Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen (Dynamic Theme)

Theme by RPGDarkLord101

This theme is based on the Sony Make Believe theme from the Dynamic Theme editor. It basically has words and phrases appear, move, and/or phase on the screen.

I can’t just wait for season 3 of Game Of Thrones or the 6th book Winds of Winter, so I decided to pay homage to both the books and TV series in my own way.

ICON CREDITS: The clear icons were from uploader uLtRaMa6nEt1c’s Avengers theme.

Why Daenerys Targaryen? Well, she is the pivotal character who brought dragons back into the world after centuries of forgotten magic along with being reborn herself in fire and blood. I love Emilia Clarke the most on this show.

The order of the dynamic phrases go as follows:

I will take what is MINE
Turn us away and we
Burn you First
I am the Dragon’s Daughter
You will
You will die screaming
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