Random Theme

Theme by Dahl

This is my 1st theme, mainly made because Optimus and Yogosan wanted to see my mad drawing skills lol πŸ˜› Well everything in this one is made by me, Dahl, so all credit goes to me… Dahl
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somebody rated me up in top 10 again πŸ˜€


P.S.: Hey guys! Are you still talking here? I kept waiting for you in my Red Dead theme: is it so disgusting…? πŸ˜›


: just try and let us see… πŸ˜›

: mmm… The Thing? No, wait! The Blob! No, no, no… Maybe Alien? Predator? Jaws? Ehm… a big python or maybe a tiger?!?
No, I got it: MY EX GIRLFRIEND!!! πŸ˜€


the sounds are good, the shortened works quite well, 6 secs was a bit too long. but i cant say what it is. its actually finished and is probably my best yet! unfortunately, you will have to wait a while. i’m waiting for more high res wallpapers to be released before uploading because there is only one of the main species so far, the rest are just his prey………that he biggest hint i can give you. do you know what it is?! πŸ˜›


I have the best facking idea ever! but i will never get the skills to that :O


Yep! Usually is always the length that gives problems. However, there’s a trick I forgot to tell you (but don’t tell anyone: it’s a secret… :P): it’s possible to keep intact the whole sound, but with a length shorter than the original… To do this, is necessary to increase the playback speed of the sound: in this way, the time (and so the length) is reduced. At this point, the sound will be faster, but its pitch will be higher… No problem! Just reduce the pitch with the appropriate filter and… les jeux sont faits! The sound will be perfectly… Read more »


inspire. i could show you a whole bunch of theme type stuff i started but never finished. its all about practice. i never thought i would be crafting my own icons to a decent standard, look at me now!


Mmm… well, when I don’t have concrete ideas, I usually do something abstract. In addition, the abstract genre is a good starting base to make practice.
However, you could start trying to make a theme for a game: just find some suitable images, then you start thinking a style for the icons (something that mixes well with the backgrounds) and finally you begin to create.
It’s not difficult, just free your imagination… “amaze me”! πŸ˜€


lol, even i was planning on using them, and no its not sounds 4 red dead, something…….hopefully better. and yes it was the length that was the problem


Dont know, dont really have any ideas hmm… Inspire me πŸ˜›


Yeah, but it doesn’t matter: you’ve been at the top for 6 days in a row… SURPASSING EVEN ANIOM!!! This is an incredible start! πŸ˜€
What are you “preparing” now???


Fack it, i’m out of top 10 πŸ˜›


Well, the important thing is that you’ve solved the problem (have you followed the method I told you, or what?)
Mmm… I don’t know why, but I’ve the impression this is a sound taken from a song by Ennio Morricone… πŸ˜€
Yep! All the Red Dead themes uploaded so far have the official wallpapers (which, as you say, are the best at the moment)! Funny thing is that even I used the same wallpapers… O_o
Damn! If I’d known, I would have used images taken directly from the game :(!!!
[But at least my icons are better… :P]


OK I’ll be able to squeeze it in, but only half as long. if you knew what it was you would be disappointed 2 πŸ™ this is gonna be my first-ish theme with sounds. the last one i did was 2 years ago, and i messed up the frequency and it sounded static (fuzzy. i was nearly done with my red dead theme, but in the last week, all the red dead themes had the wallpapers from the red dead site in them, which i was gonna do, because right now, they are the only high quality wallpapers for the… Read more »


Well, I’m still completing JC2: this game is so BIG that I’m at 127 hours and 62% (and I’ve not done the last 2 main missions, yet!)… πŸ˜›
I’m also finishing THE SABOTEUR (very big too) and Friday I’ll immediately buy RED DEAD REDEMPTION!


Hey i just remebered, you guys never told what you were playing!?


@Dahl: Haha! Yeah: David beat Goliath! πŸ˜€ @yogosan: Ok, listen… I always use this method which works well with every sound I make (even too long like the “jingle” in my WAR FOR CYBERTRON themes): [NOTE-all the following steps are required because they’re essential to minimize the final size of the file as much as possible.] 1- All changes must be made on the original sound, saving it in the same format. 2- If the sound is too long, try to shorten it (if possible) to 2/2.50secs max. 3- Always reduce the volume to -3/-6dB and eliminate background noises with… Read more »


i guess i will have to leave it out then, which is a shame because it was perfect for the theme. i might try shortening and see how it sounds πŸ™


i dont know i did as you said, i dont even know if i made the icons :O but im happy to be over aniom πŸ˜€


Me too! πŸ˜€ Now it has dropped a bit, but is a GREAT thing that you’ve been able to stay in the TOP 10 with your first theme! GOOD!

About the minis icon: well, maybe something went wrong… are you sure you saved the configuration after inserting the “Xml Id” of the icon? I ask because I noticed that also lacks the “chat room text only” icon.


I’m proud πŸ˜€ however something i do not under stand is why there is no mini icon, i did as you said :O


Hey Yogosan, are you still here? What have you done with that sound???

Just uploaded the Red Dead theme (but I noticed that the updating time has lengthened from 1-5 to 1-7 days… πŸ™ ): pheeew! it took more time than I thought, because of the icons. I think I’ll have to recharge the batteries… πŸ˜›

Hey Dahl: 1ST PLACE!!!


Well, there’s no real minimum or maximum length, because all depends on the type of function with which the sound is associated. However (IN THEORY) sounds should not exceed 3 seconds, but unfortunately the truth is worse: sounds must always remain under 2 seconds max for a matter of file size. In fact, is more important that each VAG file does not exceed (more or less) 15-20KB: this is due to the fact that the maximum capacity indicated IS NOT REAL, because the compiler uses most of that amount (and the program only says “an error has occurred” :(…) There… Read more »


ok, on a serious note, OPTTIMUS, as you know, i never use sounds, but i will be gor an upcoming theme. 4/5 of the sounds work fine, but one of the sounds causes an error when compiliing. it is a about 6 seconds long, but i tried shortening it to 3, but it still didnt work. it doesnt max out the space for sound, it is DEFINATELY the right file type, bit rate, frequency. is there a size limit on idividual sounds? im confued. i could try sending you the sound for examination. im no exrt at sounds yet.


BWAAHAAHAHAHAAA!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ Please, guys… STOP MAKING ME LAUGH LIKE THAT or I’ll die FOR REAL! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ I’m already shitting in the pants…! O_O


you guys are Theme B.U.M.B.L.E.B.E.E.S. (Balistic Ultra Mega Building Lampfanatic and Electrical Bombsquadlook-a-likes Extreme Esomething Superguys)


Hey, Dahl! Where are you? Your theme is in 3rd place!!!


HAHAHAHA!!! Stop, or I’ll die laughing! πŸ˜€

Well, I also meant something like “we are the tent that covers the world of themes” :P… which means that maybe I’m not mad yet, but SURELY I’m starting to suffer from senility…! πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜›
Seen from your point of view, it becomes very aggressive, but I must say that I like those other abbreviations… πŸ˜€

HAHAHAHA!!! I’m crying!!! πŸ˜€ ROTFL XD


or D.E.T.E.R.I.O.R.A.T.E. (dahl, every theme enthusiast really insists on regenerating another theme……….energetically!) :D……..well anything but tent, tent is not a cool word…. πŸ˜›


lol, tent, TENT, are you mad, it has to be something cool…like…….T.E.R.R.O.R T.E.A.M.(theme enthusiasts rapidly rappeling over rattlesnakes to eliminate alien malpractices) or E.X.T.E.R.M.I.N.A.T.O.R.S. (eloquent…………xenodochial theme enthusiasts revealing magnificent illegible nonsensical abbreviations to outline rulership superiority)


The T.E.N.T. Theme Enthusiasts Niggling Team… πŸ˜€


……theme enthusiasts! πŸ˜€


πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€
Hey, Yogosan, I’m confused: are we theme makers or “theme teachers”…? πŸ˜›


i’m ok, i have hundreds!


Yeah, the pen tool is very good (especially with the smooth option enabled) and can be very useful for touching up the edges. Really accurate!
Well, I also have a lot of textures, but very often they’re not suitable for what I wanna do… so, I started drawing them by myself according to my needs: metal (rusted or not), stone, various kinds of wood… everything. It could seem tedious, but in this way I already have a “starting base” in which I can draw the icons I want. Really comfortable!
Hey guys, if you want some… πŸ˜›


the first time i ever tried drawing on the computer i used microsoft paint πŸ˜› and then i got fireworks cs3. quite a big step up. i would use photoshop but it uses more memory than my computer can handle. some people say the textures in fireworks make up for the lack of bruses compared to photoshop. and iv installed a load of new textures aswell. fireworks is probably faster and less complicated. dahl i suggest you u experiment with the pen tool, its very useful, thats how i make my icons, and OPTIMUS too.


oh… well i only used the brush πŸ˜›


i very rarely use the brush too. maybe on backgrounds.


Right, and “not OPTIMUS” WAITS TO SEE YOUR NEXT THEME, Dahl! πŸ˜› Just few more tips, though: 1- when you create an icon, try always to stay within a margin of at least 8×8 or 16×16 pixels less than the real size, so that the icon does not seem cut. EXAMPLE: the icon size is 128×128, right? Then, you draw within a margin of 112×112 or 96×96. In this case, the displayed grid can be very useful: each block (from “cross” to “cross”) is exactly 8×8 pixels. 2- When drawing, I suggest you to use the POLYGON and LINE tools,… Read more »

not yogosan

the theme is a little rough around the edges, but there are alot of positives, the way you colour coded each section is cool, and the icons do link up very well, some people just use one icon for the whole thing. but everyones first theme has flaws. i look back at every theme i’v ever made and find things that can be improved. i hate nearly evey theme i’v made up until my dead space theme, because i learned some great techniques at that point. if i were to update all my old themes i would know exactly what… Read more »


wow thnaks for the tips and the stars hehe well maybe i’ll make more themes, maybe i won’t u guys just have to wait and see πŸ˜€


LOOOOL!!! You see? It’s not difficult! Hahaaa! I like it! But… about what you told me, Dahl, listen to me: you can’t hope to succeed at the first blow. You need to do more than a theme so that people can know you and your work. Then, you’ll begin to improve your skills and have new ideas, creating something more complex and sophisticated day by day… At that point, you’ll have developed your own style, people will have had time to know you and your work and you’ll start to be more successful: obviously, not everyone will appreciate all your… Read more »

not yogosan

no, it was me,lol.


haha actually didn’t see the not in the persons name so thought it was you lol


yes i must agree with whoever that was, fantastic.


Haha yogo very funny πŸ˜›

not yogosan

this has to be the best theme yet! can’t wait for your next one πŸ˜€