FirePlace Dynamic Theme

Theme by a100miles2go

Theme request by MAchoMAn17 hope he likes it. icons are system default.
Download Here

30 thoughts on “FirePlace Dynamic Theme

  1. @MAXTHUNDER My guide is for making video loops into themes. it would look a bit funny with heaps of different images playing fast like a video lol

    @Faxtron glad it’s helping you make themes out of videos.

  2. Do you need to use a video for this tutorial to work or can you use still pictures or do I need to make the still photos into a video? Sorry for the questions and thanks for putting the tutorial up so quickly.

  3. @ a100miles2go

    Thanks for make another tutorial this time a complete guide for those who do not have clear how to do this. I made mine following your first tutorial and manages to make mine with a mix of your tutorial and the Glowball tutorial and and a little of my intuition since the other tutorial was not complete to achive the theme. I made this a little different went I want to compile the .p3t I use the glowball tutorial and put all the files in the desktop to work. Anyway, with this or with the method I’m using I still get to do the same and thanks for making the full tutorial now I have another way to do it 🙂

  4. I tried to write a guide as best as i could hopefully this will help people make themes

    I wont guide you through importing video in to photoshop there are plenty of guides on the net for that.

    You can only make animation with 34 frames with image size 1280 x 720 or you can scale down the images and use image size 640 x 480 to be able to use 102 frames. 1920 x 1080 can only use 15 frames which isn’t a lot.

    after you have made your image sequence in photoshop click File>Scripts>Export layers to files save as .psd

    after that is done close your work and record a action to save to dds (DXT1 RGB 4 bpp | no alpha) no mips maps
    (guide to recording actions

    once your action is done click File>Automate>batch choose the action you made to save to dds and input folder
    (where you saved the layers) and output folder and click ok.

    now rename the dds file from bg01 to bg34 and place them in the Raf folder.

    make sure you copy raf_mustache to the root of C:\ drive

    open the Command Prompt and type cd C:\raf_mustache then paste this in the Command Prompt raf_compiler.exe raf\mustache.xml
    to build your raf file.

    when that is done edit raf_mustache.xml to your desire. then drag and drop raf_mustache.xml on to p3tcompiler.exe to build
    your theme.

    if you want to edit the speed of your image sequence open mustache.js and change the value of var anim_length = 0.4;
    the lower the number the faster the animation is.

    you can get the files need from here


    You are right you have to rename the .raf to Anim_1.jpg but use the files .xml and .js from the folder provided by a100miles2go and not from the folder from Glowball tutorial. This method is similar to the Glowball tutorial only thing different here is that is using a new script, new .Xml and you have to give some additional steps in photoshop but to compile the final theme and create the .p3t it like the Glowball tutorial. Only use mustache.xml and mustache.js provided by a100miles2go . Any way yo can go to PS3hax for the mini tutorial and the files.

    I’m not taking credit for this tutorial I will just clarify some points.

    For doing this you need :
    2.NVIDIA DDS pluggins for Photoshop to save the dds to (DXT1 RGB 4 bpp | no alpha)
    3. And the exes and files to compile the raf the same tools used by the Slide Show tutorial.

    If someone want more help let me know 😉

  6. will someone just upload a blasted video tutorial on how to make these themes cause I`ve triedthe one method but how do you switch out the jpg backgrounds with your own.

  7. Great theme thanks !

    I create a Battlefield 3 dynamic theme using the mini tutorial for this new method to create dynamic themes made by a100miles2go from PS3hax. Thanks bro for take the time to put a mini tutorial to make this. Here are the video for my theme :

    I uploaded this battlefield 3 theme should be up in a few days or so. 😉

  8. @2ply you want a program that can export to image sequence, quicktime can export to image sequence but you still need something like phoposhop and nvidia dds tools to convert to dds, plus photoshop lets you limit frames before importing.

    @MAchoMAn17 your welcome

  9. I uploaded a killzone 3 theme should be up in a day or so.

    @Craig i can’t find any decent Randy Orton intro/titantron’s in HD. if you know of one post the link or pm me at ps3hax.

    anyone else asking for themes you will have to provide a link to a 720p video. no youtube videos because they are to blocky and wont turn out very nice.

  10. a100miles2go:

    I didn’t use Glowballs guide, these are made with the raf tools from Sony’s SDK and the mustache theme script edited. like i said in the god of war theme go to for the tools to make them.
    @ anyone else who is requesting a theme i will see what i can do.

    Hm, after reading how you did it i’m interested in trying it myself.. Sounds pretty straight forward anyways, but the only problem is I don’t have PSextended.

    Is there any free programs that could do the same thing? Not really even sure what to call what it does so I can’t search for another prog lol.

  11. Haha, it’s like those burning log TV channels on christmas day.

    If they don’t put them on this year (didn’t last) then i’ll definetly stick this on for S&G’s.

  12. Awesome theme! 10/10
    I also have a request. I am hoping someone will upload an Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 theme or a Deadpool theme or BOTH! Dynamic or not it doesn’t matter to me! Thanks!

  13. Thanx! Looks great! Can you make one about The King Of Fighters XIII? …Or Ash Crimson DYNAMIC. Thanx again!


    How did you make this theme cause this is not from one of the edited ones from the Dynamic Theme Editor.

    He used GlowBall’s Slideshow guide to basically make a rapidly moving set of pictures, basically like a lower quality version of a .gif

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