Back To The Future Animated

Theme by Faxtron

PS3 Back To The Future Animated. In this theme half of the Custom Icons are created by frankzito the other set by me with original sounds. For the best experience possible please drop the backgrounds brightness. Theme Settings — Background — Brightness — I recommend -2 or -3. Like always for free πŸ™‚ I recommend to play with the brighness because some themes looks better with difetents brightness settings depends on the TV used.

Enjoy !
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Thanks for sharing this. I love back to the future. You did an awesome job! Keep up the good work!


Ok, mate: I think he will be happy to wait for a while, knowing that you’ll make another awesome job! πŸ˜€


He,he,he I’m very surprised too, about how many guys remembered the movie… about the theme for George Romero zombie movies I have to many work right now but I will try to do it, so I will put it in my list to themes to create πŸ™‚



Thanks to all for your comment
Thats a good news to me that Penningstoned42, write positive comments to our theme the neverending story. I’m very happy with this. Our mission is complete ….

Lol! Yeah, mate! πŸ˜€
And you know what? I’ve been very surprised about how many guys remembered that movie… O_o

Oh, by the way, I almost forgot… there’s a guy (TheLoneWolf989) who liked the NeverEnding Story theme and asked you for a theme based on the George Romero zombie movies!




Thanks to all for your comment πŸ™‚

Thats a good news to me that Penningstoned42, write positive comments to our theme the neverending story. I’m very happy with this. Our mission is complete …. πŸ™‚


Love BTTF!

Jay Menace

Siiiiiiick makes me want the game off the psn store even more.


nice theme and great border thanks mate πŸ™‚


All i goto a is awesome, This is the best theme and a popular classic movie at that.. If only could have the Back To The Future song playing with the theme like in the video preview lol..


another awesome theme by Faxtron, nice job


Ooooh maaaan! Another piece of history!
I really like the icons and the “electric” border.
Gooooood job, mate! πŸ˜€

Farewell, NeverEnding Story… πŸ™

By the way: have you read the comment left by my friend Penningstoned420?
You know, he’s the most critical and ironic user I ever known: he tells it like it is, bluntly and without remorse. And that’s a veeeery positive thing!
So… you should be very happy, my friend, because he commented our theme without even a negative note: he really liked it! πŸ˜€

Mr. Shizzy

5 Star work as always Faxtron!
I love the animation border too πŸ™‚

Thanks for sharing another masterpiece bro πŸ˜€