Carrie (HD only)

Theme by SoundOfDarkness

I just watched the new Carrie movie with Chloe Grace Moretz and Julianne Moore and I really liked it. Yep, that’s why I created a Carrie theme.
Just 9 HD only pics this time. It’s unbelievable how hard it is to find good high res pics of that movie.
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10 thoughts on “Carrie (HD only)

  1. Awesome theme…..where did you find your icons……coz I’ve been struggling to find some decent ones.

  2. Ok, good news, all Chloë Grace Moretz themes are finished. I just hope I didn’t screw up the upload, because I’m very tired. If I didn’t screw up there will be 6(!!!) themes online. I found so many good pics that I had to make 2 “Let Me In” themes, 2 Chloë Grace Moretz themes and 2 Chloë Grace Moretz black & white themes.

  3. 1320viper:

    not to sound pushy but, im a big chloe moretz and a big fan of ‘let me in’ so i was wondering how long till you could make one of them

    not sure, but i’ll try to finish them both this year. don’t know if they will be online before new year.

  4. not to sound pushy but, im a big chloe moretz and a big fan of ‘let me in’ so i was wondering how long till you could make one of them

  5. moretz fan:

    to bad i can vote thumbs up just once, i would vote 20 times if possible.

    thanks for your kind words.
    i’m a big fan of chloe myself since i watched “let me in” and i’m planning to make a “let me in” theme and a simple chloe grace moretz theme.

  6. cool, i totally love that theme. big thanks.

    i don’t think the photos are pixelated, looks more like film grain effect to me.

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