Red Gel Theme

Theme by Sheldon strain

Red Gel Theme with Dynamic Anon Background for Ps3
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4 thoughts on “Red Gel Theme

  1. omg guys i luv anymoose xDD i like how they were the mask frum te movie xD we r legun xDDD me n my frends were it to so it meens were part of anonmoose 2! xDDDDDDDDDD

  2. i believe that they are for the better good,
    i have done some research on them and heard of things they have done. they are heroic in a sense.

    definitely dont listen to the bullshit the media spoon feeds people,
    they have done great things and they should be appreciated. i am definitely a fan of what they do.

    they are the ones that see someone being bullied and beat up the bully..

    i applaud them with a big smile on my face!

    these heroes are not in comic books.
    they are real… and thank you.

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