
Theme by PS3Worldz

This is a theme about Brazil. It contains 1 HD and SD background (with Rihanna on it), custom icons and custom sounds (icons and sounds of Andape´s “BlueAndBlack v3 Theme For PS3” theme).
Download Here


20 thoughts on “Brazil

  1. Thank you very much sir! Much appreciated! Mind if I add you friend on PSN? Send me a PM of your PSN ID. Thanks again! Alot of my countrymen, will be downloading these 2 country themes! 😀

  2. Ah, thank you friend. Would it be possible to request another country as well? It’s a rather obscure and small island nation in the middle of the Pacific. This may be a challenge for you…….The Marshall Islands! Can ya sir Ps3Worldz? That one might be a tough one though. Nobody knows about where we are in the middle of the world. But it’s a good looking flag. 🙂

  3. LOL @ Azerbaidjan. You would have to dig really deep into your collection of pin-up girls, to find a girl from there. Unless you physically go there, and take a pic of one, managing to get her to fit into a bikini none the less. But, I would pay to see that! Anyway, how’s the Phills theme going? You have alot of requests friend? Can’t wait to see it. 🙂

  4. Yes, but there was the same reason, because she weares a bikini with the US flag on it 😀

    As long as it fits to the theme I don´t really care if the girls in the theme are of the same country as the theme (I hope you understood what I mean :-D)
    e.g. If I make a theme about Azerbaidjan and I wouldn´t find any fitting girl form Azerbaidjan, than I would take one from Turkey or Georgia or Poland, as long as it fits to the theme 🙂

  5. ZherO- He did the same thing with the America one, used some British chick on the USA theme.

  6. But it IS a great theme and I LOVE Rihanna. I guess if I didn’t love her so much I would not have cared. I DLed it and have it as part of my collection of themes because she is just so damn sexy! I gave you 4 stars, so good job.

  7. It’s ok, i understand what you are saying and you are right. 🙂
    thanks for the critic, i should be thankful to get some serious critic… it will only make me better. sorry to bother you, i think i was in a bad mood the last hours 😀

  8. Sure, I made a mistake, because I took a picture of Rihanna where she´s wearing clothes with brazilian colors and a writing which says “Brazil” on her shirt. *facepalm*

    But it´s ok, if you think I made a mistake than be happy with it 🙂

  9. Wow! Must have really struck a nerve there ,sonny boy, for you to feel the need to justify yourself. Next time just pay more attention to detail. You made a mistake. Don’t worry about it. No one is perfect.

  10. “Pra mim não é importante: eu gosto muito o tema, desde que eu morava no Brasil…”

    Translated from Portuguese (which is one of the languages I fluently speak): It doesn’t matter for me: I really like this theme, since I lived in Brazil… 😀

    But looks like ZHer0’s right… 😉

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