Theme by PS3Worldz
Germany v1 theme by PS3Worldz
-1 background (HD and SD).
– icons and sounds of Andape´s “Red&Black v3 + Sounds” theme.
Download Here
#1 Resource for PS3 Themes
Theme by PS3Worldz
Germany v1 theme by PS3Worldz
-1 background (HD and SD).
– icons and sounds of Andape´s “Red&Black v3 + Sounds” theme.
Download Here
Yes… his father is an Italian and I guess his mother is german.^^
Yep, I heard. Looks like it’s been a… hard fight!
Anyway, I searched on google and I found he’s not italian… I mean, actually he’s german and only the name is italian: maybe because his parents are italian like me, I guess…? 0_0
Yes, the final was just yesterday
I´m not a big DSDS Fan, but the final yesterday was something special because… you know… the girl who was also in the final is Pietros girlfriend (since they met at DSDS)… so it was a competition between boy- and girlfriend^^
The result was also very special… I think 51.5 % voted for Pietro and the other 48.5 % for Sarah.
Lol! Thats funny! I never heard of him until today…
You know, I have an uncle and two cousins who live in Heidelberg, and today was my uncle’s birthday: so, speaking about this and that, it turned out the speech about this talent show aired by RTL and he told me an italian called Pietro Lombardi won the DSDS…
the next 3… I made a new one today
I don´t know if somebody wants it here (although here are many Germans downloading themes), but I made a “Pietro Lombardi” theme, he is the winner of “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” 2011 (you know… the German version of American Idol). I´m very curious if people like it or not… because I think it´s only interesting for Germans… and even for some of them it´s bullshit (because they hate DSDS :D)^^
Oh, got it!
So, I just have to wait… the next 2!
yes, I made 3 (actually 4 xD) but the other ones are not “unlocked” and I think they are going to be released in the next few days
…and nice one again!
Hey! Am I wrong, or… didn’t you say you made 3 themes? O_o
It´s not possible to put music into a theme. Sorry to tell you that, but I just put the national anthem into the video to make it more interesting.
But I hope you still like the theme… even without music

PS: If you are german and want to contact me in german you can visit my youtube channel and write me a PM
i dont no why but the national athom did not play like in the Preview maybe something you could look in to kinda was exited about that till it did not work