Theme by PS3Worldz
This is a theme about Brazil. It contains 1 HD and SD background (with Rihanna on it), custom icons and custom sounds (icons and sounds of Andape´s “BlueAndBlack v3 Theme For PS3” theme).
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#1 Resource for PS3 Themes
Theme by PS3Worldz
this dirty illuminati chick ruined this theme, i dont know why coz she aint even brazilian
Hi There. Can you do a Theme for me, about Portugal?. If you could, Thanks =). Sorry my English.
Thank you very much sir! Much appreciated! Mind if I add you friend on PSN? Send me a PM of your PSN ID. Thanks again! Alot of my countrymen, will be downloading these 2 country themes!
ok, but this will be the last request I´m accepting for the next weeks
Ah, thank you friend. Would it be possible to request another country as well? It’s a rather obscure and small island nation in the middle of the Pacific. This may be a challenge for you…….The Marshall Islands! Can ya sir Ps3Worldz? That one might be a tough one though. Nobody knows about where we are in the middle of the world. But it’s a good looking flag.
I haven´t started yet with it
But don´t worry, after I worked on the other requests I will work on your request
LOL @ Azerbaidjan. You would have to dig really deep into your collection of pin-up girls, to find a girl from there. Unless you physically go there, and take a pic of one, managing to get her to fit into a bikini none the less. But, I would pay to see that! Anyway, how’s the Phills theme going? You have alot of requests friend? Can’t wait to see it.
Yes, but there was the same reason, because she weares a bikini with the US flag on it
As long as it fits to the theme I don´t really care if the girls in the theme are of the same country as the theme (I hope you understood what I mean :-D)
e.g. If I make a theme about Azerbaidjan and I wouldn´t find any fitting girl form Azerbaidjan, than I would take one from Turkey or Georgia or Poland, as long as it fits to the theme
ZherO- He did the same thing with the America one, used some British chick on the USA theme.
But it IS a great theme and I LOVE Rihanna. I guess if I didn’t love her so much I would not have cared. I DLed it and have it as part of my collection of themes because she is just so damn sexy! I gave you 4 stars, so good job.
can u do ones with more backgrounds than just one
It’s ok, i understand what you are saying and you are right.

thanks for the critic, i should be thankful to get some serious critic… it will only make me better. sorry to bother you, i think i was in a bad mood the last hours
If ignorance is bliss, then you will be very happy.
Sure, I made a mistake, because I took a picture of Rihanna where she´s wearing clothes with brazilian colors and a writing which says “Brazil” on her shirt. *facepalm*
But it´s ok, if you think I made a mistake than be happy with it
Wow! Must have really struck a nerve there ,sonny boy, for you to feel the need to justify yourself. Next time just pay more attention to detail. You made a mistake. Don’t worry about it. No one is perfect.
and here is the link of the picture I used:–37727.jpg
I know, but she wears brazilian colors, that’s why i used this picture of her
“Pra mim não é importante: eu gosto muito o tema, desde que eu morava no Brasil…”
Translated from Portuguese (which is one of the languages I fluently speak): It doesn’t matter for me: I really like this theme, since I lived in Brazil…
But looks like ZHer0’s right…
Dude, Rihanna is from Barbados, not Brazil.