Theme by IronKing99
Do you remember all those movies that terrorized some and amazed others? Well here is a theme for all those horror movie lovers out there. It includes 3 sounds, 10 HD/SD wallpapers and all icons made by me. Enjoy and remember all comments welcome. Happy Halloween!!!
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@IronKing99: Well, you know, the way I see it, I think we all are the best, each one in his own specific way…
) I can say I’ve seen many of them get here and grow in a short time, making incredible themes and very good tutorials appreciated by lots of people, but they never cared about being number 1 because they do it for passion, so I can safely state that just for this reason they are already great.
For all the time I’ve been here, I’ve seen sooo many talented guys that it would be impossible to say some of them are better than others.
The point is that each one of us had/still has his own fans, who probably consider him the best, but that’s just a matter of “people’s tastes”: years ago, for example, Yogosan and I were considered as reference points by many many users, but despite this, there were lots of other theme makers that even we ourselves considered far better than us… so – back to what I said before – objectively speaking, we all are the best in our own specific way.
As you can see, there are many talented guys like uLtRaMa6nEt1c, Faxtron, DemiGod7, F-Rott, Hollow Battousai, Mr_Foxx and many others: since I’m an old member of this site (although I’m not a mummy, anyway
Also, like I always told everyone, there’s no need to aim being the best at any cost for 2 reasons:
1) It doesn’t make sense, because we make themes just for passion and the pleasure of sharing this passion with others, whether they are theme makers like us or normal users who simply appreciate our works and want to have good themes on their PS3s.
2) It would be objectively impossible because be the best/the number 1/whatever, basically means being appreciated by everybody, but actually there will always be people who dislike something of your themes (if not the whole themes).
So, if you really like to make themes and share them with others, then you just need to follow this passion… nothing more, nothing less
As for the admin: well, actually it happened that he left very nice comments in several themes sometimes
@Iron King99 for as long as I have been here I have never seen PS3 Themes posting “this is a great theme” or something like that. Exception being the anniversary page few weeks back and the forum where PS3 Themes posts when there is a problem….
As for the best theme maker….I wouldn’t be able to say. There are different kinds of themes and people with different skills and tastes. No one is good at everything which is why people often collaborate and make amazing new themes.
I was just wondering. Wondered if they ever posted any comments or anything under my themes? Do u know who the best theme maker on this site is?
@IronKing99: Uhm… why?
Anyway, if you need to contact the admin for something, you can do it by simply clicking on the “contact” tab in the upper side of the home page
Alright. Maybe on my next one. Anyone got any suggestions out there? I’ll try anything as long as it’s not like a dynamic theme. Haven’t figured those out either.
Thanks man. I know the only thing I didn’t like was the Notification Box. MIne I do always look stupid. Guess I still haven’t figured those out yet. Anyone know who runs this site? Are they a member of it?
As a matter of fact I do. Mine is IronKong55 if u want to add me. What’s yours so I know what to look for?
You can edit the icons a bit other than that the theme is fine
@IronKing99: Yeah, in the 80’s, horror movies were REALLY scary. Today’s movies just make me laugh…
Freddy/Nightmare always been one of my favourite!
Very nice theme, mate: well, maybe the icons are a little bit rough, but you did a good job.
I like it! +1!
i love the theme do u have a psn account i can add u to?
Thanks xdarkgeox. Got any suggestions or feedback about anything in particular?
Nice Icons and good work