He-Man & The Masters Of The Universe

Theme by +ULTIMUS- (OPTIMUS & uLtRaMa6nEt1c)

The Most Powerful Themes In The Universe are finally here after over a year in the making.

* All icons, He-Man, Battlecat, and Notification Bar made from scratch by OPTIMUS.
* Castle Grayskull, Snake Mountain, and the moons cut out and modified by OPTIMUS.
* Starry sky made by OPTIMUS and uLtRaMa6nEt1c.
* Sorceress, lightning, and He-Man’s energy made from scratch by uLtRaMa6nEt1c.
* All animations made by uLtRaMa6nEt1c.

2 sounds:
(optionmenu) “I Have The Poweeerrr!”
(system_ok) “Heee-Man”

Multi Dynamic Theme. Combines He-Man and Skeletor themes.
Direct link in comments below.

In memory of LOU SCHEIMER: Born October 19, 1928 / Died October 17, 2013. Rest In Peace.

[All characters, logos and/or names used and depicted in this theme are trademarks and/or registered trademarks, and are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.]
Download Here


29 thoughts on “He-Man & The Masters Of The Universe

  1. @Cannonfodder – Hey, mate, glad to hear you again! 😀

    Well, it’s now some years that I have a cancer in the brain which causes memory loss, blackouts and other problems: practically, my brain suddenly turns off for some seconds and over time, all those blackouts have also caused a partial paralysis of my body.
    Now the situation is worsening and I can no longer take care of myself, or live alone like I did so far, so I’m forced to move to my cousin’s house who will host me, providing all the help I need… 🙁
    By mid-December I’ll have to go, therefore I uploaded a “goodbye” theme last night (just a simple thing, anyway) to thank you all, friends: it should be on the site within the next 7 days 😉


  2. @DOOM – THANKS A LOT, my friend! 😀

    Well, actually my situation has worsened… even though for some time I’m no longer having those damn blackouts, meanwhile have occurred other related problems and I realized that unfortunately I can no longer take care of my self like I did so far: by now, I need to be constantly “monitored”, which basically means I need someone to help me.
    The only one who can do that is also the only living relative I still have – my cousin – therefore I’m forced moving to his house where he can host me (that’s the only way to always keep me under control) so, just like happened 4 years ago, I’ll have to leave this site… 🙁
    Anyway, I think I’ll still be here until mid-December, more or less: that’s why I’m quickly putting the finishing touches to my last theme, so that I can upload it as soon as possible and say goodbye to you all 😉

  3. my words are true, you are the greatest… a goodbye theme?? hopefully youll comment here for a while. are you ok?

  4. @DOOM – Heeeey, my friend! I’m so damn glad that you managed to see the themes in time! 😀
    Since you too like the 80s stuff (if I remember correctly) I thought you would have liked also these themes… 😉
    Thank you very much, my friend, I really REALLY appreciate your words!

    Now I’m sadly putting the finishing touches to my new “goodbye” theme: I hope you’ll manage to see this too, so I can greet you one last time… 🙁

  5. sorry i had alot going on recently..
    this is the most epic theme on the planet..
    you guys should get some kind of award for this.
    this is huge.
    i was once the best in the world at something.
    this is “that”.
    you guys are the genuine article.
    u guys didnt just raise the bar,
    you shot it into space through another demention with a death ray. lol.
    its just the product of skill that you must hone
    over a span of years of detacation. when something is created like this you just know.
    your on a level that is beyond. and to share it with us is what makes YOU epic……
    i think i speak for everyone when i say thank you. just incredible.. omg. +1

  6. @ULTRA – LOL!!!
    Hey… Where’s Doom? Did you tell him the themes are out?
    I really hope he can see them before they disappear from the home page… 🙁

  7. @Kazuya Mishima – Thank you.


    I’m looking at the screen for at least 1 hour or more, trying to catch all the details in the themes: I’m even making a list…

    Hahahaa. You wanna know what I was gonna do? I was gonna go really crazy and have Lookie pop up 1 time then disappear 😀 That would have taken another week or so.


    => KAZUYA – Thanks a lot, mate, glad you like it! 😀

    => ULTRA – You did an incredible job, mate, those energies are awesome!
    He-Man’s power really looks the original one, and for Skeletor… man, you had a brilliant idea: I really like the way the energy goes through Skeletor’s body while rotating. You’re a genius! 😀

    You know, every time I turn on the PS3, then I suddenly realize that I’m looking at the screen for at least 1 hour or more, trying to catch all the details in the themes: I’m even making a list… 😛
    Again, thank you veeery much, my friend!

  9. @Brandon & K_R_17 – Thank you very much 🙂
    @OPTIMUS – “It’s been a veeery long year of work, but I can safely state that it was definitely worth it!!!” Yes I agree. Creating the energies was the hardest part. I learned a bunch of new techniques while making these themes. I’m very glad to have exceeded your expectations. It was an honor to help you make this happen. Thank you.

  10. @uLtRaMa6nEt1c – OH… MY… GOD!!!
    I’m speechless! I mean, I already knew that the themes would have been great, thanks to your touch, but… geez, what I’m seeing far exceeds my expectations!
    The way the lightning illuminate the sky, the energy reflecting around, the eye that shines – as well as the stars and water from the mountain – the fog, the clouds, and countless other things on both themes… Man, you did an INCREDIBLE job!
    It’s been a veeery long year of work, but I can safely state that it was definitely worth it!!!
    THANK YOU SO MUCH, my friend: it was an honor!

    Now, I can “leave in peace”…

  11. THE KING OF ALL THEMES !!!!!!!!!

    WOW Thank u Ultra and Optimus

    That’s the Greatest theme of the entire galaxy.

  12. @DemiGod7 – I wanted to do a classic Thundercats and Voltron, but finding HD versions of those classics is near impossible. I might save Star Wars for PS4 too. idk

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