Iron Man 3 Dynamic Theme 2.0

Theme by Ultron (uLtRaMa6nEt1c & Faxtron)

This is version 2 of Faxtron’s ‘Iron Man 3 Dynamic Theme’.
The original concept and ideas for this theme belong to Faxtron.
All animations and icons were created by uLtRaMa6nEt1c.

Thank you Faxtron for asking me to collaborate with you on this theme. It was an honor. Thank you also for providing me with the techniques to create your signature water effects 🙂

*Water moves with Faxtron’s style
*Water and Iron Man move up & down to add a little realism
*Slashing water against distant landform, Iron Man’s platform and foreground
*Iron Man’s arc reactor turns on & off slightly to simulate malfunctions
*Fire on Iron Man’s chest flickers very subtly (may not be noticeable)
*Members of the Iron Legion hover in unique ways
*Iron Legion’s fire from hands and feet flicker slightly

Icons made to resemble logo
2 Repulsor sounds – ‘optionmenu’ & ‘system_ok’

Thank you to
Download Here


40 thoughts on “Iron Man 3 Dynamic Theme 2.0

  1. That is something. Its awesome. I must say, wtf happen to his mask and glove? Still awesomemer than awesome.

    Awesomer just became a word thanks to this theme.


  2. I can’t believe two people disliked this! They must’ve missed the like button, or be extrememly jealous haters to dissaprove of such awesome talent and work! Great work to those involved! Kudos!

  3. The link below is not active.
    Iron Man 3 Dynamic Theme 3.0 coming soon with an updated link to the Iron Man 3 Multi-Dynamic Theme.
    I had to lower the entire 3.0 version of the theme by 20 pixels because the icons were in Iron Man’s face. Forgot to do that 😛

  4. @ThugKnight – It’s a multi-dynamic theme (MDT). That means it’s 2 themes in 1. The theme will change randomly on every XMB boot/reboot.
    Faxtron, Jaydee1003, and myself have tested it.

  5. the second theme did not work for me with the unlimited iron legion splashing out the water into the sky I got the splashing water part but that was it

  6. @OPTIMUS & Faxtron – OPTIMUS can make the background, Faxtron does dynamics, and I will do the icons and maybe some final touch dynamics.

    @Darksidetiti59 – visit the forum. All the info you’ll need is there.

  7. Darksidetiti59:

    Good Morning. I would like to know the stages to create the dynamics on an image. Thank you.

    Man, the process is a little complex to write a tutorial right here for that. You know, is a little elaborated, complicated and is achieved with a few tricks and programs like : photoshop, adobe after effects, adobe flash, sony vegas, dp animator maker, etc and in a few cases following finding tutorials by our own from youtube or in the web for a certain thing we want to achieve. To someone show you something like that have to be in the forum with an extensive tutorial and I thing in a series of tutorials not only with one. Thats is something I can’t do right now because that will consume much time. That tutorial will be extensive and I’m working in a few new tutorials and scripts for dynamic themes right now for all of us. Let’s see if someone like “uLtRaMa6nEt1c ” or other motivated with something like that, that know about this can help you with that. But let me tell you the job will not be easy for the writer to do and will be extensive. I hope you understand my situation why I can’t at the moment do that. Very busy and no time to do it. 🙁


    @uLtRaMa6nEt1c: Yep, I remember.
    Lol! You know, I already had this idea wandering in my mind time ago… actually, I was also thinking about making a theme all three together: you, me and Faxtron (ULTRAFAXTIMUS)
    I could maybe draw the backgrounds, icons, etc as usual and you, guys, could take care of the dynamic part by putting all the elements together, animate them and enrich them with all the special effects you want…

    Cool, I like the idea. 🙂

  9. Good Morning. I would like to know the stages to create the dynamics on an image. Thank you.

  10. @uLtRaMa6nEt1c: Sure, my friend, I will!
    (well, if I still have strength to go on, at least :P… as you can see, I’m no longer making much themes like before, and the few ones I make are quite simple…)

    As for what F-Rott said about Disruptive Publishers, I totally agree with him: they claim to be great creatives even acknowledged and rewarded by many companies, but the truth is looks like they actually make money by recycling other people’s ideas and works (just as happened with F-Rott’s “Rings of Saturn” theme long ago)
    And now that all the other sites I know seem to be dead (F-Rott and I were on other sites before), this is now the only one left from which to “borrow” other people’s stuff.
    So, guys… BEWARE!

  11. Have you guys started wondering making some Premium themes??

    Not like sony, lol i guess something like this theme = anything you want to contribute.

  12. Those icons are some of the nicest I’ve come across in some time, guys! The background is quality, too!

    This theme is leagues better than any “Pay for” theme on PSN. Watch out for Disruptive Publishers. This is so good, they’ll probably steal your ideas, because you know they will!

  13. @uLtRaMa6nEt1c: Yep, I remember.
    Lol! You know, I already had this idea wandering in my mind time ago… actually, I was also thinking about making a theme all three together: you, me and Faxtron (ULTRAFAXTIMUS)
    I could maybe draw the backgrounds, icons, etc as usual and you, guys, could take care of the dynamic part by putting all the elements together, animate them and enrich them with all the special effects you want… 😉

  14. Excuse me sir, there seems to be a problem. I cannot see the price tag anywhere.

  15. Thank you everyone. A special thanks to Faxtron and the admin.

    @OPTIMUS – Yes, co-op is a magical thing. I’ve done it with Jaydee1003 as JaydeeULTRA and with Faxtron as Ultron (it’s about time too, lol). Now it’s time for us to do co-op as UltraMagnus perhaps, or something like that, lol 😀 If you need some dynamics don’t hesitate to ask 🙂

    @Faxtron & Jaydee1003 – This theme may not be compete just yet 😉 I mentioned before about doing a version of this with an unlimited Iron Legion flying out of the water into the sky. I’m afraid it may be too repetitive, but I will give it a test over the weekend.

  16. As you guys know I am not a big fan of dynamic themes, however this is very good gentlemen…..+1

  17. Hello. I would like to know the stages to create the dynamics on an image. Thank you.

  18. @Faxtron & uLtRaMa6nEt1c:

    Cooperation is a magic word… and that’s what I would always like to see 😉

    Great job, guys!
    Jeez… I’m speechless… simply +1!!! 😀

  19. Yes… It’s finally here. Man you did a perfect and impressive work with those improvement. The theme now is complete. 🙂 Thanks for helping me in this theme. +1

  20. Yes!! These are some pretty amazing icons. I’m seeing alot of improvement! 🙂

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