Beavis and Butt-Head – Static TV Animated

Theme by Faxtron

PS3 Beavis and Butt-Head – Static TV Animated with Custom Icons and original sounds. Is a theme request but i don’t remember who requested this, anyway here is it 🙂 For the best experience possible please drop the backgrounds brightness. Theme Settings — Background — Brightness — I recommend -2 or -3. Like always for free 🙂 I recomend to play with the brighness because some themes looks better with difetents brightness settings.

Enjoy 🙂
Download Here


34 thoughts on “Beavis and Butt-Head – Static TV Animated

  1. yay someone made a beavis and butthead theme finally i asked the boards awhile back ty very much sir


    @LISA: Well, as I said the other time, it all depends on which kind of theme you’d like.
    I personally think an animated theme would be pretty nice…
    First of all, it would be different from the usual themes where you see always the same effects: that’s because this way I’m free to draw everything I want from scratch, without being conditioned by the limitations imposed by the dynamic editor, or stuff like that (actually, the only limit would be the number of frames)
    Secondly, its realization would be relatively simple because when it comes to animated themes, basically you just need to think creating the elements and then to animate them…
    Anyway, given that I still didn’t know what kind of theme you wanted, I started working on the image you gave me: if you remember about the idea I had and tried explaining you, the theme should depict the scene as if it was filmed with a video camera held by someone who’s following Elise while she’s going down at a very high speed on the snowboard.
    To do that, the whole image must move very fast (you know, like those amateur videos shot with the cellular phone when there’s an earthquake ) to give the impression of speed. Then, I’m drawing ice around the image borders, in order to simulate the cold air that condenses and accumulates on the lens of the camera because of the high speed… and I’m also creating the snowflakes that will have to rapidly move from the upper left side toward the lower right side of the screen.
    Last, but not least, I’m creating some lighting effects and other small things to add to the image.
    Oh, and… I’m drawing specific icons, of course (nothing too complicated though, because I want to keep them simple so that the background stands out more than the rest)
    Well, I think that this way the style of the theme would be… how can I say… it would be refined and sought, but simple at the same time.
    I hate to be repetitive, but… again, if you take a look at “The Never-Ending Story” theme made by me and Faxtron, you could get a little idea of what I mean: sure, it’s a completely different theme which depicts a different scene/situation/whatever… but in that theme, everything’s totally hand made, so we’ve not had many limits in creating it.
    However, as soon as I finished, I’ll send the complete background and all the elements to Faxtron, so that he will be able to create the animated theme like I imagined it, or anything else…
    Lol! It’s a hard work, but someone has to do it…

    lol wow impressed. we should make themes for sony. so we can get that dynamic tool the offical one uses. ok. we go with that theme. but is it greedy of me to ask for a private theme for myself only…….:P

  3. @LISA: Well, as I said the other time, it all depends on which kind of theme you’d like.

    I personally think an animated theme would be pretty nice…
    First of all, it would be different from the usual themes where you see always the same effects: that’s because this way I’m free to draw everything I want from scratch, without being conditioned by the limitations imposed by the dynamic editor, or stuff like that (actually, the only limit would be the number of frames)
    Secondly, its realization would be relatively simple because when it comes to animated themes, basically you just need to think creating the elements and then to animate them…

    Anyway, given that I still didn’t know what kind of theme you wanted, I started working on the image you gave me: if you remember about the idea I had and tried explaining you, the theme should depict the scene as if it was filmed with a video camera held by someone who’s following Elise while she’s going down at a very high speed on the snowboard.
    To do that, the whole image must move very fast (you know, like those amateur videos shot with the cellular phone when there’s an earthquake :P) to give the impression of speed. Then, I’m drawing ice around the image borders, in order to simulate the cold air that condenses and accumulates on the lens of the camera because of the high speed… and I’m also creating the snowflakes that will have to rapidly move from the upper left side toward the lower right side of the screen.
    Last, but not least, I’m creating some lighting effects and other small things to add to the image.
    Oh, and… I’m drawing specific icons, of course (nothing too complicated though, because I want to keep them simple so that the background stands out more than the rest)
    Well, I think that this way the style of the theme would be… how can I say… it would be refined and sought, but simple at the same time.

    I hate to be repetitive, but… again, if you take a look at “The Never-Ending Story” theme made by me and Faxtron, you could get a little idea of what I mean: sure, it’s a completely different theme which depicts a different scene/situation/whatever… but in that theme, everything’s totally hand made, so we’ve not had many limits in creating it.

    However, as soon as I finished, I’ll send the complete background and all the elements to Faxtron, so that he will be able to create the animated theme like I imagined it, or anything else… 😉

    Lol! It’s a hard work, but someone has to do it… 😀


    @LISA: Whaaat?
    No, I’m not avoiding you, but looks like you didn’t get back to check my replies: I answered the first time in the “Spongebob theme”, and the second time right here (comment #21)…
    So, go back to the “Spongebob Squarepants” theme and see what I told you in the comment #6, lazy girl…

    lol oops. to answer your question yes i can see gifs. and that’s alot of choices but what type of theme will work for this and look good also.

  5. @LISA: Whaaat?
    No, I’m not avoiding you, but looks like you didn’t get back to check my replies: I answered the first time in the “Spongebob theme”, and the second time right here (comment #21)…
    So, go back to the “Spongebob Squarepants” theme and see what I told you in the comment #6, lazy girl… 😛

  6. But it says you’re american eh 😛 There are a few of us high speed internet igloo inhabitants on here though.

    You have to put the link to your video in the theme description and the ps3-themes uploader will add your video preview for you in the description.

  8. Hey. Quick question how do you get the video preview uploaded under the “Download Here” link?

  9. @faxtron, in truth my themes will never be 5 star worthy as long as I know I can do better. Thats my way of thinking. I still have alot to learn. hopefully there will be PS5 themes, I’ll be much better at themes then.

  10. Faxtron:

    At the momment I’m not working in that theme because I’m waiting for you to decide what do you really want in that theme. As I said I can make you a hybrid theme but in MDT format for you. One backgrownd theme with the video animation with a windows border for the video you provide and the other backgrownd in the theme Dynamic with the picture you provide in the two backgrownds. One example of a MDT theme is my “1up animated” that have two different animated backgrownd in the same theme.
    BTW : I need the final instructions and element from OPTIMUS to start the process of making the theme. OPTIMUS for the animated theme created for the video I need you to create the ice border for the animated window and the backgrownd HD image. For the other backgrownd I need the elements and the instructions for the special effects according to lisa told us to make in that backgrownd. For the ice border i will tell you what is the size nedeed for build it. But I need you, for create the elements in both backgrownds. Let see what lisa finally said to start the theme. I don’t have much time as I said but I will make an exeption to try to fullfill this request

    i think mdt then is the way to go. as it won’t look boring and every time the theme comes on it will be random. also with a mdt theme can we still have the snow falling? aw thanks boricua. lol

  11. @ yogosan
    Ohh I see, but don’t worry my friend i understand and thanks a lot for all your work and themes you share here to us for all this time. All your works are in a “five stars” category 🙂

  12. @faxtron, thanks dude, the background for this theme is very well done, great idea, i’m sure it takes a long time to make dynamic themes, which is really why I havn’t tried making any. The thought of making animations, getting extra programmes and learning how to compile them and everthing else on top of that is crazy. Especially on top of icons. Icons can get very tedious at times because I have to experiment with alot of ideas.

    I planned on having alot more themes done since my last one. Theres not much point in me saying i’ll fill any requests because i honestly don’t know if i’ll have time to get them done. I still check the site to see all the latest creations but priority number one right now is finding work, which is not an easy task in ireland these days!

    I do still make themes, but if it gets too time consuming to make a few icons I just stop, I probably will finish them eventually, but after shelving a bunch of themes in the last year, I’v learned nothing is certain. Thats why I didn’t respond to the Beavis & Butthead request.

    Once upon a time I had so much time to make themes that we didn’t even talk about themes in the comments section. Good times!

  13. @ FURY
    Well the guy who requested this theme, send me an email to my youtube account but I don’t remember who it is, but if you requested one for B&BH too here is it, my friend. You gave me good ideas let see if in future I make another version whit a video inside for metallica or something. 🙂

  14. @FaxTron … i’d also recommend creating an alternate version of this theme with metallica and ACDC on the TV instead of static… or a clip from beavis & butthead… it’s just a suggestion and again great work brother

  15. @FaxTron…. i put a request for a beavis & butthead dynamic theme on Radz dynamic simpsons theme and he never answered don’t know if that’s where you remember the theme request from or not but anyway great Job on this it’s awesome


    FAXTRON: Only I can say is… Loooooooool!!! Nice theme, my friend! 😀
    As for backgrounds and elements (aside the fact I’m still working on other stuff) I’m still waiting for Lisa to know which kind of theme she wants…

    LISA: Go see what I told you (for the second time :P) in the SpongeBob theme the other day…
    Once you decided which kind of theme you want, then we’ll be able to start working on it 😉

  17. @lisa
    At the momment I’m not working in that theme because I’m waiting for you to decide what do you really want in that theme. As I said I can make you a hybrid theme but in MDT format for you. One backgrownd theme with the video animation with a windows border for the video you provide and the other backgrownd in the theme Dynamic with the picture you provide in the two backgrownds. One example of a MDT theme is my “1up animated” that have two different animated backgrownd in the same theme.

    BTW : I need the final instructions and element from OPTIMUS to start the process of making the theme. OPTIMUS for the animated theme created for the video I need you to create the ice border for the animated window and the backgrownd HD image. For the other backgrownd I need the elements and the instructions for the special effects according to lisa told us to make in that backgrownd. For the ice border i will tell you what is the size nedeed for build it. But I need you, for create the elements in both backgrownds. Let see what lisa finally said to start the theme. I don’t have much time as I said but I will make an exeption to try to fullfill this request 🙂

  18. @yogosan
    Ohh I see, but you know if you decide to finish your theme of B&BH for sure will be good even best than this one, no matter is was dynamic or not. For me you are on the top list of the best theme makers on this site beside OPTIMUS,Glowball and others. I like all your themes are very creative and are unique. Like your last creation “15 Theme” that theme will be in my PS3 forever. So please finish your creation of a theme for B&BH for all us here. BTW : Are you working in my theme request about Bleach or Fullmetal Alquemist ?

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