me to sit on a fu**ing wheelchair and lots of other stuff (that’s why my friends here often ask me if I’m okay)… all this has led me to waste tons of money for cures, treatments, medicines and everything else, and I’m now running out of money (which is a very bad thing, when you live in a fu**ing country like Italy during an economic crisis) and I have nobody to count on.
Think that it’s now some time that I can no longer buy even one game, because I have to save every single cent for my health, and all I can do for now is to play old games of which I lost the save files when my PS3 is dead 9 months ago…
So forgive me, my friend, but I really can’t do anything for you at the moment… and this saddens me a lot, because I always tried to help everyone in every way I could.

So sorry
@ danscloud9
I appreciate the kudos on my skyrim theme. I haven’t given much thought to a new one. I’m currently working on QQQGRIM_2.0 I might consider doing a new skyrim one now that I have been asked.
@optimus , hay buddy how is things atm , rolled out the old aurora borealis ,top stuff a friend of mine and his wife have just booked a trip to the yukon ,to see the aurora borealis/nothern lights in action this year, it would be crazy, to watch !! talk soon
Great theme! Guess I’ll replace Tech-Black for a while!
@ mrj QQQ
Your Skyrim themes are awesome! Any plans for a new one, maybe to celebrate the PS3 release of the DLC?
There is no more claiming credit for it …..I have to let it go. ICONS are ICONS,Imitaion is the finest form of flatery. I just have to get into the custom is all. No One would even dare then …even though security icon was build by yours truley. Ya gotta see this Jensen Ackles 1.0 complete ripp off of QQQ_3D in icon placement. IT”S cool just wait for my ACDC…..1-7 days and all .
If you can just donate to here and it will go onto my credit card to get me one step closer to getting a new ps3. if not, it’s fine. like i say it’s better to ask than not ask at all
Hey Optimus, could you please help me out with just 10 $? I need to raise some money so I can get a new ps3. or any amount you’d like what you say? I hate asking,but I really need a new one cuz I honestly don’t like working night shifts for extra cash lol
@mrj qqq & Truth_Wanted
=> mrj qqq: Oh… got it! LOL!
Uh, really? I didn’t notice that! O.o
Man, that’s bad… I liked that theme, and I think you should claim credit…
=> Truth_Wanted:

Oops I should have been clearer . A few too many last night…….I had QQQ_3D ripped off with no nod to me, and so I am going to let that go. Your stuff is always original.
@Serina Harper, Truth_Wanted & mrj qqq
=> Serina Harper: LOOOL! You’re absolutely right! I didn’t notice I put under “Misc” instead of Nature… shame on me!

As for making a dynamic version: well, I don’t make dynamic themes… but maybe some of my friends here could modify this one and make a dynamic version for you
=> Truth_Wanted: Thanks bro!
=> mrj qqq: Thanks, mate!
Ehm… imitation? O_o
Guess I have to let it go…..imitation is the fairest form of flattery and all .
This isn’t bad ………..really good colour selection and all .
This is one damn fine theme!!! +!
great idea Optimus but next time it should be in Nature it is Nature after all IL Aurora Borealis i hope you make a dynamic theme of this