PS3THEMES Dynamic Theme v2

Theme by uLtRaMa6nEt1c

I made this theme to show appreciation to this website for allowing us to have a forum to show our creativity and share it with others.
Made with Adobe Photoshop & Adobe Flash.
* Custom icons made to look like site logo.
* [ ] /\OX pattern is brighter.
* Major decrease in logo size.
* A few other minor changes.
* Sounds taken from GlowBall’s ‘PlayStation Store Dynamic’ theme.

Add me on PSN if your level is 10+ (no blank requests please)
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20 thoughts on “PS3THEMES Dynamic Theme v2

  1. Damn I can’t believe i didn’t even see this one!!!! thanks for the mail Ultra 😉

    So yeah this theme, once again, is proof of your talents bro, superb!

  2. This is awesome! think you could do binary code dynamic background instead of the shapes from the controller

  3. @ULTRAMA6NET1C: Another very good theme, mate! Just gave you a “Like Point”! 😀

    About what you told me in the other theme…
    Thanks, bro, I really appreciate! 😀

    Well… even without me, you guys wouldn’t have any problem to go on: for all the time I’ve been here, I had the chance to see all of you grow up, and I can safely say that everyone of you has developed very good skills and has become a great theme maker.
    The only thing you need, guys, is to keep up with the good work you already make, without forgetting there’s always something to learn and there’s always room for improvement… 😉

  4. Thank you everyone for positive feedback. Stay tuned for the Skillgirls Multi-Dynamic Theme.

  5. Im lovin’ this theme, great job ultra!! The icon sounds are perfect, second best to killzone 2 icon sounds.

  6. THANK U FOR LISTENING TO MY SUGGESTION!!! thats what i call an awesome listener <3 it looks WAY BETTER! <3 😀

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