Freddy Krueger Slideshow

Theme by DEADBIRDS80

8 Hd backgrounds
custom icons – scar tissue
this is one of my favourite horror characters
hope you guys enjoy this theme.
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According to the commentary from Wes Craven on Nightmare on Elms street ( the original): Wes Craven first came up with the basic idea for the movie from several newspaper articles printed in the LA Times over a three year period about a group of Cambodian refugees from the Hmong tribe, several of whom died in the throes of horrific nightmares. The group had come to America to escape the reign of Pol Pot, and within a year of arriving, three men had died, with the situation the same in each cases; the young, otherwise healthy, man would have a… Read more »


Hahahahaaaaa 😀 Nice.

Senya Saigyouji

Did you know that “subtext” is an anagram of “buttsex”? Sorry for the less-than-pleasant irrelevance, butt I just had to seize the opportunity and share this particularly useless knowledge with everybody.


In Google type “Nightmare on Elm Street 2 gay subtext”. it was Freddy’s Revenge not Dream Warriors.


– For real. Look it up. The director did it on purpose. I think it just that particular movie.


noes gay!? ‘sigh’
geuss everybody’s got n opinion,

‘sigh’ lol.


– I totally agree with your comment about the brutality & imagination, and the unstoppable & the immovable. The whole comment in fact. You made some very good points.
So Michael Myers’ actually has NO motivation. Great 😛
Freddy’s motivation was revenge at first, no? Same with Jason? That’s what I always thought.
Which NoES had all the gay overtones, Dream Warriors? lol.




Thanks glad you liked it


: Can’t sleep… I MUST not sleep… LOL!

I always liked Robert Englund since he was “Willy” in the 80s series “V”
Nice theme, mate, and great icons! +1! 😀


dont cut michael myers short tho,, he was actually possessed with an old tribal spirit, the story is that back in tribal times there was an ancient method of population control and one member of a perticuler family would get a mark on his rist, become possessed, and kill his entire family.

he kept coming back because his younger sister kept escaping and the possession never stops.

fredy’s job is to feed morphius souls of the dead to remian emortal in dreams..


thats where im ‘kinda’ torn, jason was insanely BRUTAL by all lengths of the imagination.. but freddy USED all lengths of the imagination to be BRUTAL. in my opinion its like the unstopable force ‘jason’ and thee emovable object ‘freddy’ i think thats how they ended up in the same movie, i say that with no sarcasm, i just see it being that way, and Kane Hodder was in jason 7 . 8 . 9 . and 10… WHY DID THEY REPLACE HIM? ok picture jason from jason 7 in jvf!!! anyway, off topic.. in my opinion the NMOES movies… Read more »


Yo I don’t know man, Jason will always be my favorite slasher. Freddy was dope but the comedy killed it for me. The 1st NoES was genuinely scary. I love that one. I was never a fan of Michael Myers though. From what I understand his motivation was that he was just … crazy. Norman Bates’ psychosis was more nerve wrecking to me. idk. I going off my junior high memory of the original movies since that’s the last time I watched them.
I did see Jason X again recently though, LOL.


but enuff about those other movies…
this theme here is about who is literally classifyed
as “the most notorious super villain since darth vader” no one, and i mean NO ONE. can ever,
and i mean NEVER.

…no one F***’s with freddy…


ok, check this out, this will give you n idea of what i was talking about. also it will kind of leave you with an impression that kane was the BEST Jason that played the roll, his take on jason was that he wanted his character to be as believable as humanely possible, just in that respect thats what made him the best alone, he cared about how believable jason was to the audience, he wanted to impress the audience for himself aswell as the director and i think he was the most serious about that. when he found out… Read more »


yeah, basically kane hodder was getting paid to choke people,, …my dream job. he DIDNT tell me he was about to do that and it scared the hell out of me. first of all, i was not looking at him… second of all, he didnt talk till i was being choked… third of all, if kane ever grabs your neck it will knock the cool right outta your step….. it was like he gripped my neck to the point where i was like “uh oh” and then stopped. when he squeezed it was like, i felt how strong this guy… Read more »


( . ) Real nice, LOL
Wow. Choked by Jason…that’s nuts.


most people dont know that like ‘alot’ of horror movies are based on true storys, i was REALY into horror movies for a while. i actually met some celebritys a while back at a convention. it was tight, jason 2, 8,9,10. chainsaw1… kane hodder chocked the s*** out of me LOL. i got choked by jason… TOM SAVINI !!!! tom was awsome as HELL “amazing guy” me and my boy handed our disposable camera to his HOT AS HELL ‘photographer’ he looked at her and was like “hey can you check to see if the spindle is cranked so its… Read more »


– i was aware of the “true story” part, but I never knew about the origin of the idea of Freddy. That’s good stuff.


well thats how i remember seeing it on my box set
might not be exact, but its damn close,


LOL. i love robert englund. what a guy. i have been a fan of his for quite some time. you might be a little thrown if i tell you that a nightmare on elmstreet was actually based on a true story…. im not sure when but lets say ‘back in the day’ in california there was reported incidences where teenagers wher being found dead!! what it seemed like was they wher trying to stay awake and doing anything they could to stay awake like in the films.. investigators found coffee pots in the rooms of the victims, obviously they wher… Read more »


thanks man i have been looking for the right freddy backround





Those icons are disgusting. Good work 😀