I Owe You One, Yogosan…

Theme by OPTIMUS

5 HD/SD backgrounds, handmade icons and just 2 custom sounds (so it’s not too boring): one made by me and one from F-Rott’s Dr.Pepper theme.
[All images and logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks and are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.]

Hey Yogosan! Remember when you spoke about your favourite drink…? No?
Here: nothing special, but… SURPRISE! 😀
Download Here

17 thoughts on “I Owe You One, Yogosan…

  1. Thanks Droopysp!
    Well… I don’t have my PS3 connected, so I’m not on PSN or anything else, sorry… 😛
    Anyway, you can come in my themes and ask me everything you want at any time: I’ll be happy to help! 😀

  2. Great theme optimus, is that also your psn, cuz i need a couple of tips on sounds…I like Budweiser, i might have to throw together something for those Budweiser lovers out there…5 star theme

  3. Well, McDonalds is not so bat: you would always have Happy Meal and McNuggets for free 😀
    Ok, take all the time you need: exams are important and, by dint of updates, we already have the PS4… 😛 But when I’ll get back from Tibet, you’ll have to deal with a completely different OPTIMUS…! 😀

  4. it will hopefully be less time than that. i’ll be studying ALOT for the next few weeks. that theme is most liikely the only one i will work on until the exams are over 🙁 but these exams are important, i don’t wanna be working in MacDonalds in ten years time regretting the fact i was making themes. and by then the ps4 will be out, i’ll be making PS460 themes!

  5. TWO MONTHS??? Are you serious? And what am I supposed to do until then? Go to Tibet to meditate and cleanse my spirit…? 😀

  6. when it comes to drink, there is very little i haven’t tried, but japan is a little out of reach for me. I’m waiting for more backgrounds to be released for my theme with sounds. but it is basically done. you’ll just have to wait :)it could be another month or two though!

  7. The far west reproduction is very accurate: equipments, weapons, clothings, vehicles… everything. The atmosphere is great and the panoramas are incredibly beautiful: when I play, it seems a “spaghetti western” movie. 😀

  8. In other words, you drink everything… 😛
    Tell me, have you ever tried the SAPPORO? When I went to Japan to visit my friend, he made me taste it: that beer is as good as deadly… it seems to drink spring water, but after 30 seconds your brain is already orbiting around Mars! 😀

    Ok, Red Dead and GTA themes, but I’m waiting for the one with the sound you told me about.

    Hey cowboys! Forget about GTA and jump immediately on RDR’s horse: this game is very beautiful!

  9. red dead theme is complete, gta theme coming soon. the gta one is that great though, i havnt actually played the game, and its for someone on my friends list soooo, it will do

  10. well in all honesty, POWERS whiskey pwns Heineken and Carlsberg,but obviously i cant drink pints of the stuff :D….and,,,, it’s Irish! i like all the top beer brands, Bud Ken Carlsberg, i prefer pints of Heineken. i prefer cans of Bud, and i prefer bottles of Stella! i just hate cheap beer, tubourg, bravaria, miller. that stuff i hate, but i would drink it anyway!

  11. Hahaha! I’m glad, Yogosan… actually I was not so sure you could like it, but it was already done and I decided to risk 😀

  12. lol, now i can crave Heineken every day of the week! Christmas has come early! thanks OPTIMUS. i have alot of themes on the way soon. I’ve started waaay more than i can handle.

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