Theme by Gameweed
This is the fisrt Ps3 theme I’ve ever made, and I’m not a photoshopper myself so everything in this theme is made by other people. The theme has 4 different cartoonlike wallpapers. Let me know what you think and maybe I will put some efford into creating the missing icons and improving it.
Icons: Green Apple 2.1 by MattiMatti
Wallpapers: Don’t exactly know who made them but all credit is for them
So please let me know what you think by leaving a comment
Download Here
You’ll need a usb stick.
Create a folder named PS3 on it, then inside that PS3 folder make another named theme. Then all you need to do is put a theme file inside that theme folder.
To install it from there goto the theme tab on PS3 and select install.
How do we get this on the ps3 exactly?.
how do i get the photo from this download it is hands down the best theam ihave ever seen
one of my favourite backgrounds can’t wait for batman arkham city
Great theme man, I love the one where’s he’s painting that joker sign.
thx looks good man .
these r fu**en COOL
hey are u gonna make one SD backgrounds?
cool stuff
great theme. the colors of the icons go perfect with the backgrounds
hey np I’ll download it once you get that fixed lol its a very cool ps3 theme
ok, that’s probably because it only contains HD backgrounds. I’m going to try to get the missing icons and put some other backgrounds in. Thanks for downloading
hey man cool green icons but the joker picture dosent show up, its just a red background.