Theme by Dennis “F-Rott” Ferrand
Dr Pepper Theme
2 Backgrounds
5 Custom Sounds
I really had to scour the web for resources to make this theme.
I used a “water drop” photoshop technique on the backgrounds.
This is my all-time favorite drink, and I drink it A LOT. I literally mean every day.
The 360 has had over time like, 3 downloadable Dr Pepper themes, but never PlayStation. Well, here we go.
5 Custom Sounds
I really had to scour the web for resources to make this theme.
I used a “water drop” photoshop technique on the backgrounds.
This is my all-time favorite drink, and I drink it A LOT. I literally mean every day.
The 360 has had over time like, 3 downloadable Dr Pepper themes, but never PlayStation. Well, here we go.
HOLYSHIATSU! I LOVE THIS THEME! Been drinking this stuff since my teens. I literally drink 3 to 5 two liter bottles a week. My gf has no love for it, but I don’t care if this stuff causes my tdeath. To all you Dr. Pepper haters, I hope you get S.Q.U.A.I.D.S. For real. 0_0
@FaTaZz: don’t worry, there are 2 backgrounds, but they’re very similar: that’s why you seem to see only 1.
About sounds, the volume is quite low, so this could be the problem. However, I suggest you to check that the tones volume IS NOT set to off.
@FATAZZ, do you have sounds turned off in settings, or do you get a keytone with the standard theme?
“HEINEKEN: sounds good…” 😀
i’m gonna download this theme, whats the worst that could happen! ABSOLUTELY NO PUN INTENDED! i dont really like dr.P but maybe one day i’ll make a theme of my fravourite drink…..HEINEKEN
I suppose I could…
can u make a coca-cola theme?
Lol!!! F-Rott 4 – OMG 0 😀
@ZHero Maybe someone who has counted his own sperm and also forgot a “p”… 😀
who gave this a low rating??!! Some asshole who does not like Dr. Pepper!! I’LL GET YOU PEPPER HATER!!!!
@OMG I call bullshit. I drink my share and your share and 4 other people’s share combined, and I have 4 kids. I’m potent as hell.
Dr.peper lowers ure sperm count
@ Khaloood: he’s the cousin of Dr. Who… 😀
@ ZHero: yep! And then a J&B one… 😀
who’s Dr Pepper ? O_O lol
Love it!
Would you one day do a coffee theme?
AWESOME Theme. You, Sir are a first class theme artisan *Bows*
Now we need a Budweiser theme.. XD
Nice ! Can u make a big red theme as well. Pepper and Big Red are my faves .
wow bitchin theme F-Rott
5 Stars
giving me the itch to drink a can of Dr Pepper, even though i’ve cut down tremendously on drinking sodas.
HAHAHA!! I like its “taste… so fresh”! 😀 5 stars!
Wow, I think you had to travel far on Mars to find everything you need for this theme… O_O
5 stars 4 originality!