Theme by uLtRaMa6nEt1c
*The Guardians and the foreground are on 4 separate layers moving up & down.
*A group of Necroships are hovering in the background.
*Another set of Necroships flying toward the viewer.
*Large planet moves up and down.
*2 Novastars hovering with pulsating exhaust.
*2 shooting stars.
*8 star clusters turning on & off in the background.
*16 individual stars twinkle.
*Glowing effect behind Guardians.
*Logo initially on screen for 8 seconds then disappears.
Icons made by me to resemble logo.
MULTI-DYNAMIC (GotG Dynamic Theme v1 & v2)
*Direct link in the comments below.
Thanks to Faxtron for the preview video.
Download Here
what would really be cool is have a theme of Groot slamming people and Rocket shooting his big gun
@ThugKnight – hhmmmm…
(and thank you 🙂 )
This by far is the most amazing theme I hope were both seeing a Star Wars vision here after this theme.
Multi Dynamic version (GotG Dynamic Theme v1 & v2)
@ps3 Themes – Nice surprise 🙂 Thank you.