Theme by Faxtron
Joker Why So Serious ? v2 Animated. Icons made by : DemonStar so all the credit for the icons to him. This theme is created following a new method propose by Glowball to makes animated themes inside on a window. For the best experience possible please drop the backgrounds brightness. Theme Settings — Background — Brightness — I recommend -2 or -3. Like always for free
The video preview HD is provided by : majid212tube
Download Here
nice one dude, uch better
@John The version 3 of this theme with the rewind effect :
@John Yes I can do that in a v3 of this theme
Make it so he loops back and fourth wipeing the smile on the window then off again, rather than cutting it at the end and him constantly wipeing it on.
Would be a 10/10 if you did that