Theme by Faxtron
PS3 Theme for XxLEGENDxX and BIOHAZARD Tifa Wobbling Boobs Animated. Icons made by HollowBattousai so all the credit for the icons to him.
For the best experience possible please drop the backgrounds brightness. Theme Settings — Background — Brightness — I recommend -2 or -3.
For the best experience possible please drop the backgrounds brightness. Theme Settings — Background — Brightness — I recommend -2 or -3.
Enjoy !
Download Here
@MrfurryGamer You are right its a little laggy the version I upload first but download the improved version from here with better animation :
It’s little bit laggy, but still good
keep them coming
nevermind, I already firgured it out
I meant to write so *now* gif’s can be used
wait so no gif’s can be the backgrounds on themes? If so what it is the size limit and what program do you use to make these? Is it the one on this website? SOMEONE PLEASE ANSWER
@ Soerin Thanks bro !
Amazingly good!
For those that can’t download the improved version from mediafire here is another download :
God I love boobs.
Thanks for the feedback !
you sir are a genious!
What can I say…. Download it via PC if you can’t with the PS3
lol @ peevedpeeved 2gb isnt that much i can download that in 30 mins (my internet reached 2mB/s though) besides if that download you had in background was on ps3 than while ur browsing the web the download gets paused -.-
that mediafire link just crashes your ps3, thanks, just f..ked up a 2Gb d’load I had going in the background. well done
Dude, this is awsome!!
Recommend that download this one from here : because have a better animation more faster/smooth.