Theme by Dennis “F-Rott” Ferrand
A Nightmare On Elm Street Theme
4 Backgrounds and Custom Row Icons
5 Custom Blade Sounds
Just whipped this one together real quick.
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4 Backgrounds and Custom Row Icons
5 Custom Blade Sounds
Just whipped this one together real quick.
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i get reall confused finding pictures for doing a theme can someone do a freddie theme with robert englund as freddie please?
Johnny Depp was a great actor even back then. He was in a different league from Heather Langenkamp, that’s for sure.
i wish johnny depp was in it! I meet Robert Englund once and it scared the crap out of me lol! I was afraid to sleep. great theme
well the original will always be a masterpiece, although i’v seen it so many times now, its fairly dated. there havn’t been many great horror villains lately. the last memorable one i can think of is ghostface. i think directors need to concentrate more on inventing new original ideas instead of remakes. or maybe all the best ideas are taken. and the gritty look of horrors added to the film i think, the crisp hd detail and special effects leaves nothing to the imagination these days. its a shame really. movies don’t seem to be getting much better. although shutter island had some horror/suspense elements, i liked that movie alot.
Latest reviews coming out of pre-screeners is looking bad, actually. People are saying Haley is a great actor, but the movie itself kinda stinks. Sad…
Yep! I think…
hope for the gest i suppose. the new predators movie looks interesting. robert rodriguez is involved, so it must be good!
Well, I also hope this remake is well done: no matter how this movie will be faithful to the original, for me the important thing is that it has the same atmosphere. Otherwise, it would be the destruction of a myth that (in my opinion) marked the beginning of the real career of Robert Englund after the 80’s TV series VISITORS…
I think only Robert was able to give Freddy the right “personality”.
I’m stoked for the new Nightmare. Looks like a complete scene-for-scene remake of the first film. It’s got the bathtub scene, the school room scene, the boiler room scene. Krueger was my favorite of all the serial killers, second closest being the first Halloween. I reject both the Halloween remakes. Rob Zombie needs to stick to music or his own bad ideas.
i hope this remake will be good, but i honestly cant picture freddy as anyone but Robert Englund. that being said, most wes craven remakes turn out pretty good, the hills have eyes remake was ok. i generally hate remakes……remakes of good movies anyway. why make a remake of the texas chainsaw massacre, halloween or the omen. they are absolute classics!
hey, look at this cheryl, it’s not even plugged in!
I can’t sleep… I CAN’T SLEEP!!!
Nice one, F-Rott! I always liked Nightmare…