
Theme by PS3Worldz

PS3 Worldz Russia theme

-1 HD and SD background
– icons and sounds of Andape´s “BlueAndBlack v3 Theme For PS3” theme.

I searched for a Russia theme on this site and hadn´t found any, so I decided to create one by myself and share it with you 🙂
Download Here


13 thoughts on “Russia

  1. But you can make a theme with Russian weapons? AK-47(classic),AN-94(Abakan) T-90, SU-47, KA-50 (Black shark) and more! And icons are beautiful, and not the standard. Thx.)

  2. Yeah, somebody form Russia likes my theme^^

    I made it because I thought it would be interesting for some russians and yeah… I was right 🙂


    I could do a FPS Russia theme… I think you mean the guy on youtube, who´s testing guns and weapons? Right?
    If you mean him, than please answer here and than I would make one for you. But it would took some time 🙂

  3. Hi Administrators,

    I think there is a little mistake. Each of my 2 themes has two preview videos… but there has only to be one at each theme.

    The Germany theme should only contain the preview of the Germany theme, and the Russia theme the preview of the Russia theme (if you know what I mean).

    I´m a bit surprised, because I posted only one link in each descrption of the both themes.

    I don´t want to bother you, but would it be possible to fix it?
    So that there is only the right preview video under each theme?

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